
Is there a penalty for using drugs? What is the punishment for drug use in Russia?

The article will discuss what kind of punishment for drug use is provided in our country. In fact, this issue is really important. Especially when you consider that in Russia more and more people are becoming addicted to drugs. Yes, punishments are not criminal. And they cannot force a person not to commit this crime from now on. It is a pity, but not in all cases the administrative punishment for drug use makes you think about your behavior. What is supposed to violators? What is worth the wait?punishment for drug use

On prescription

Punishment does not occur in all cases. There are some exceptions to the rule. Moderate drugs are used in Russia and a number of other countries as a component of medications. But they release them with a prescription. For some citizens, such medicines are vital.

There is no prescription drug punishment. That is, if the doctor prescribed you some kind of narcotic drug, you purchased it at the pharmacy according to the document issued by him and you use it, strictly following the recommendations of the medical worker, you should not be afraid. However, just in case, always carry copies of certificates confirming your need for the product, as well as a prescription for pharmacies. In life, there are different cases. Perhaps it will turn out that the punishment for drug use in Russia, even for medicinal purposes, will be trying to "hang" on your shoulders. And the medical report in this case will save you.

The amount of the fine

Fortunately, citizens rarely need narcotic and psychotropic drugs for home treatment. And all such preparations are usually administered only under the supervision of specialists. What is the punishment for drug use for the offender?

Direct imprisonment is not provided. Indeed, article 6.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation states that the punishment is only administrative in nature. That is, in other words, a fine is due. Size varies. But it still remains relatively small - from 4 to 5 thousand Russian rubles. Not too severe punishment for such a violation. Often drug addicts simply pay off debt and continue to use drugs.what is the punishment for drug use

Refusal of examination

It often happens that law enforcement agencies offer citizens to take a special test for blood alcohol and drugs. This is where a medical prescription for a particular medicine may come in handy, if in reality you are not an addict. By the way, this test can be offered to you either while driving, or if you suspect alcohol or drug intoxication (in other words, because of your behavior). Nothing difficult to understand, right?

Is there a penalty for using drugs? Yes, we already found out. But also for refusing to undergo a medical examination (testing) in the presence of any signs and reasons that clearly indicate an inadequate condition, a fine is also imposed.

In this case, it is similar to the previous case. That is, 4,000 - 5,000 rubles. Obviously, the amount is small, and for people who are not experiencing financial difficulties, the budget does not bring much damage. Practice shows that it is such a measure of punishment that is used in the case of such violations.punishment for drug use in Russia


Article 6.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses also prescribes another type of punishment for the use of drugs and psychotropic substances. If the fine is not considered, then what is worth the wait? Arrest. This is not about imprisonment, but about taking into custody. At the moment, they have the right to detain the violator for no more than 15 days. The practice is common. Law enforcement agencies most often first arrest the suspect for a while (until the circumstances are clarified), and then also impose a fine. The combination of these measures is absent in the Administrative Code, but it is not prohibited by them. In fact, detention and subsequent fines exist.


Do not think that foreign citizens in Russia are allowed. It's not like that at all. And the punishment in the Russian Federation for drug use also applies to them. But in a slightly different form. It doesn’t matter which case is considered - a banal refusal to undergo a medical examination in case of suspicions of law enforcement agencies or the direct use of psychotropic and narcotic drugs. The measures will be the same.punishment in rf for drug use

For example, a fine. In this case, it is exactly the same as for citizens of the Russian Federation - from 4 to 5 thousand Russian rubles. But at the same time, an additional mandatory measure for foreign citizens is expulsion from the country. Or, as they call it, deportation.

No cash recovery

Cash recoveries are not always imposed. The thing is that the punishment for drug use for foreign citizens is not much different from the measures applied to the local population.

For such an act, a foreign guest may be assigned arrest (administrative) for 15 days. This is maximum. And after such a restriction of freedom, additionally, without fail, an expulsion from the country is appointed. The only difference in punishment for foreign citizens is their deportation from Russia. And nothing more.


In some cases, various preventive measures in the form of fines, arrests and expulsions from the country can be avoided. This rule applies to drug addicts.is there a penalty for drug use

When such a citizen independently agrees to treatment and rehabilitation in the relevant medical institutions, he is completely exempted from administrative penalties. Instead, you really have to undergo treatment to get rid of drug addiction.

In practice, such cases are extremely rare. After all, drug addicts rarely realize that they are sick. And against their will they can be placed on treatment, but only after serving the sentence. Most often it is necessary to forcibly send patients for rehabilitation. Efficiency is low for addicts, but such an option is inevitable.


The last thing worth mentioning is the forced placement in medical facilities intended for the rehabilitation and treatment of citizens with drug or alcohol addiction. This practice is extremely common. And this is an unspoken punishment for drug use. Most often, without the consent of the person himself, it is impossible to place him in such organizations.

However, there are exceptions. For example, it is possible to place a citizen in a forced manner in medical rehabilitation centers with constant penalties for the use of psychotropic substances. Most often, law enforcement agencies deal with this problem. After several fines and arrests with a short time interval, it is proposed to pass a test for addiction (or it is prescribed), after which the person is sent for treatment. These are the control measures provided for in Russia.administrative punishment for drug use

Practice shows that even all of these punishments often do not stop citizens taking drugs. In fact, the most common case is an arrest for a maximum period. Occasionally, in especially “neglected” cases, a citizen is sent for treatment.

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