
The current rules for the use of gas in the home (RF)

Most of the population of our country actively uses household gas, since it is carried out not only in apartments, but also in private houses. Often emergencies occur, especially when safety precautions are not followed. The rules for using gas in everyday life will prevent various unpleasant situations. You just need to use them always.

Gas supply to houses

household gas regulations

The use of gas for heating / water heating is possible due to the low price of the fossil. After the initial processing, it is cleaned of impurities, additives. Since the network of gas pipelines is developed, fuel can be obtained anywhere. Gas is used for:

  • cooking;
  • water heating;
  • space heating.

To cook, gas stoves are used that are conveniently connected and work without interruption. If the house does not have hot water, then you can create a heating system. In the absence of central heating in the house, gas can be equipped. By installing the boiler, you can independently control the temperature in the house. For whatever purpose the equipment is used, it requires proper operation and regular checks.

Community Responsibilities

Everyone must comply with the rules for using gas in everyday life. The Russian Federation regulates this area through laws. The population must know the rules for using gas. Supervisory authorities should issue instructions with recommendations for the operation of devices.

Rules for using gas in the home of the Russian Federation

It is important to constantly monitor the operation of gas equipment, chimneys, ventilation. Before turning on the gasified furnace, make sure that the gate is open. Regular cleaning of the “pocket” of the chimney is required. After using the equipment, close the taps of the devices, and when installing the cylinders, close the valves.

If there is no gas supply, then turn off the burners, and then inform the emergency service about this. If the equipment malfunctions, it is necessary to call specialists. If there is a smell of gas, you need to turn off the device and ventilate the room. The emergency service is called by telephone 04.

Necessary Rules

Safety in the house is ensured by the rules for the use of gas in the home. 86-P (the law that entered into force on April 26, 1990) contains the basic rules that allow the competent operation of equipment. Inspection and repair of gas pipelines, according to this document, should be performed only by specialists who have presented a certificate. When the installation of cylinders occurs, the room must be vacated. Fire should be lit only in the absence of a gas odor.

briefing on the rules for using gas at home

Responsibilities of residents include timely payment for services, the cost of which is set by the supplier. In winter, the head should be checked regularly so that it does not freeze or clog. These elementary rules for using gas in everyday life will prevent many unfavorable situations.

What is forbidden to do?

The current rules for the use of gas in the home state the need for measures that are necessary for the proper operation of the equipment. There are prohibited actions for users:

  • independent gasification, rearrangement, equipment repair;
  • redevelopment in a room where gas appliances are present, as well as changing the area of ​​rooms without coordination with the relevant authorities;
  • making adjustments to the design of equipment, smoke systems, channels;
  • shutdown of safety and regulation automation, as well as operation of faulty devices;
  • use of gas in the presence of violations in the density of masonry, plastering furnaces and chimneys.

What else cannot gas users do on their own?

The rules for safe use of gas in everyday life require regular inspections and cleanings of the chimney, ventilation. Using this equipment is prohibited. Devices cannot be used in rooms where window panes, blinds, and faulty ventilation are closed.

household gas regulations 86 p

Turned on equipment should not be left unattended. Children should not use it themselves; adults should do this. Devices must be used strictly for their intended purpose. It is forbidden to dry laundry over equipment. No need to open fire to detect leaks. Devices must not be damaged.

All these and other rules include the rules for using gas in the home. 86-P dated 04/26/1990 (order of the Federal State Institution “Rosstroygazification” under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR) allows you to determine the actions for certain cases. For violation of the rules provides for administrative liability. Briefing on the rules for using gas in everyday life is carried out by service specialists. Residents are usually given instructions.

Rules for the operation of gas appliances

The rules for safe use of gas in everyday life are extremely simple. Before turning on the stove, the room must be ventilated. Equipment cranes must be closed, only then can the device be turned on.

rules for safe use of gas at home

It is necessary to light a match, bring it to the burner, open the switch. Gas should ignite throughout the burner. The flame is usually calm, bluish. If burner rings are used, they should be installed with the ribs up. No need to turn on a strong fire. If the dishes have a wide bottom, burner rings with high ribs are used.

After boiling the contents of the container, the flame must be reduced. After cooking, carefully turn off the gas. Before using the oven, you should first open it for a while. The stove must be clean, otherwise with incomplete combustion of gas, carbon monoxide forms.

A responsibility

violation of the rules for using gas at home

Violation of the rules for using gas in everyday life is punishable. This was established by the State Duma with the help of a bill. Failure to comply with the rules entails administrative liability. The following actions are recognized as violations:

  • non-compliance with safety requirements;
  • improper use of gas, as well as inaction when equipment breaks down;
  • use of equipment without a service contract;
  • repair of the device by a non-specialist;
  • operation of the equipment when its life has passed;
  • use of a device recognized as inappropriate to repair;
  • gas supply after the instrument has expired.

For such acts fines are provided: for citizens 500-3000 rubles, for officials - 2.5-5 thousand rubles, and for legal - 5-30 thousand rubles. Based on the violation, the employee of the State Housing Inspection draws up a protocol.

What to do with a gas leak?

Gas remains dangerous to human life and health. It not only poisons, but also explodes. Pure propane has no smell, and therefore, a special odorant will be required to recognize it. Necessary handling of cylinders, stove.

Even if a leak has been detected, you cannot:

  • repair equipment yourself;
  • tie ropes to pipes and do not use them for grounding;
  • Do not leave operating devices unattended.

If a strong smell of gas is felt in the room, it is urgent to shut off its supply, and then ventilate the room. Call emergency service. No need to light a fire or use other appliances.

Gas equipment check

Gas appliances are considered hazardous, so regular inspection is required. This work is performed only by a specialist. Warranty service allows you to identify equipment failures in time.

current household gas regulations

Gas appliances in multi-storey buildings come in 2 types:

  • intra-house: cranes and risers in the entrance;
  • intra-apartment: equipment in the living room.

By law, the homeowner is responsible for the operability of gas appliances. Verification should be carried out regularly by specialized companies. This work is carried out on the basis of a contract.

Responsibility for the quality of equipment operation is assigned to management companies. Instrument inspection should be performed every year. The contract for the implementation of such services is executed in writing. Supervisory authorities issue rules for the use of gas in the home.

Verification Features

Maintenance involves performing a routine check of equipment for suitability. Household appliances are risers, cranes and other elements of the system located in the entrances. The service is performed by the management organization.

The equipment located in the dwelling is referred to as in-house equipment. It can be heating boilers, water heaters, stoves, pipes. The service contract is drawn up by the owner of the apartment.

The document is a guarantee of security, as well as the implementation of the necessary work to check and repair equipment. An agreement is concluded with companies that are subject to the following requirements:

  • the company carries out work on the transportation and distribution of gas;
  • has an agreement with the supplier;
  • the company passes certification;
  • has an emergency dispatch service.

The availability of a maintenance document is necessary for its owner. This means that the initiator of the audit can be both the owner of the premises and the managing organization. Compliance with these simple rules extends the life of the equipment.

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