
How to organize a webinar: instructions, tips

The type of online seminars, presentations, or conferences is a brief statement of the answer to the question what are webinars. True, despite the existence of some common features between webinars and web conferences, these are different concepts. Both events are designed to simultaneously consult, inform or meet with several people. But unlike a web conference, a webinar provides for the presence of one or more speakers and a large number of listeners. Feedback is, but at a minimum level.how to organize a webinar on skype

Webinar Benefits

The organization of webinars is an excellent solution for many enterprises and companies, as it saves a lot of working time and financial resources.

For example, company activities include regular, traditional seminars and conferences. Their implementation requires renting a room, ordering souvenir products, organizing lunch and coffee breaks for all participants, as well as making it necessary to pay for the road and accommodation of participants invited from other cities.
how to organize a webinar

As a result, the cost of the event is expressed in considerable numbers. Today, using the Internet is becoming the most convenient replacement for classic conferences. Among other advantages, it should also be taken into account that in this way existing and potential customers living in different cities have the opportunity to participate in the webinar. They do not have to find the time and money to travel.

And finally, it is worth mentioning such an important advantage of webinars as the simplicity of their recording. The decision is made before organizing a webinar. After the event, this entry can be sent to all interested persons who could not attend.

What you need for a webinar

The organization of such an event requires a computer connected to the Internet.  webinar creation programA program (service) is also needed, with which the broadcast will be possible. How to organize a webinar on the Internet? Sites that provide such services are quite popular, and finding the right one is easy. True, you need to pay attention to the list of features that the service provides. If you need to broadcast the speaker’s desktop, videos or presentations, make sure that this will be possible before organizing the webinar.

Webinar preparation

Often, services that allow you to conduct webinars are paid. Their rates are quite affordable and differentiated, so each organizer of an online meeting can choose the price that suits him. The amount is affected by the number of people participating in the event, as well as the duration and difficulty level of the webinar. There are sites offering free services, but, as a rule, they have a number of restrictions.

Specialists do not recommend planning too long webinars. As you know, prolonged concentration and sitting in one pose at the monitor will not attract even the most interested people. The optimal duration of the event should be considered an interval from 45 to 60 minutes, since after an hour of stress attention tends to dissipate. Also, recommendations on how to organize a webinar include advice to hold meetings in the morning (about 10 hours), until people have a fresh perception and are not distracted by other things.

Statement of material

The webinar creation program requires a responsible and careful approach.The purpose of the event is to inform offer or master class. In any case, the organizer is interested in the participants perceiving what he plans to tell.  how to organize a webinar on youtubeThe correct presentation of the material is the main factor affecting the perception of the audience. Therefore, the information should be structured, presented in an accessible form and distributed into blocks. Slides, illustrations and other visualization methods (graphs, charts, tables) are mandatory.

Invitation to participants

After the preparation is completed, you can proceed to invite future participants. The most common way is to send emails. Also highly effective is attracting an audience from social networks, blogs and thematic sites.

Before you organize a webinar, which has a fairly narrow focus, you should take care of good advertising. The maximum number of potential participants should be aware of the topic of the event, place and time of its holding.

When should I send an invitation?

The optimal time for sending invitations is considered to be 14 days. In two weeks, customers will be able to make a schedule convenient for them and add a webinar to it. In addition, during this time their enthusiasm will not have time to cool. When there is one or two days left before the event, customers who have confirmed their participation should be sent a reminder of its holding.webinar organization

Webinar procedure

To ensure a worthy level of the event and timely eliminate possible technical troubles, it is better for the organizer to invite a moderator. The question of the possibility of feedback should be resolved before creating a webinar.

By the way, the materials that are used during the event can and should be sent to the visitors present.

The video recording of the webinar will come in handy in order to send it to registered but not connected clients. It should be prepared for the fact that there will be a much smaller number of people than registered.

It is good practice to send out questionnaires asking them to evaluate the quality and usefulness of the webinar. Such a measure is extremely important if this is one of the organizer's first events, because it will help to polish the shortcomings of the presentation and make future webinars more effective.

