
The demographic policy of the Russian Federation. Demographic and Family Policy

Have you ever thought about how the state interacts with the population? Why do people need it at all? Just to pay taxes to him? In fact, the state does a lot for ordinary people. We just don’t notice it. One of the forms of interaction with the population is population policy. This is a huge part of the work of any state interested in increasing its population.

Subject of conversation

population policy

Demographic policy is a whole complex of measures. It is carried out with the aim of population growth. That is, this is a whole list of various activities that increase fertility. Only after all, people will start having children, provided that they can feed them. Consequently, demographic policy is closely linked with other sectors of the state. It is considered only in conjunction with them. The social policy of the state is closely connected with the demographic. That is, to increase the population, the government takes all kinds of measures aimed at supporting families. Thus, there is a socio-demographic policy. It includes decisions made by government agencies aimed at supporting those people who seek to increase the population. Only all this is only part of the demographic policy.


No matter how much you care about population growth, it does naturally decrease. And the truth is, nobody lives forever. Only the state cannot ignore this issue. It is necessary to create conditions for people to live longer. This is part of population policy. Programs are being adopted whose goal is to improve living conditions and medical care. That is, the demographic policy of countries as a whole affects not only the social sphere. After all, how many benefits do not pay, and if the family is deprived of normal medical support, then it is difficult to raise children, especially healthy and active. So they argue in almost all states.

social and demographic policy

It is not enough to have a large number of people, it is necessary that he work for the good of the country. Ordinary people do not know how this is achieved. We are at best provided with statistics. And behind them is the huge work of the state to develop hospitals, medical centers and so on.

Economic conditions

Family-demographic policy of any country aims to create conditions for population growth. But think for yourself, do people begin to give birth to children when they know for sure that they don’t have the means to support them? This, of course, happens. Only the state is not interested in having children appear in dysfunctional families. He needs an educated and able-bodied population.

And in this direction it works. To do this, it encourages entrepreneurs to create jobs. After all, if there is work, then there is a salary. Here you can already think about the kids. It turns out that the economic policy of the state is closely related to demographic. Although one cannot replace another. Demographic and family policies are still aimed at developing the population. And economic - to increase the welfare of the state. However, their goals intersect when it comes to family. It is for its stable existence and growth that the government and other bodies work.

How to stimulate fertility

family demographic policy

Who was preparing for the appearance of the child, he was convinced from his own experience that the state was not asleep here either. It does not let things go by itself.After all, mom needs special conditions in order to bear the fruit, takes care of the baby that has appeared. You will say that women themselves cope with their problems. It's not like that at all. In this case, the family’s demographic policy enters into force. She lies in the fact that mom gets all sorts of benefits. Namely, holidays, which, incidentally, are paid. This is the work of the state. It enacts laws that allow a woman to calmly prepare for childbirth.

We consider vacation a natural thing. However, it should be remembered that sick leave before and after childbirth are not issued in many countries. Next, mommy has the right to ask the state for money in special cases. It will be provided, albeit minimally. It should be said here that in some European countries such an allowance is gigantic by our standards. The population is older, no one wants to give birth. So the state has to come up with all sorts of incentives for its citizens. On the other hand, there are countries that have to pursue other goals. China, for example. There, on the contrary, they are struggling with fertility.

Special programs

In order for women to give birth, a lot of things are done by the state. Entire institutions research the situation to understand what people lack, why they don’t have children. So, in Russia it was found out that one of the reasons is the lack of housing. This is a very real problem. Many young families are not able to get their own mansions. I have to huddle with my parents. What kind of children are there, if we ourselves have nowhere to stay? This state of affairs cannot suit the state. It can remain without citizens.

demographic and family policy

The demographic policy of the Russian Federation is directed in a different direction. The country needs people. Therefore, a program was invented and adopted in accordance with which families receive a tidy certificate.
These money can be spent on different needs. Including the construction and purchase of housing. By the way, most of the citizens spend their money on this. Two problems were solved right away: the population is growing, and even it is getting houses.

About the quality of the population

Already in passing it was said that the state wants the people to be happy, able-bodied, educated and educated. This is another big part of his politics. It is necessary to create conditions so that children can develop, and parents contributed to this. If you think that this is not so important for the state, then you are mistaken. Any country is developing thanks to its citizens. And if the population thinks only about where to steal or how to get drunk, then the state will quickly decline. He needs people to work, create new industries, generate ideas and implement them. Then the state develops and gets richer. The demographic policy of the Russian Federation is built exactly like this. To give little money to mothers for housing. We also need to build schools, open sections, encourage children to play sports. This is also part of population policy. The population must be developed, creative.

About the disabled

demographic policies of countries

Part of the demographic policy is aimed at making people with disabilities feel comfortable. After all, they are the same citizens as everyone else. For them, the conditions for education and the realization of talents are created. It's no secret that people with disabilities are not very willing to accept work. The state stimulates entrepreneurs by creating benefits for them in the employment of such citizens.

Population migration

We are all talking about fertility, but this is not enough. Well, women give birth to children, the state will educate them, and they will take them and leave abroad. The country from this damage. After all, mostly educated and creative people leave. They are lured by large salaries. The state is struggling with this, it does not need people to leave for other countries. This is done in many ways. For example, there is an idea to force university graduates to work out a certain time in the country.And it is better to create conditions for specialists so that they themselves do not seek to go anywhere.

demographic policy

The importance of propaganda

We are talking more and more about material incentives. However, there is another side to the demographic policy. People need to form an attitude towards the family so that they respect and value it. This is what propaganda does. For example, the media focuses on highlighting the lives of large families. Do not assume that they themselves have decided so.

There is a program pushing them to this. In addition, educational institutions regularly hold events aimed at building respect for the institution of the family. These are all parts of population policy. So you go to the holidays arranged in your city? They are not always held at the initiative of local authorities or activists. This is part of state policy. The government sends a decree to places so that holidays are held there and the family is chanted. That’s what they’re doing.

Childhood protection

family demographic policy

There is one more important question. Any woman is capable of giving birth, as they say. Only children need to be brought up, look after them, feed in the end. Unfortunately, there are women who do not want to fulfill their duties. The state is taking measures to prevent this from happening. Namely, they created special bodies that monitor the performance by mothers and fathers of their duties. If a woman drinks and walks, employees of certain services come to her, check what is with the child, how he lives, and so on.

Then they try to call her to account. In extreme cases, the child is selected. But the state is not interested in this. After all, everyone understands that children should grow in the family. They are more comfortable there. There are bodies that monitor the performance of duties by teachers and doctors. In general, everyone who works with children. The younger generation needs a lot of things. He needs to give knowledge, create conditions for a joyful and happy life. For this, people of certain professions receive money from the state. Naturally, it has the right to control their work. This is also a large part of population policy. All of it is multifaceted and covers almost all spheres of the state.

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