
Where is it better to insure a car (CTP): reviews, description, review, advantages and disadvantages

The choice of an insurance company for the CTP insurance policy is a responsible event. It must be reliable so that payments are made on time and in full. Therefore, each car owner is interested in where it is better to insure a car (CTP). Reviews on this subject can be found various. It is necessary to focus on the reliability rating of companies.

where is it better to insure an osago car reviews

Choosing an Insurance Company

To date, a large number of companies are represented where you can draw up an insurance contract. Where is it better to insure a car? When choosing a company, the following criteria should be considered:

  • Popularity and sustainability. It is necessary to study the rating of companies, get acquainted with the authorized capital. It is also important to find out how many years the firm has been operating. You need to know about the amounts of fees and payments. If the company is stable, this figure will be 30 to 80%.
  • Branches. Drivers who travel frequently should find out about the number of locations in other regions. If the company operates in Russia, then it is safe to execute CTP in it.
  • Reviews In this case, you do not need to trust opinions from the Internet, you need to talk with relatives and friends who have ever drawn up an insurance policy. People can tell where it is better to insure a car (CTP). Reviews are a great guide.
  • Contract value. By law, CTP has its own tariffs, which should be in every insurance company. If it is proposed to draw up a document at a low cost, then you should consider whether this is legal. Typically, such conditions are offered by one-day firms or scammers. It is only necessary to acquire compulsory motor liability insurance in a large company.

Therefore, each car owner can choose where to insure the car. CTP is a mandatory document, without which it is impossible to operate the machine.

How is insurance carried out?

By law, every car owner must have a contract. Where to insure a car for OSAGO? You must contact a trusted company, which is popular with other drivers. You need to take a package of documents with you. Mandatory include:

  • Passport.
  • Documents for the car.
  • Driver's license.
  • Diagnostic card.

where is it better to insure a car

The insured can be every competent citizen. According to the documents provided, the specialist performs the calculation of the premium and paperwork. Where is it better to insure a car (CTP)? The reviews indicate that it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the pricing policy of several companies, and then choose the one that offers to draw up a document at the lowest price. A company with official discounts is ideal. There are insurers who inspect the car.

Insurance situation

Many motorists are faced with the problem of the impossibility of car insurance under compulsory motor liability insurance. How to be in this situation? In fact, you need to pay for additional services. Typically, an insurance representative includes life insurance and a diagnostic card in the price. If the last service is not required, then it is changed to apartment insurance.

where to insure a car insurance

Car owners are only outraged, but they still get OSAGO with services, since fines are charged for trips without a document. But what should you do if you do not want to purchase additional insurance? The insurer cannot refuse to apply, it must offer 2 options:

  • Buy a policy with additional services.
  • Write a statement, wait 30 days and give the car for inspection.

What exactly to choose, the policyholder decides for himself.Insurers take advantage of the fact that usually a policy is required urgently, so no one wants to wait a lot of time.

Where to insure?

Where is it better to insure a car (CTP)? Testimonials indicate that you must choose a company responsibly, because it must make payments in good faith. No need to contact small firms, it is better to visit large ones that have been working in this area for many years. At the same time, the price may not necessarily be low, the main thing is that the protection is reliable.

where to insure the car for insurance

Where is the best insurance for car insurance? It is necessary to focus on the following rating:

  • Rosgosstrakh;
  • SOGAZ;
  • Ingosstrakh;
  • RESO-Warranty;
  • Alpha Insurance;
  • VSK;
  • VTB Insurance.

Based on this rating, we can conclude where to insure the car under CTP. In each of these firms are offered favorable conditions for cooperation. Moreover, the policy is drawn up in them both when visiting the office, and via the Internet.

Online fraud

Some motorists with the desire to save money apply for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance in companies through online receptionists offering to sell the form at a low price. At the same time, they promise free delivery. It is under such conditions that many motorists come across.

where is the best insurance for car insurance

But in practice, fraud is now common. Many of the documents are fake, because of which they will not be paid in an accident. Therefore, you do not need to trust the favorable conditions for the provision of insurance. It is necessary to carefully check the form and the company before issuing OSAGO.

What is the difference between a false policy and the present?

When buying a contract, you need to pay attention to some points:

  • This document has thick, rough paper, while fake paper is printed on a plain A4 sheet.
  • The original has PCA watermarks and logos.
  • There is also a protective metal strip on the back.
  • The original document is slightly longer than A4.
  • The number is in the upper right corner. It is convex to the touch.
  • This document has red and green villi: the former are visible in light, and the latter through ultraviolet light.


In which insurance is it better to insure a car? CTP must be issued only in the company that has a license. It must be valid. You can check the document on the PCA website. You only need to enter the CTP insurance policy number. After that, a table will appear with the date of shipment of the insurance company, name. Information will be displayed if there is a license. Verification can be carried out via telephone during the execution of the contract.

where to insure car insurance

What to do in case of failure?

By law, the client is not required to pay for additional services. And without them, not everyone agrees to draw up a document. Therefore, if a denial of service follows, then it is possible to act on insurers by law. Usually people when making a policy do not pay attention to overpayments. If you want to achieve justice, you need to contact the court or the antimonopoly committee.

For the case to be won, it is necessary to provide evidence that the employees of the company refuse to serve. This may be a written refusal, in which the reasons for the impossibility of completing the document are indicated. If they refuse to provide such a document, then this fact can be recorded on a telephone or voice recorder.

in which insurance is it better to insure auto insurance

Usually with evidence it turns out to win cases, because of which the amounts are returned, but it will take a lot of time and nerves. It is also likely that the offended company will transmit information about such a client to partners. And to issue a policy in the future will be difficult. In such a situation, it is necessary to file a complaint with the antimonopoly office, the prosecutor's office and the court.

CASCO clearance

If compulsory motor third-party liability insurance is compulsory, then motorists can optionally issue hull insurance. These services are also provided by various companies, usually those that issue CTP. The policy provides the right to indemnify for accidents and other cases. The list of risks can include anything:

  • Hijacking.
  • Damage in an accident.
  • Falling objects.
  • Scratches.
  • Broken glass.

And it does not matter who is to blame for the incident. The cost of the policy depends on the list. Although hull is expensive, but still in demand. And since it is voluntary, insurance companies include additional requirements. In both cases, the motorist has the right to choose the company that will provide insurance.

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