
What is an outfit in the army and how can I get it?

Those who are going to join the Armed Forces of the Russian Army, their friends and relatives, are undoubtedly concerned about the question of what is the outfit in the army? Of course, television makes it clear that this is not a new form, but a certain type of work for the guilty fighter and, therefore, something unpleasant and difficult.

what is an outfit in the army

There are different

But, it turns out, the idea of ​​a layman, not familiar with military life, about what an outfit in the army is, is not entirely correct. This is really work, but it is mandatory for all fighters, and it becomes a punishment when a soldier receives it out of turn for any mistake. In the modern army, this has already been canceled. The types of outfits in the army are very diverse. They differ in the place of passage and duration in time, as well as in the number of required people.

The usual thing

What does an army outfit mean? This is work on the territory of a military unit, which includes a kitchen, utility rooms, an agricultural yard, and so on. The fighters who received it are sent there. But, in addition to work, they must undergo training, engage in military training, so they can additionally work no more than 4 hours a day. What is the outfit in the army, are well represented by those soldiers who were on combat duty. In this case, they perform their duties in conditions martial law.

The soldier needs rest too

Also, the outfit may be on guard of military equipment, warehouses, banners and military personnel who are subject to disciplinary punishment. This is called an object guard. A patrol or garrison outfit is necessary in order to maintain public order on the territory of the garrison in which the military unit is located. The military should be guarded and taken care of on their own. Therefore, the daily outfit does this for 24 hours, and the next day during the same time rests.

what are they doing in the army

Specific responsibilities

In order to cope with such work, you need to know how and what to do. For this, the soldiers before the daily outfit are allowed to prepare for 3 hours and rest for 1 hour. Then they are instructed.

The structure of the daily outfit includes the duty officer on the part and his deputy. These are usually officers. They are responsible for everything that happens in the unit during their stay in the outfit. The military are on duty at headquarters, at a checkpoint. In addition to security functions, the outfit maintains cleanliness in the premises. It's no secret that the army always loved cleanliness. The hardest thing is for soldiers who are on duty "on the nightstand."

Not easy, but necessary

Many servicemen recall that standing in one position for a long time is the most difficult thing they do in a military outfit. Moreover, this happens at night. It is possible to sleep very little. But we must remember that he protects the company from unauthorized visits, and this in wartime will save the lives of his comrades. And in peacetime, the enemy can infiltrate the territory of the unit. Therefore, so that the soldier does not relax, but performs the service, as it should, and does not sleep at the post, the duty officer partly checks his condition several times during the day.

what does an army outfit mean

What changed?

Many, imagining what an outfit is in the army, see in their imagination a soldier who peels a mountain of potatoes in the kitchen. But these days you will not meet such a picture. The soldiers are freed from such work, and there are no outfits in the kitchen.

Specially hired staff prepares and cleans the dining room. So today's soldiers are deprived of the opportunity to test their gastronomic abilities.But they still have time to take turns attending other outfits, of which there are still a lot in our army.

Some features

But some irresponsible individuals simply refuse to go there. This is due to the fact that the legal protection of a soldier has recently grown. The prosecutor's office and the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers vigilantly ensure that the calm life of the army is not disturbed by anything. Therefore, sending the same soldier to the same outfit is prohibited, otherwise he may complain about excessive exploitation. It has become easier to abandon the dress these days because before allowing the execution of this type of work, fighters are examined by a health worker. The poor health of the serviceman is the reason for this. To get on guard, you need to undergo testing with a psychiatrist who will determine whether a person is ready to perform such duties.

types of outfits in the army

It has become difficult to punish disobedience, because the only effective method - guardhouse, has become practically inaccessible. To send a soldier there, you must go through a judicial procedure, and before that, collect a lot of papers.

Therefore, the command is trying not to do this, but to influence the offender with his own example, reprimands and orders. The statistics of detected offenses are kept in part, therefore officers will not make it public domain that there are disciplinary violations in it. But the military should remember that they are in the service of the state, and behave appropriately, maintaining their own dignity and following all the orders of the commanders.

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