
What is a banner and how does it differ from a flag

Poems were written about him by Vladimir Vysotsky and Robert Rozhdestvensky, the loss of this attribute was a shame, and the person who lost it was punished with death. All this is about the banner. Seeming a common thing today, it once played an important role in society, especially during wars. However, today many people forget that the word “banner” means confusing it with a flag. Meanwhile, these concepts, although related, have a different etymology and essence.

The word "banner": meaning

A banner is a piece of fabric with an image, inscription or emblem on its two sides. The banner is mounted on a special pole. It was originally used during battles, as an indicator to soldiers, for a gathering place. what is a bannerIn the old days, the banner was also called banner, ensign or a banner.

Banner and flag: what is the difference

Reliably not knowing what a banner is, people sometimes confuse it with a flag. However, the two terms have clear differences.

  1. Flag - a piece of fabric, usually rectangular in shape. Whereas the banner can be of any configuration.word banner meaning
  2. The flag is a one-sided product, and the banner consists of two sections of fabric sewn together, on each of which something is depicted or written.
  3. The banner is nailed to a special pole-holder. The flag is raised with a cord on the flagpoles, although sometimes it is also attached to the pole.
  4. Each banner is unique in its kind, the flag is mass production.

the banner means

5. The design of the flag is usually simple, in the old days it was sewn from several pieces of fabric, today it is simply printed. The banner was always made of expensive fabrics, decorated with embroidery and fringe.the word banner means

The study of banners and flags is carried out by the special science of vexillology (from the Latin name for the banner vexillum). Vexillologist scientists are studying the questions of what is a banner, a flag, what are their subspecies. In addition, they explore the evolution of these objects and people's ideas about them at different times.

Banner, banner, pennant, standard and ensign

Knowing what a banner is, it will be useful to get acquainted with the meaning of such kindred words as banner, banner, standard, pennant and prapor.

A banner is an ancient name for a banner. Most of the banners were so long that they had to be carried separately in a cart, after the army.

A banner is a type of banner that usually depicted Jesus Christ or saints patronizing the army. This type of banner hung vertically.

Pennant - a tiny flag of triangular shape (sometimes rectangular), which decorated the top of the spear of the knights in the Middle Ages.

A standard is a military symbol attached to a pole, akin to a banner, but smaller. Used in the Middle Ages. Most often on standards depicted lions, griffins and other heraldic animals.the word banner means

Prapor is a small banner with long tails. Personal nobleman sign. In Europe it was called a standard.

The origin of the words “banner” and “flag”, as well as their synonyms

Having understood what a banner is and how it differs from a flag, it will be interesting to find out where these words came from.

The word “banner” came from the old Russian verb “to know” (in the meaning of “distinguish, notice”). The words “banner” and “sign” that arose during the same period were also of the same root. The name itself suggests that banner means a distinguishing mark.

But the word “flag” came to the Russian language thanks to Peter I, passion as a lover of everything overseas. At the end of the XVII century, at his command, the word "flag" (from the Latin flagrum - "whip") began to be actively used by the military and sailors.

The notorious word "banner" arose from pull together (to someone).But “ensign” came from the Old Slavonic word “poropor”, meaning something light, weightless. By the way, the words “feather” and “soar” also came from the lexeme “poropor”. It is noteworthy that at first the ensigns were called carriers of ensigns, and only much later the word became the name of the officer rank.

What is included in the banner complex

If in the old days the banner was just a richly embroidered piece of fabric, now a whole banner complex has been created for it. It consists of:

  1. Directly the banner itself, consisting of two pieces of fabric sewn together.
  2. Stock is part of a banner on which there is no image. It is just a fabric designed to wrap it around a pole.
  3. A wooden pole on which the banner is fastened with the help of specialized banner nails. Below the shaft is inserted into a special metal underflow.
  4. At the top of the pole, as a rule, a top is placed in the form of an arrow or a ball. Brushes, ribbons or other decorative elements are attached to the top.
  5. Bracket - a metal plate (or ring) located on a pole just below the banner.
  6. Protective cover for the banner.
  7. A special band on which the standard bearer bears a banner. Usually a shoulder is tied.

Famous rows

There is also an outdated concept today - "banner series". Previously, the so-called infantrymen of the lower ranks located near the banner. Their function was to protect the character in battle.

Today, for an ordinary person, a banner and a flag are just a beautiful tradition and a sign of belonging to a collective, unit, or one or another state. However, for people participating in hostilities, both the flags and banners of their native country are sacred, as well as for their ancestors.

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