
How many years do alimony pay: general rule and exceptions to it

A significant number of marriages in our country end in divorce. Former spouses in this case will have to share not only acquired wealth, but also material responsibility, for example, for the maintenance of children. How many years do they pay child support? In order that such a question does not cause unnecessary disputes, certain legislative norms are provided.

General information

What is child support? The term can be defined as a cash allowance paid to ensure the basic needs of children after the formal separation of parents. Such a private subsidy is transferred to the party with whom the child lives. How long is child support paid? The question is not at all as simple as it might seem at first. The general provision stipulates the period - until the child reaches the age of majority (that is, up to 18 years), however, there are certain nuances that correct such figures.how many years do they pay child support

Payments may be made by mutual agreement of the parties, as well as after the adoption of the relevant court decision. Lack of transfers equates to an offense and threatens the non-payer with serious consequences. If a child support debts accumulated for more than 3 years, then the responding party will have to reimburse not only monthly amounts, but also a certain percentage of the penalty.

Disabled child benefits

So, in what cases does the question of how much alimony is paid require a special approach? First of all, it is necessary to note the fact that a disabled child needs special care and support, including financial support. This is explained by its incapacity and the impossibility of self-provision, even after coming of age.how much child support is paid

Payments to student children

Another situation that requires more detailed comments on the question of how many years child support is paid is the education of your favorite child at the university. If a child entered a higher education institution with official accreditation for full-time education, then the process of self-sufficiency even after 18 years becomes very difficult and can occur solely to the detriment of knowledge.

In this situation, the preparation of compulsory benefits will require the submission of an additional application and the collection of a number of necessary documentation. As a rule, it will be enough to attach a certificate from the university. True, it is necessary to take into account a number of specific nuances:

  • All payments are calculated directly to the child, and not to the second parent with whom he lives.
  • Obtaining additional funds is only possible if the parents have financial opportunities to provide material subsidies for such a plan.
  • When a child reaches twenty-three years old, regardless of the form of his studies, subsidies should not be paid.

how much child support is paid

Precedents for increasing payouts

It is also extremely important to know not only how long child support is paid, but also in what cases their size can be significantly increased. So, if the party with which the child lives permanently cannot temporarily provide the baby with everything necessary for objective reasons, the respondent parent must assume most of the obligations. Most often, this may be due to the presence of any injuries or serious illnesses.

Alimony from the unemployed

How many years do unemployed parents pay child support to their child? The Family Code does not give discounts to persons who do not have a permanent or official job, in this matter, it is everyone’s direct responsibility to support their children under 18 years of age.To oblige such a person to pay the minimum necessary funds is possible in several ways, for example:

  • Having made a formal agreement. Confirms the consent of the parties on the amount and timing of payments. The amounts received are recommended to be fixed with a receipt.
  • Adjudication. If the former couple cannot agree amicably, it is logical to contact the relevant state authority and resolve all existing issues. The court will be able to tell how long child support is paid, and will help in their calculation.

how many years are alimony paid

Do not forget, litigation is not an easy task, but in certain cases the game is worth the candle. Having collected the necessary package of documents and having passed numerous hearings, the parents with whom the children live receive real assistance in raising their wards. In the event that the unemployed responding party refuses to fulfill its obligations, money debt will accumulate, and ultimately the court will be able to call the offender to account.

As for the amount due, it can be calculated from unemployment benefits (as a percentage) or determined by a fixed rate. It should be noted that the last of these solutions is not always optimal, because the fixed amount will remain in the case when the parent can choose a more suitable vacancy with a high salary.

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