
Discount is ... What is the meaning of this word in the modern world?

Stock stores and all kinds of discount centers have not just entered our everyday life, but have become an integral part of the life of every modern resident of a metropolis. All shopaholics flocking here, counting on real savings that accompany the shopping process. What is a discount? Many do not understand the true meaning of this word, and therefore face a number of unpleasant problems and difficulties. Let's try together to understand the meaning of this word and decide on the main semantic load that it carries.

Discount it

Origin of the word

So, the meaning of the word discount closely related to the English term discountpersonifying a discount. But there are several meanings of this term. We offer to dwell on the most characteristic and interesting of them for the average buyer.

Financial structures

Price discounts are a fairly popular term on the stock exchange. In this case, we mean the difference between the price of the purchased security and its par value. The concept of this term is quite interesting for credit organizations, that is, banks. So, a discount is a percentage deduction in case of early repayment of loan obligations or any other banking transaction involving a commission.

Price discount


This topic is more interesting and close to each of us, because we all make purchases in specialized stores, shopping centers and see the sign "Discount". Discounts on goods, products in this case are provided by protracted periods of the product range, seasonal sales. This is a real discount, giving the end customer the opportunity to save a certain part of his budget. We will try to explain the main point: suppose the manufacturer has a huge stock of unsold products in stock. Given the fact that the product can simply be stale due to its irrelevance, the manufacturer sells it through discount centers, making a substantial discount. That is why modern discount centers not only entered our lives, but also became incredibly in demand. The discount can be 10-20%, and in some cases reaches 70 and even 90%.

Meaning of the word

Shattering prevailing stereotypes

In other words, a discount is a real discount on a product. There can be many reasons for devaluation: loss of presentation, marriage, often goods from last year’s collections fall at discount points. I would like to dispel the stereotypes that have developed around this concept and answer the most exciting questions for end users.

Discount Center - Not a Second Hand

Perhaps this is the main stereotype. It is important to understand that discount is a large store: not just a retail outlet, but a place where branded items from the world's largest manufacturers are sold. The whole difference is that these things are out of date, out of fashion - as you know, all branded stores that value their reputation and follow the latest fashion trends, are trying with all possible means to get rid of such products. In large centers there are shelves, hangers for storing products, comfortable fitting rooms - customers will not feel the slightest discomfort. It is important to understand that no one wore the presented items to you: they are completely new, with tags and tags.

Discount center or stock store

It is important to feel a clear distinction between these concepts. Stock centers for the most part are represented by things of Chinese origin, frankly, consumer goods, it is almost impossible to find a branded thing here. The discount center is quite another.How to distinguish? By assortment: in a stock store, branded items are adjoined by things of unknown manufacturers. The only advantage of stock stores is the minimum price, which should also alert the end user. If we are talking about a branded item, in any case, it will not be sold for nothing.

Discount - discounts

It is important to understand that the discount center does not sell goods from last year’s collections. Often you can find models of 2009-2010, which are no longer in demand. If we talk about sportswear and shoes, then most models are repeated from year to year, being a kind of classic and a hallmark of the brand concept. So why not get something with significant savings? The choice is yours.

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