
Domestic policy of the state. Domestic policies

Any state pursues a policy in two directions. Inner and foreign policy countries is the maintenance of ties and stability within the country and beyond. The significance of both aspects of government activity cannot be overestimated. Domestic policy provides support for the government course, promotes peace and harmony, and forms the integrity of the state.

domestic policy

The essence of the concept

Any state strives for self-preservation, development and stability. Therefore, a policy aimed at maintaining order in the country and the unification of peoples in the world has a long history. Domestic policy as one of the most important functions of the state arises along with this social institution. In a global sense, this concept denotes the state’s activity in establishing, maintaining or reforming the socio-political system through solving social, economic, and cultural problems. Domestic policy is called upon to perform the following functions: organize the economic and economic component, maintain a stable state in the country, establish social justice in the distribution of goods and a rational, safe use of the country's resources, maintain the rule of law and maintain the unity of the state.

domestic and foreign policy

The importance of domestic policy of the state

Any state relies on its people in carrying out reforms aimed at developing the country, ensuring its integrity. In this case, domestic policy is a condition for the satisfaction of the population with their government. Only people who feel the state’s concern for themselves are ready to work for its good, to connect their future with it. Human capital is the country's main wealth, and people require care.

This is the highest importance of domestic policy. A satisfied population will help the state achieve high results in foreign policy and in implementing the most ambitious plans. Domestic and foreign policy is thus closely interlinked. They affect each other and their results affect all areas of life of the population and the state. For the country's population, domestic policy should be clear and close, only then will success and support await it. Therefore, the state should establish special communication relations with the population in order to talk about goals and plans.

domestic policy of Russia

Principles of Domestic Policy

The state in conducting its course is based on the main law - the Constitution. In addition, domestic policy is based on several principles:

  • the state always and in everything protects the dignity of the individual;
  • the realization of the rights and freedoms of one person should not violate the constitutional guarantees of other people;
  • citizens of the country have the right to participate in the administration of the country both independently and through their representatives in power;
  • all people are equal before the law and the court;
  • the state always guarantees equality of citizens regardless of any circumstances, for example, place of residence, race, gender, income, etc.

The domestic policy of the state is based on the foundation of morality, justice and humanism. Power puts the interests of its people on top of everything and strives to create the most comfortable living conditions for it.

history of domestic politics

The structure of domestic policy

Numerous tasks facing domestic politics lead to the complexity of its structure.In general, it is divided into two areas: activities at the national level and actions at the regional level. These areas have different resources: primarily financial, as well as their areas of responsibility.

In addition, traditionally distinguish such areas of domestic policy as economic, social, national, demographic and the field of strengthening statehood. There are attempts to distinguish smaller spheres, but in general this typology reflects well the main goals and zones of influence of the state within the country. All directions are even documented and visible in the structure of the country's governing bodies and regional regions. Other areas, for example, environmental protection, military, agricultural, cultural and law enforcement policies, can also be distinguished.

directions of domestic policy

Strengthening Statehood as a Base of Domestic Politics

Preserving the integrity and unity of the state is one of the most important tasks that domestic policy tackles. This is especially important in large, multinational countries, such as Russia, for example. The prevention of ethnic hatred and separatist attempts to separate individual regions into independent political entities is very important, especially today, at a time of growing national identity among small nations. Maintaining a country in a region, such as Catalonia in Spain, requires complex actions at various levels. Also in this area is the promotion of national values, symbols and history. The state implements this function together with the media and various social institutions.

state domestic policy

Economic policy

The most important is the economic domestic policy, which guarantees the stability of the country. Ensuring free competition, rigorous enforcement of antitrust laws is one of the aspects of economic policy. An important part is also maintaining the stability of the financial system, this aspect includes the formation of the budget and control over its implementation, as well as assistance to the national currency, assistance to business development in the country. The main indicators for economic policy is the size of the GDP of the state’s external debt. The policy also stimulates the renewal and modernization of the country's production capacities, creates favorable conditions for attracting investments, and regulates tax legislation. The country should create conditions for entrepreneurs who want to start their own business, as well as contribute to the retention of young professionals and highly qualified personnel.

Department of Domestic Policy

Social politics

The Department of Domestic Policy is most often associated with social policy. It, indeed, is one of the most important, as it directly affects each person in the state and is felt by the inhabitants of the country daily. The state should provide the population with an acceptable standard of living, focusing on the protection of socially disadvantaged groups: orphans, disabled people, single parents, retirees, unemployed. An important part of social policy is the protection of the health of citizens, which includes the organization of qualified medical care, the provision of medicines to those in need, the organization of spa treatment, monitoring the quality of food and the clean environment. Social policy also includes the regulation of disparities in incomes, mitigation of the effects of social inequality. In addition, it includes the regulation of education, the creation of a system of preschool and school education, and quality control. Often to social sphere include the work of the state in the field of culture and ecology.

Population policy

The number of population, its natural increase and decrease - the subject of concern of the state. It controls demography in the country, strives to achieve the optimal balance between groups of different ages, the number of citizens born and dying.For example, for Russia it is important to increase the birth rate, since there is a decrease in the working-age population, and in China, on the contrary, it must be reduced due to too rapid population growth. The solution of demographic problems is impossible only by changing the law. Here it is necessary to conduct propaganda work, to involve material mechanisms of influence.

National policy

The domestic policy of the state pays great attention to the problems of relations between people of different nationalities and religions. Especially today, when interethnic conflicts are becoming more acute. The significance of state activity in this area is only growing. Russia's domestic policy is primarily aimed at restoring friendly relations between people of different ethnic groups and cultures. It is also very important for the government to regulate migration processes that can provoke conflicts. Therefore, to anticipate and warn them in time is the goal of national policy. The task of the state is to create favorable conditions for the life of all citizens, regardless of their nationality, to suppress possible discrimination on the basis of race and to promote the development of cultures and languages ​​of nationalities living in the country.

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