The Importance of Personal Communication

Immediately at the beginning of the event, the speaker must necessarily introduce himself using a webcam to give clients an idea of ​​what kind of speaker he is. This is especially true if during the webinar it is planned to demonstrate presentations, slides and other materials, since in the future he may not have the opportunity to show his face to the public. what are webinars

Finishing the webinar, you should answer the questions asked. This point is also convenient for activating a webcam, as this technique strengthens the connection between the speaker and clients.

Skype Webinars: Features and Limitations

If you need an urgent video conference with several people, you can use Skype. The program, familiar to many, allows you to create a collective conversation with a maximum number of participants of 25 people (in theory). In fact, normal quality is maintained with the participation of no more than 10 people. Sometimes you even have to turn off the video call and confine yourself to the conversation, as well as text messages.

How to organize a webinar on Skype:

  1. Determine who will take part in the event, select these people and make a list of subscribers. To do this, open the “Conversations” menu and click on “Add People”. The selected names in the left list will be highlighted in blue, after the “Select” and “Add” virtual keys are pressed, the preparation can be considered completed.
  2. The choice of communication method.This can be a chat, a simple conversation or a webinar using a webcam (paid function). In the latter case, all participants will see each other, which is an advantage, but for high quality images and no glitches you need good internet. The organizer's computer must be connected to the network with a data transfer rate of at least 1024 Kbps. If he does not have such an opportunity, it makes sense to contact one of the partners and use his computer.
  3. Connecting new members. This is possible only from the perspective of the organizer. In addition to people from his contact list, he can call the owner of a regular phone. If you have a subscription to the Skype tariff plan, the call will not cost a penny. Otherwise, you can pay it from your account on Skype.

After the conference, the list of participants is saved and can be reused. You can also view messages and materials attached to the conversation.

For fans of video conferencing, Skype offers a free trial period (week).

How to organize a webinar on Youtube?

So, we can conclude that webinars are a rather effective and easy-to-use tool for almost any business. Having figured out what webinars are, and appreciating their effectiveness, many people begin to look for the opportunity to save on them. The organization of meetings in rented rooms is usually paid, and Skype is not able to provide sufficient broadcast quality. The solution is to use the most famous Youtube video site. how to organize a webinar on the InternetIn order to be able to conduct free webinars on this site, you should complete the computer preparation:

  • Sign up for Google+.
  • Register your channel on Youtube and bind it to Google+.
  • Put the minimum number of videos with neutral content on the channel (do not post unlicensed music).
  • Go to the Google Chrome browser as it contains the Hangouts plugin package.


First, go to your Youtube channel, go to the “Video” menu tab:

  1. The next step will be the selection of "Live Events". Here you need to click on "Schedule a new broadcast."
  2. Setting the time of the webinar, you should carefully consider the definition of time zone.
  3. Next, you need to enter data on the name and description of the theme of the event. When everything is ready, you can click "Create Event".
  4. To check the health and correctness of the settings, you need to click "Start a video call." In the window that opens, you will see all the operation buttons with which you can turn off the microphone and camcorder, activate the screen demonstration, and get to work ("Start Broadcast"). If a demonstration of auxiliary materials is planned, they should be prepared, and all windows open.
  5. When you click on "Show links" you can see two windows. The link from the top sent to listeners will lead them to this platform.

When copying the bottom to a specially created page on your site, you can transfer the entire webinar to your resource.

Benefits of Youtube Webinars

This service is considered one of the most reliable, it does not set limits on the number of participants in webinars, and all visitors will play well.

In addition, there is a function to automatically record broadcasts (up to 120 minutes), and participants can rewind the video at the right time.

In the absence of a fee for use, the adaptation of the broadcast to the speed of the viewer and the existence of an image quality setting (HD) becomes a good bonus.

A feature of this service is a small delay in signal transmission. She is 30 seconds. This factor should be taken into account and paused while waiting for answers to questions to the audience.create your webinar

Having familiarized yourself with the existing methods of working on the Internet, you can quickly organize an online meeting. Create your webinar and take your business to the next level!

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