
ERGO Rus: reviews on the work of an insurance company. Services, advantages and disadvantages

Today we have to find out which ERGO Rus reviews are received as an employer. It will also be worthwhile to understand what kind of corporation it is, if customers are happy with it. You can learn about all the features and nuances of employment precisely from the feedback of employees. Only they are able to point out the real advantages and disadvantages of the company as an employer. And only after that you can decide on further cooperation. It is likely that it would be better to find another potential employer.


The first step is to understand what ERGO Rus is doing at all. Testimonials indicate that this organization is nothing more than an insurance company. She provides insurance services to the population.ergo rus reviews

No other activities are conducted. And it pleases. Customers can contact here for specific reasons. For example, to apply for a VHI policy or insure property. This organization is constantly recruiting employees. But how good is she? What do customers and employees think about it?


In order to fully understand this, it is worthwhile to figure out what services you can get from an insurance company. Maybe some necessary policies are not available in this company.

The insurance company "ERGO Rus" receives positive reviews for the list of services provided. Here you can insure everything that only your heart desires. Today the company offers the following services:

  • mortgage insurance;
  • life insurance;
  • from accidents;
  • travel insurance;
  • VHI policies;
  • CASCO;
  • CTP;
  • property insurance (including houses and summer cottages).

Accordingly, you can contact this company for any reason. What do customers think about her? This is an important point that many workers pay attention to. After all, you always want to find a job exclusively in a conscientious company that attracts people.

For clients

Most often, an insurance company takes out car insurance. What can be said about him? ERGO Rus (insurance company) receives mixed reviews about hull and motor third-party liability insurance. Customers emphasize that the company has its pros and cons in these areas.ergo rus insurance company reviews on comprehensive insurance

It is noted that policy prices are not too high. Although under certain circumstances, you will have to pay a lot. Also make out the receipt of the service very quickly, without much work. Employees try to answer all the questions asked.

But at the same time, ERGO Rus (insurance company) has not always good feedback on CASCO and other auto insurance services. Sometimes customers say that they offer policies with the active use of additional features. More specifically, with life insurance. Some emphasize that MTPL and CASCO do not sell if the client refuses life insurance.

There is no evidence for these statements, but they are very common. "ERGO Rus" reviews on CASCO and compulsory motor third-party liability insurance also receive mixed reviews regarding payments. Some clients say that the money is paid in due amounts and on time. Someone says the opposite. Just take into account that a lot depends on the situation and circumstances. ERGO Rus is an ordinary insurance company. It offers good conditions for car insurance, but you can not protect yourself from negative moments.insurance ergo rus reviews

Job offer

And now you can see what the organization represents as an employer. This is a very important nuance.The first thing that applicants pay attention to is the promise of a potential boss. For them, "ERGO Rus" reviews earn positive. Ads really make you want to work.

What does the insurance company offer personnel? Promises are quite standard. Namely:

  • the conclusion of an employment contract in an official manner;
  • flexible and convenient work schedule;
  • career growth;
  • Friendly team;
  • free education;
  • full social package;
  • decent pay.

But is everything really as good as it seems? What are the pros and cons of this employer? Should I contact here for employment?ergo rus insurance company reviews

Officially or not

Reviews about the company "ERGO Rus" are left different. But workers point out that formal employment is indeed offered here. And to all employees. Registration actually takes place according to the rules established in Russia.

Only unofficially work will still have to. This is a training period. In this period of time, according to numerous opinions, a potential employee performs all the duties of an employee. But only this period is not paid. It turns out something like free labor, which helps to evaluate your strength.

But after training, you can either refuse to work or formally enter into an employment contract. But this is not the only nuance that is emphasized by employees. What else do applicants need to know?


ERGO Rus (insurance company, Yekaterinburg) receives not the best reviews for the proposed work schedule. It is clearly prescribed initially in the employment contract and at first suits job seekers. But problems may arise in the future.Ergo Rus Casco reviews

Often, employees indicate that the work schedule is being violated. You have to constantly stay for overtime work, but at the same time at no extra charge. In total, it will be necessary to work out about 12-14 hours a day. This is not for everyone.

There are also opinions that, on the contrary, emphasize that it is possible to leave work at ERGO Rus at a set time. No violations and other negative aspects. Sometimes, of course, you have to stay overtime, but this is not such a frequent occurrence.

It is recommended to simply take into account that ERGO Rus receives both positive and negative reviews. We can hope that the schedule will be clearly agreed, but at the same time prepare for its violation. Similar situations are found in many employers.

Career growth

Some say that the insurance company can really move up the career ladder. To some extent it is. Only the rise here is not too important. The maximum is getting a senior manager position. And nothing more.

But for personal development, ERGO Rus fits perfectly. Especially if the employee plans to devote himself in the field of sales in the future. But as many say, insurance companies, in principle, are not too suitable for building a career. Therefore, there is nothing special to hope for.


The insurance company "ERGO Rus" (St. Petersburg) receives positive reviews for the work team. He is really friendly. Moreover, in most regions it is precisely the positive opinions that are left regarding the work collective. Beginners are helped to master, there is no competition. You can always agree on a replacement-substitution of each other.insurance company ergo rus saint petersburg reviews

Sometimes a team may not be lucky, but no one is safe from this. Of course, disagreements between ERGO Rus between employees happen, but they can be quickly resolved. The main thing is to get accustomed to the team from the first days. Otherwise, it will not be possible to continue working in the company.

In general, ERGO Rus is the place to get new acquaintances. However, like most similar companies. You can apply here when it is the working team that is important. We have to interact with him constantly.


"ERGO Rus" reviews the negative plan earns for low earnings, which in fact will be received by employees. There is no prospect of getting a good income.

Salary, according to numerous reviews, is offered low. The exact salary will depend on the number of policies sold - an employee receives a certain percentage of income from each transaction. In fact, it turns out that real profit slightly exceeds the salary.


ERGO Rus (insurance company) also receives not the best reviews for its superiors. Many speak of him in a negative light. It is noted that the leaders of the insurance company are unfair to employees, they constantly load subordinates with work. It is impossible to agree on something with the authorities.

At the same time, some indicate that management here is not bad in general, but it simply requires discipline from employees. It is recommended to take into account that the bosses in ERGO Rus are not the best. All claims expressed look standard, almost every employer receives them. Therefore, it is likely that the insurance company is really good.reviews about the company ergo rus

Draw conclusions

What conclusions can be drawn from the foregoing? ERGO Rus is a good insurance company with its advantages and disadvantages. It is recommended to find a job here for those who want to communicate in a friendly team, as well as if the employee is not a careerist.

ERGO Rus is not much different from other employers. The disadvantages of the company are exactly the same as those of other organizations. Workers complain about not the best bosses, low earnings and a busy work schedule. There is nothing surprising in this. But if you set a goal and work for the result, honestly, you can really advance in the company "ERGO Rus".

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