
The deputy is the chosen one of the people

We often hear about people endowed with special powers - deputies. They are scolded or praised, require thoughtful decisions and vigorous activity. Are all such appeals fair. Let's see who the deputy is. Is it a special privilege or exhausting work to engage in such activities? Sometimes the media distort information, which is easily convinced by people convicted of the trust of the people. But we will find out everything in order.

deputy is


We begin our small investigation with a study of the etymology of the word. According to the data contained in the dictionaries, the deputy is “sent” in translation from Latin. So designated the one who expressed the opinion of a particular group. It is unclear how and when the term took root in the Russian language. But he gained common knowledge with the development of democracy. Scientists claim that this concept appeared in Russia in 1618. According to the generally accepted definition, a deputy is the chosen one of the people in any representative body. We are used to the name of those people for whom we vote. Moreover, the population delegates representatives to the legislative authorities at various levels. Members of political parties also know another meaning of the term. They at their meetings choose representatives to attend congresses, for example. These are also deputies who are authorized to represent a certain part of the party in making a common decision. There are other meanings of this term.

State Duma deputies

The powers of the deputy

Let us dwell on the consideration of our concept, in relation to the representatives of the people in representative bodies. Deputies of the State Duma and legislative assemblies of local levels are elected in the Russian Federation. They differ in authority and responsibility. So, deputies of the Duma take part in solving national problems. These people are authorized to appoint and control the government, declare amnesty, and express distrust of the president. But their main activity is lawmaking. That is, State Duma deputies are people who influence the organization of life in the country. Almost all the processes taking place in it depend on their decision. How and in what direction the society will develop, what will become a priority for it for the long and short prospects is in their power. And the stability of the state strongly depends on the representatives chosen by the population. Agree, the work is responsible and intense. In order to at least understand the issues facing the country, it is necessary to have a high level of education, a huge life and professional experience.


Regional deputy

To solve the problems of organizing life in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local legislative bodies are created. They are formed in two ways. The first is direct voting. The second is by delegating representatives of settlements elected to lower-level councils. Each subject of the federation determines this by its own laws. The powers of a regional deputy extend to the corresponding territory. People’s representatives decide the development of the territory, its priorities, form the budget, monitor its implementation and so on. That is, these people are supposed to be responsible for how the citizens who elect them live. In practice, everything is more complicated. MP is not executive. The legislation does not spell out how it can be held accountable for rash decisions, for example. The only way society can influence its chosen one is to express distrust. And this is not an easy process. It is necessary to spend a lot of effort and money to organize the population on the process of assessing the activities of the deputy. Such precedents have not yet been described.

Duma deputies

Let's take a broader look at the concept of a deputy

In itself, the mechanism of popular representation has been formed for centuries. There were moments in the history of any state when people worked out the rules for making decisions important to the community. Depending on the political situation, each village (layer) nominated its own messenger. They came together to discuss a global problem for everyone, to find ways to solve it. It turns out that the deputy is a spokesman for the interests of a certain group. His main duty is to defend the rights of those who relied on him. The People’s Deputy, by analogy, must take care of the interests of people in the first, second and subsequent stages! As they say, neither sleep nor eat until the voter is satisfied. This, of course, is a somewhat exaggerated look. The state, the formation of the principles of which is influenced by the MP, is a very complex structure. You can’t explain it on the fingers. Sometimes you have to make unpopular decisions, which causes indignation of the people.

regional deputy

For reference: other values

We have talked about the most common interpretation of our concept. But the word "deputy" is used not only in politics. For example, the military also used it. And the deputy in the army was not called at all a people's deputy. It was a man following the troops. When they suffered losses, it was the duty of the deputies to take out the wounded from the battlefield. You must admit that it doesn’t correspond to the meaning that is now endowing our concept in society. Unfortunately, people see nothing good and merciful in their chosen ones, unfortunately. They criticize more and more for stupidity or greed. And do not think that this is a special Russian tradition. This is the case in all democratic countries. People criticize those who are called to take care of their well-being.


It should be noted that the term "deputy" due to the processes of globalization is now quite clearly perceived in all countries of the world. This facilitates, oddly enough, the communication of people. On the one hand, the conceptual framework associated with state activity becomes more understandable and unified. On the other hand, people become more interested in each other when they realize that the level of problems in their lives is approximately the same. In whatever country you ask, everyone is dissatisfied with their deputies. Therefore, there is a general problem for the public how to restrain them and make them work. Don't you find?

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