
Minister of Health of Russia: last name, first name, patronymic. Deputy Minister of Health of Russia

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was liquidated on March 9, 2004 due to the Decree of V.V. Putin No. 314, and instead of him, according to the same document, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation was created. Then the structure was again modernized to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (2012), which has been fulfilling all the orders and work in the health system since then.

Minister of Health of Russia

What is the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation?

The following institutions are subordinate to the Ministry of Health:

• National organization for monitoring consumer protection (otherwise - Rospotrebnadzor).

• The state organization for the supervision of health care and social development of our country (otherwise - Roszdravnadzor).

• State institution for labor and employment (otherwise - Rostrud).

• Russian Medical Biological Agency (FMBA of Russia).

Minister of Health of Russia surname R

Controlled areas of activity of the Ministry

The Ministry of Health is, first of all, the public structure of the executive branch, which fulfills the tasks of observing the political activities of the state and legal regulation in such areas as:

  • healthcare and social development, labor and the protection of human rights, including the prevention of various diseases (infectious, viral and AIDS), providing assistance, checking the quality, effectiveness and harmlessness of medicines, adhering to the sanitary order;
  • social protection of citizens;
  • population policy;
  • other areas, according to existing legislation.

The Ministry of Health coordinates and verifies the activities of state services and institutions that are subordinate, plus it controls the labor practices of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of Russia, and the State Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund.

At the head of this colossal system is the Minister of Health of Russia.

Head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

At the moment, the Minister of Health of Russia, last name, first name of which is perhaps known to the entire mature population, is Skvortsova Veronika Igorevna.

Minister of Health of Russia last name first name middle name

Veronika Igorevna Skvortsova is an official of the Russian Federation. She has held the post of Minister since 2012.

By education, the current Minister of Health of Russia is a neurologist and neurophysiologist. She has membership in the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Skvortsova V.I. He is a doctor of medical sciences and professor.

Skvortsova grew up in a dynasty of doctors, she is a fifth generation physician! She graduated from school perfectly and received a gold medal. I studied at the Moscow Medical Institute (pediatric faculty), which I also graduated with honors. After completing residency and postgraduate studies, she defended her candidate and got a job as a laboratory assistant at the department, where she climbed the career ladder to the assistant professor. Then she received the title of Doctor of Science and Professor. In 1999, she made a direct contribution to the organization of the National Association for the Treatment of Stroke.

The Minister of Health was appointed to the post on May 21, 2012.

Interesting Facts

The Minister of Health (Skvortsova's surname has recently been more and more often heard in the media) has written a little more than four hundred scientific papers. Skvortsova is also one of the members of the commission of the European Federation of Neurological Associations. Veronika Igorevna - Deputy Chairman of the All-Russian Community of Neurologists and represents NABI in the International Organization for the Fight against Stroke.

former Minister of Health of Russia

The Minister of Health was awarded 11th place in the list of “One Hundred Most Influential Women of Russia” at the Ogonyok Publishing House. An issue with such data was published in 2014.

Skvortsova is an ardent opponent of abortion. She considers this procedure a murder. She herself is married and is the mother of a beautiful daughter.

In 2008, Veronika Igorevna was awarded the Order of Honor. She is also the winner of the Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov Prize of the Russian Medical State University and the winner of the Moscow City Administration Prize for his contribution to medicine.

During her work in this position, she aroused sympathy for herself due to the fact that she actively began the struggle with the "secret affairs" of her predecessor. But in the future, according to the monitoring, it turned out that she may also be implicated in some fraud. This is evidenced by the fact that a huge amount of new equipment has been allocated to medical institutions, which in vain is in stock and is not sold at all. Skvortsova simply avoids questions regarding such negligence.

Principal powers for which the Minister of Health is responsible

The powers of the minister are as follows:

• submit to the Government of the Russian Federation draft laws related to the medical structure;

• personally accept the necessary regulatory documents in the areas of activity agreed upon with the Constitution and the legislation of the Russian Federation;

• organize the supply of medicines and technical medical equipment;

• analyze the functioning of the health apparatus in the country;

First Minister of Health of Russia

• receive and correctly distribute material resources from the state budget;

• carry out consideration of citizens' applications and take measures to address the issues raised;

• keep state secrets;

• control subordinate structures;

• increase the level of professionalism of employees of the Ministry, organize training and internships for them;

• participate in ongoing campaigns and events related to healthcare around the world, maintain relationships with colleagues from other countries as part of the Red Cross and other communities;

• register and archive the necessary documentation;

• perform other functions that are provided for by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation.

The orders of the Minister of Health of Russia are necessary to improve the work of medical institutions, improve the quality of services and protect the population.

Who replaces Skvortsova Veronika Igorevna?

The Deputy Minister of Health of Russia today is Tatyana Vladimirovna Yakovleva. A pediatrician by training, she climbed the career ladder from a simple nurse in a district clinic to the head doctor of the Teykovskaya hospital, then to the deputy of the State Duma. Yakovleva is a doctor of medical sciences, professor, honored doctor of the Russian Federation, author of 60 research papers and holder of 6 scientific patents. Yakovleva has awards from the head of the country: medals, order and thanks.

