
How do they become deputies of local authorities

People look at people's deputies, evaluate their privileges and salaries, involuntarily think about how they become deputies. Suddenly, a simple matter, why not try? Thoughts, I must say, are good. The authorities need responsible, proactive, principled workers. If you, the reader, are one of them, then let's figure out how they become deputies.

how do they become deputies

Personal qualities

You need to know, not every person is capable of such activities. If you are interested in how they become deputies in selfish interests, evaluate your personal qualities. The fact is that people love charismatic leaders who can inspire respect and lead. Quality is complex and multifaceted. In a word, lighting hearts is not as easy as it seems from the outside. Look, for example, at State Duma deputy V.V. Zhirinovsky. Do you think his small "performances" that regularly appear in the media are character? No, they are arranged for advertising purposes.

It is necessary to advance your political power constantly, every minute. To do this, you need to be able to speak in public, speak competently, think quickly, know a lot and be able to. Serious life experience is welcomed at the federal level. And when working in the local council, you can’t do without it. It’s not enough to win the election. This, by the way, is the simplest. Then you have to work - to make decisions that literally affect the lives of people. And how to do it without education, wide erudition and knowledge of local conditions? This is a question for reflection to those who have thought how to become a deputy of the council of deputies.

how to become an assistant deputy


For reference, it would not hurt to look at the working schedule of the people's deputy. We see these people on screens or in beautiful halls, where they are, so to speak, during the parade. Their life seems to be raspberries and sugar. Smile, read smart oils from a piece of paper, but get paid for it. And after the removal of powers, the pension will also be such that an ordinary person can’t see. And abroad deputies ride for budget money. But this is only the external side of the matter. It should be borne in mind to those who are interested in how they become deputies. There is another side to the coin.

The working schedule of the people's deputy is very busy. It is necessary to manage to meet people, study documents, travel to enterprises, delve into the problems of citizens, issue tasks and monitor their implementation. Believe me, the work is exhausting and intense. Sometimes there’s no time to even get sick normally, "like people." Voters require constant attention. They write requests, look for personal contacts. People now know their rights. They will not lag behind until the problem is solved positively. And then the journalists running, suspecting that you are out of work. A lot of things have to endure. And even more complicated, all life goes on in public. Everyone is interested with whom you spoke, where you went, where you had a rest. We don’t even remember about the property you own. The deputy is obliged to publish the list - to submit a declaration.

how to become a local deputy

Minimum requirements

If you have not been scared, then let's move on. When you start to figure out how to become a deputy of local authorities, you need to open and carefully study the laws. You can’t do without it. After all, you will have to follow many formalities. Believe me, a lot of people who aspire to people's deputies, "burned out" at bureaucratic moments. The first thing to learn is the requirements for candidates. They are observed sacredly, like other points of law. A citizen of the country who has reached 21 years of age and has been permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation has the right to be a deputy.In addition, this person must be competent, not have a criminal record. Fortunately, we have the majority of such citizens. But do not dwell on this, if you are really interested in how to become a local deputy. You must be nominated by someone. There are two ways. And each of them is replete with complexity.

how to become a deputy of local authorities

Two ways to advance

We repeat, for those who are interested in how to become a deputy of local authorities, a clear and solid knowledge of the law is simply necessary. At the extension stage, many pitfalls arise. The party can recommend your candidacy to the people. Moreover, it is not necessary to be a member. It is necessary to prove oneself, demonstrate business qualities, and inspire confidence among the leaders of political forces. How to do it? Need to communicate, talk, put forward initiatives. In general, it is constantly in sight. It’s hard to promote homebodies, albeit very smart. But political forces do not like to lose. They only nominate “walk-throughs,” in their opinion, of people. If the parties are not interested in you, there is another way. A candidate may nominate himself. For this, it is necessary to submit a package of documents to the corresponding election commission. Please note that personal data is not enough. You will be required to list people supporting the candidacy. He will be carefully checked for a fake. It requires signatures of real citizens living in this territory.

Moved forward, what's next?

This question would have to be put in the first place. Those who are really interested in how to become a local deputy are getting ready for the election process long in advance. After all, you will have to actively engage in agitation. For many, this is the most difficult moment. Elections are real competition. Remember, the public is not particularly willing to run to the ballot boxes on the right day. People need to be interested, persuaded, nudged to this step. Otherwise, everyone in the country will be scattered, and you will be left without a vote. In addition, your voters will be pulled by competitors. In general, the struggle even at the lowest level is serious. You have to hire assistants, purchase campaign materials, print in the media (not free), participate in television shows, and so on. You understand - we need funds. Their volume depends on the region and the number of competitors. Are you still interested in what you need to become a deputy? Then let's move on.

how to become a deputy of the Duma

Development of an election campaign plan

It is impossible to win without preliminary, thorough preparation. You will need loyal supporters who will work together. Here people are interested in how to become an assistant to the deputy. For this, it is necessary to work alongside those whom the people will later elect. That is, they become assistants in personal contacts. But we will return to our election campaign. It should be carefully planned. First of all, determine your electorate, those groups of people in which you will have popularity. Next, they should study their interests. You will have to communicate with them, to attract to your side. And for this it is necessary to talk with people about what excites them. In addition, based on their interests, activities are being developed that will attract the electorate. In general, you will have to work twenty-four hours a day (or more). Here helpers are simply necessary. One person will not be able to cover the entire amount of work that needs to be done for a successful campaign.

what you need to become a deputy

How to become an assistant deputy

We have almost covered this question. We need sociability, efficiency, initiative, the ability to work a lot, fervently, not for yourself. The last for a person seeking leadership, a serious test. But young people have to go through it in almost any field. It is quite difficult to gain experience, knowledge, hone skills in another way. And next to a popularly known deputy, you yourself will become a recognizable person. There will be new opportunities, dating.For a young man, this is a great start to a brilliant career.

how to become a deputy of the council of deputies

How to become a deputy of the Duma

On the eve of the election, many dream of such a career. Let's just make money. Do not think that bribes! The federal level requires gigantic campaigning. And the voter is more picky. You say that this is the same electorate? Yes, but the Duma is more serious than the local councils. This is the policy in the Russian Federation. People are guided by the center, therefore they are more lenient towards their deputies than those who are in Moscow. They are more criticized, they are expected to solve problems, serious work and almost feats. And the competition on this site is much more serious. So think about whether you can handle this task. Although those who really want a political career are involved, no matter what. This is done for promotional purposes. The first campaign will lose, and the second time, you see, the voters will like it.


You know, the path to the deputy chair is thorny and winding. There are many runners on it, striving to reach the goal first. Before entering the race, it is recommended that you think about why you and the voters need this. Why do people vote for you? What will you bring them? How to answer honestly, not embellishing abilities, so you can begin collecting documents. Our huge, rich, great country needs you! Good luck!

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