
How to open a stock clothing store. Where do you buy goods online stores?

how to open a stock clothes store

Many people today prefer to buy clothes not in expensive fashion boutiques, but in stock stores. First of all, this is explained by a noticeable difference in price: stock stores allow you to purchase things several times cheaper than they originally cost. Such discounts can be associated with various factors: the remainder of production, clothes are out of fashion, the season is over, there are some defects (albeit minor).

That is, such stores are in demand and interesting to people. So, own stock center is a great business idea, which in the near future can bring you tangible income.

Step 1. Registration of activities

How to open a stock store? Taking into account the specifics of the product itself, the design of this type of activity requires the collection of a large package of documents. It:

  • permission to start activities from the administration of a city or district;
  • license for placement from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • sanitary production control program;
  • regulations;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion regarding the condition of the premises;
  • agreement on disinfection, disinfestation and disinsection;
  • other documents.

To quickly deal with bureaucratic issues and get to work, you can not deal with the design of all the necessary documentation yourself, but entrust this task to a specialized company.

stock center

Step 2. Choosing a room

The second question, which one way or another will arise before you, - where is better to open a store? It is important that it is located in a place with good traffic or in a densely populated residential quarter. Such shops are especially relevant for young people, and therefore accommodation on the campus, near the hostels, is an excellent choice.

But in the very center of the city it’s not worth opening a stock store: there are enough boutiques there, which also sell the remnants of their clothes and make significant discounts on them.

The minimum floor area should be 50 m2. However, we would advise finding an area of ​​about 150-200 m2. This space is enough to accommodate the entire range and arrangement of fitting rooms. In addition, customers will be able to freely move around the room and will not interfere with each other.

Step 3. Purchase of equipment

Speaking about how to open a stock clothes store, it is worth mentioning separately that everything needs to be organized in such a way as to ensure the maximum possible access to the product and, of course, its safety.

They are called upon to answer for safety, first of all, magnetic racks exposed at the entrance to the store, as well as magnets attached to the goods themselves.

Naturally, you will also need to buy racks, mirrors, hangers, a cash register.

In order to equip the entire store, enough 1 thousand at. e. Do not buy too expensive items - the whole situation should make it clear to the client that this outlet is selling cheap clothes with small allowances.

Step 4. Assortment of goods

This is a critical stage in the entire organization of a business. How to open a stock clothes store without actually purchasing these clothes?

It is believed that for a retail outlet with an area of ​​50-150 m2 The norm is 300-400 units of goods. At the same time, the bulk of clothing (about 80%) should consist of youth and women's clothing, and the remaining 20% ​​are for men and children.

Of course, seasonal clothing will be the main product. But jeans, t-shirts and knitwear are in demand regardless of the season, and this also needs to be taken into account.Many stock centers simultaneously sell all kinds of accessories, luxury goods, etc. But we do not recommend selling hats - their cost in this case will not differ from the prices in stores of a different orientation.

Since it can be difficult to find good baby clothes, you can focus on this area.

Stock clothes can be purchased directly from manufacturers and retailers (not sold for the season, defective items). However, in this case, you will have to negotiate separately with each supplier. It is much more convenient to conclude agreements with wholesale suppliers of stock items - they will do all the "dirty" work for you, and you just have to pay for the goods and wait for their delivery.

Reliable and well-established companies in this field are Stock.Ru Clothing, Stock-N.Ru, StockMag, Maldim.Ru, RealStock, S-Klad.Ru, BrendStock, Lemonti and others. You can also find out where your city’s online stores are purchased - usually, the cost of goods in them, even taking into account the margin, is lower than in ordinary ones.

On average, for the initial filling of the store with things you will need about 2-4 thousand dollars.

Step 5. Search for staff

But here everything is nowhere easier. One or two people will be enough for work. At first, you can be a cashier too - in this case, you can save on the salary of a seller-cashier. Immediately select the appropriate wage option: fixed or a percentage of the sale of goods.

Step 6. Formation of pricing policy

How to open a stock clothes store that will bring you real income? Be sure to analyze pricing policy. Unlike ordinary stores, everything here is not so simple. Wholesalers usually sell items in batches. But sometimes they give the opportunity to select the goods selectively, in case of purchase of at least 100 units. In this case, the cost of any thing will be the same, regardless of the type and quality of the goods. Roughly speaking, you will give away $ 15 for cool brand jeans and for a light summer topic.

Creating a stock center, you need to properly build a pricing policy. So, for some things it makes sense to set an extra charge of 80%, some are more logical to sell at cost, and still others are even at a loss. However, you should keep in mind a single rule - the sale of the entire purchased lot should fully compensate for your expenses and, of course, bring income (approximately 400%).

online store stock clothes

Step 7. Conducting an advertising campaign

So, we have already figured out how to open a stock clothes store. But it is equally important to correctly organize an advertising campaign and tell potential customers about yourself, to attract them.

Hand out leaflets, distribute advertisements to the entrances of nearby areas, use the opportunities for advertising on TV (running line, advertising in minibuses and public transport) and radio. Come up with a creative name and try to create a signboard in an original way - it will also attract people.

It is important to explain at the same time that the stock store is not an ordinary second-hand, but high-quality fashionable European clothing, which can be purchased at a low price.

You can also make an online store of stock clothes and arrange delivery in the city and region. Of course, in this case you will need additional employees - at least the same courier drivers who will deliver orders. However, for people who live in the other end of the city or outside it or simply do not have time to visit your store in person, this will be very convenient.

Step 8. Business Risk Assessment

Speaking about how to open a discount store offering stock clothes, it would be unfair not to mention that this type of activity is really fraught with certain risks.

In particular, one of the problems is that it is impossible to return the goods to the manufacturer. And so, it must be realized at any cost.If the business turns out to be illiquid, you will have to organize a total sale and give all the goods for a mere penny.

However, if you competently treat the organization of the stock store and choose a good place for its location, you can not be afraid of this.

where are online stores purchased

Step 9. Financial Plan

So, let's start by considering all the costs that you will need in order to create a stock clothes store and put it into operation:

  • room rental - 3-5 thousand dollars;
  • repair work (if necessary) - up to 10 thousand dollars;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - 1 thousand dollars;
  • purchase stock stock clothes - from 2 to 5 thousand dollars;
  • pay for staff - from 500 to 1000 dollars.

That is, in total, you will need from 10 to 25 thousand dollars, plus advertising.

We have already talked about the features of pricing policy formation above. Adhering to it, with goods purchased in the amount of 3-4 thousand dollars, you can help out 12-16 thousand. But this is not a net profit, because you need to consider monthly expenses (rent, replenishment of the product range, salaries, taxes, etc.). The size of net profit, in turn, will be about 4-5 thousand dollars.

Over time, the work of the outlet can be automated by hiring people who will be engaged in the procurement of things and control all work processes. And by opening several new stores, you can create a full-fledged chain of stock clothing stores, thereby increasing your own income several times.

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