
Rules of conduct on the street. Rules of conduct in public places

We all go out daily and visit public places. For kids, such walks can be a serious danger. In order not to get into trouble and not cause inconvenience to people around you, you must follow the rules of behavior on the street. This applies to adults, adolescents, and primary school students.

Public place concept

street rules

Public areas include public areas. These are transport, shops, canteens, museums, libraries, as well as the street itself. When you leave the house, you find yourself in a public place. Besides you, there are many people who walk, rush to work and go about their business. The rules of behavior on the street allow everyone to be polite and not to disturb others.

Adults should explain to children what is possible and what cannot be done in public places. Along with the rules of etiquette, there are also norms of safe behavior, the knowledge of which helps children to avoid difficult, and sometimes even tragic situations. The road is a place of increased danger, so children should know when and where it can be crossed. The school curriculum includes the subject of life safety, in which students learn the rules of behavior on the street.

How to behave on the street

rules of conduct in public places

Before leaving the house, you should carefully examine yourself in the mirror. Shoes and clothes should be clean, hair style neat.

Having met a familiar person on the street, you need to say hello first. However, you should not shout a greeting and wave your arms if there is a large distance between you.

It is worth remembering that in our country there is a right-hand traffic. This applies not only to transport, but also to pedestrians. The rules of conduct in public places imply that when walking along the sidewalk you need to adhere to the right side so as not to disturb other pedestrians.

Trying to overtake someone, you can not push your elbows. You should apologize and ask the person in front to give way to you. If asked to do so, step aside and skip the pedestrian.

The elders need to give way, as well as hold the door, letting them go forward, at the entrance or exit of buildings.

If a person fell nearby, you need to help him to his feet and pick up bags.

Pointing at someone or anything with your finger is considered indecent.

Wrappers, bottles and other rubbish need to be thrown into special bins.

Rules of etiquette

basic rules of conduct

Rules of conduct in public places teach courtesy. You should not scream, let alone swear. You need to talk so that only the interlocutor can hear.

Men should be careful about women and girls. They must help their companions, carry heavy bags, support on difficult sections of the road.

According to the rules of etiquette, a man goes on the left side of a woman, supporting her with his right hand. In the event of any threat, he covers himself with a companion.

If the father and mother are walking with the child, he goes between them.

The younger ones must give way to the elders, men to women. If people of the same age and gender meet on the way, a more polite person will skip ahead.

When coughing or sneezing in a public place, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or palm.

Traffic Laws

rules of safe behavior on the street

Rules for safe behavior on the street teach you how to behave on the road. They need to start learning from an early age. To do this, children's books with traffic rules are published to help parents.

Before crossing the road, you need to look around and make sure that there are no moving vehicles nearby.

You can start driving only at the green traffic light.

In busy places it is better to use the underpasses. If they are not, then you should look for a pedestrian crossing.

Crossing the road in the wrong place even in the absence of moving cars is strictly prohibited.

If there is no sidewalk near the road, you need to move along the side of the road towards the stream of transport. Reflective elements should be on the clothes so that drivers can notice you in the evening.

Behavior in public transport

Public transport includes buses, trams, trolleybuses, shuttle taxis and the subway. The rules of behavior of children on the street explain how to get around the transport standing at the bus stop. The car, bus and trolleybus should be skirted only at the rear, and the tram should be skirted in front. In this case, you must definitely look along the sides of the road.

Entering the transport, we must skip ahead of the elders and women. The man should go first to give a hand and help his companion come down.

Women and older people should give way.

Entering public transport, you need to pay the fare and take up free space.

When driving, be sure to hold the handrails so that when braking you do not push a passenger standing nearby.

Talk with the satellite quietly. Shouting and running on the bus is not allowed. Pushing your passengers with your elbows, squeezing toward the exit, is considered bad form. Better to ask you to skip.

Metro Guidelines

street student rules

Metro is an underground public transport, which is an increased danger.

The basic rules of conduct in the subway can be found on billboards in the lobby of the subway, as well as in train cars.

Standing on the escalator, you need to hold on to the handrails. Sitting and running on it is prohibited. When entering the escalator, you should hold the children’s hand.

Entering the car, you need to immediately go further from the door so as not to interfere with the passage of other passengers. It is impolite to fall apart on a seat and put your feet in the aisle.

In the train car, it is necessary to give way to the elderly and pregnant women. You should not push your passengers with your elbows.

It’s better to prepare in advance for getting out of the car so that you don’t get through the crowd later. If you didn’t manage to get out on time, you need to go to the next station, get out, and then go back.

Smoking ban

Rules of conduct on the street and in public places prohibit smoking and drinking alcohol. Recently, a law has been in force in our country, thanks to which smoking rooms have been removed from all cafes and restaurants. It is worth remembering this when going with friends to have a meal or spend time at the bar.

Smoking and drinking alcohol in city squares and parks is also prohibited. Citizens who violate the law face a fine.

You can not smoke near the metro, on the staircases of porches, in public institutions, near schools and kindergartens, at airports, as well as at stations and trains.

Student Behavior

rules of conduct for children on the street

Students, as well as adults, must abide by the rules of behavior and be polite. This should be monitored by parents and teachers. Best of all, children learn by example. From an early age they observe the behavior of others and try to repeat it.

Of course, it’s difficult to calm the sonorous crowd of schoolchildren hurrying home after school. However, explaining to them that noise is not necessary on the street is an adult's task.

Our moms and dads are a great example. Watching them, children learn etiquette, begin to respect the older people, greet, give way. From such noble deeds the norms of behavior are formed.

Politeness and good breeding are the main signs of a person who knows and complies with the rules of behavior on the street and in public places. It is pleasant to communicate with such people, and they are respected in society.

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