
What is an oath in the army?

The oath in the army is a real event for recruits. It represents a ceremonial solemn oath, which every citizen entering the service is obliged to give. So, we should talk in more detail about this process itself.

army oath

What's the point?

Such a procedure as taking the oath in the army originates in ancient times. Since ancient times, a person entering the service had to go through this. And this was not only in Russia. Military oath exists in many states of the world. Of course, the content is specific, as are the rites with traditions regarding its adoption. It all depends on the customs of a particular country and the essence of the state system. But the meaning, however, is the same in all cases. An oath in the army is given by a recruit as a solemn oath of allegiance to his state.


The text of the oath has been copied more than once. And in the modern edition it is as brief and capacious as possible. The first thing a recruit should say is the following phrase: “I (full name) solemnly swear allegiance to my Fatherland - the Russian Federation”. And then - according to the established text. It should be known well, however, as a rule, no one memorizes. Since future fighters are given folders (usually red), in which there is text. In principle, the bottom line is that the future soldier vows to comply with the Constitution of the state, as well as strictly comply with all orders of commanders. And of course, to fulfill our military duty and defend the freedom of the motherland. In order for a serviceman to assume these responsibilities, there is an oath in the army. The text of the oath to the soldiers must be issued for review.

how many oath in the army

How is the celebration going?

So, the oath in the army takes place on a specific day, at a specific time. Usually early in the morning (about 9 hours). The military unit should line up on the parade ground (foot system). All recruits on this day put on their dress uniforms and take weapons. There should also be an orchestra on the parade ground. When the celebration begins, the combat banner of the unit, as well as the flag of the state, are brought to the parade ground. The servicemen who will have to take the oath are always lined up in the first ranks. Before the ceremony, the commander of the military unit speaks his word. Usually he reminds all new recruits that now they are given a very responsible and at the same time honorable duty - to swear an oath to their Fatherland. After a brief speech, they recruit new recruits, naturally, one at a time. Each of them fails, reads the text of the oath, and then signs in a well-prepared list opposite his own surname. In principle, that’s all. After this procedure, the rookie returns to duty, and the next one is called up.

When it all ends, the commander of the military unit says congratulations. Guests can also make a speech - veterans or officials (usually representatives of local authorities). In conclusion, the national anthem of the Russian Federation performed by the orchestra sounds. After that, the military unit in its entirety passes along the parade ground with a solemn march.

army oath

After the oath

When the celebration ends, the soldiers are given free time, which they can spend with their parents and relatives. The day on which the oath takes place is considered a day off in the army. Usually, and the next two days, recruits are given dismissal. Relatives are allowed to take the oath, but be sure to bring a passport with you. In some parts, however, everything is too strict: only parents can come to the celebration, and those people who came with them (friends, a soldier’s girl, etc.).

Unfortunately, there is one caveat.If the parents did not come to the celebration, then the soldier will not be fired and he will have two days, which could be a weekend, to be in the territory of the unit.

 army oath text

Important information

In brief, some other aspects that everyone should be aware of should be discussed. Here, for example, is a question that interests many: through how much does the oath in the army take? Usually in a month, but sometimes it happens earlier. However, before this event takes place, the soldier must take the so-called young fighter course. This is the very first period of military service. During it, soldiers acquire the initial military experience. Recruits must undergo a general physical training course, learn safety precautions, as well as the charter. Another soldier trained in machine gun shooting. Often they take a professional course in their specialty. For example, an aircraft mechanic, a radar operator, a gunner, a radio operator, etc.

Interestingly, foreigners who are contracted by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are not called upon to take the oath. That is, they do not take the oath of allegiance to the Russian Federation. They only accept the obligation to comply with the Constitution, as well as the orders of commanders.

In general, the event is definitely important for every recruit. It is very good that it is still solemn even in our days, when everyone is trying to reduce it to formality.

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