Deputy Minister of Health of Russia

Yakovleva Tatyana Vladimirovna was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Health on 05/18/2012

The predecessor Skvortsova V.I.

Golikova Tatyana Alekseevna held the post of Minister of Health and Social Development of Russia from 2007 to 2012, until the division of this department into two, which later was headed by her deputies Skvortsova V.I. and Tolipin M.A.

orders of the Minister of Health of Russia

The former Minister of Health of Russia is considered the most charming and feminine official in our country.

The founders of the healthcare system of the Russian Federation

The predecessor of such an important state branch of the development of the executive branch was the Public Health Directorate of the Russian State, which, since 1916, was headed by Rein Georgy Ermolaevich. A year after his dismissal from office, the Assembly of People's Commissars for Healthcare of the RSFSR arises, whose head in 1918 becomes Semashko Nikolai Alexandrovich. The committee lasted until 1946, another 7 leaders were replaced after Semashko.

Then this structure is transformed into the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR with superiors in the person of the USSR Minister of Medical Industry Tretyakov Andrei Fedorovich.

Then, the institution is differentiated into the Ministry of Health and Social Security of the RSFSR, then back with the previous name and authority, and after the RSFSR is renamed to the Russian Federation (by decision of the Supreme Council), the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation.

Then four transformations of this political apparatus took place.

In 1994, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation was already organized. And the first Minister of Health of Russia is Nechaev Eduard Aleksandrovich.

To date, this structure has already undergone 4 reforms, which are focused on improving medical structures and improving the quality of public services.

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Reason for complaint
Hello. I am writing an open letter about how I and many ordinary mortals receive medical care and when we watch and listen to the Minister of Health V.V. They are talking to Putin or on television programs that everything is being done for ordinary mortals and cancer patients, that everything is free and fast, causing outrage. Now I introduce myself briefly Goncharova Natalya Lvovna I live 52 years in the Nizhny Novgorod region the small town of Kulebaki year on disability 1g. a year ago, the last place of work of a nurse for seriously ill in the house of mercy in Kulebaki. This is my story about how we get CT for free and in a short time, and it’s not a lie how you are answering a question about CT. broadcast throughout Russia talk about specifics. Today, in the place of being treated and restored, I am looking for a website on how to inform the Minister of Health for analyzing the functioning of CT devices. Today it is raining outside September 25, 2018. The year I was sick I had MTS in my lungs when I had another medical commission for work. In the beginning, they put in a local city hospital treated as pneumonia. Discharged to work but the doctor on the FLG. I didn’t sign it and told me personally what should be treated. Okay, this is another story. I never got to work, but I urgently need to have a CT scan. the queue is free of charge (now carefully) ONCE ONCE A QUARTER (4 TIMES A YEAR) Well, of course, I had to do a sick leave for money. The cat cried for sick leave and even less for CT. paid 3,220 rubles for the rib cage (receipt on hand) and then sent to Nizhny Novgorod on Delovaya Oncenter Center the road costs 1,100 rubles there and back. for one meal accompanied by one person + 1 100 rubles more. and the travel time is 4 hours + 4 hours back (this is a hint that we have a COMP everywhere.) We get up at half past three in the morning to get on time. Assigned to come another time the hospital to take histology. After all the trips, the diagnosis was confirmed and 1 chem was prescribed. therapy. After which the CT was appointed, she came to record in a month. They told me that they record once a quarter. ATTENTION 5 am on the streets (in the spring I myself went through this, people with disabilities 30 sat on the streets and this year there were a lot of mosquitoes out of dampness as they said that 4 o’clock in the morning at 6 o’clock in the morning when the junior staff arrived we were allowed into the buildings, where in the corridor about 25 meters long and 2 meters wide, the queue is going to be received from 8:00 to 11:00. At these three hours people were waiting for 3 months and by 8 o’clock this is already a crowd of pain And once a year, the equipment breaks down, then you only have to go for a fee.On the website of the Vyksa Central District Hospital where I undergo a free CT scan (2 times already) there is a photo 2016 it was signed there that there was a record once a month and people complained and what had changed. At the moment, on September 25, 2018, two CT scans broke and paid too. A free CT scan will be fixed for the promised New Year. The patients were not notified that they were not working, we recognized when we arrived at the hospital on a piece of paper from a notebook that it does not work. There is no other information. Kavo, you don’t ask the doctors from the neighboring rooms for information, who don’t know what, the number they gave was temporarily suspended No. +7 952 453 05 00 the doctors shrug their hands at the clinic and the CT result is not enough for the next course (4th course of chemotherapy) . Today I will look in the neighboring reg. but it’s already paid. Yes, people with disabilities are given just such a certificate of the UPFR for the urban district of the city of Kulebaki. I have the right in point 2 to free travel on commuter rail, as well as intercity transport to the treatment site and back. I was refused and said that this is only for those who go to the dispensary. But say so many times about the road that for people with cancer, they really return money for the road to the president. But all this is a hoax. CT will have to be paid. Maybe you can get through to the Vyksa Central District Hospital and they will give information on the site when they fix the device. A resident of Kulebak Nizhny Novgorod region


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