
Is it possible to drink beer on the street: the law, the rules for drinking, the amount of fines and recommendations

Recently, many citizens have become interested in whether it is possible to drink beer on the street. And this interest has appeared for a reason. Indeed, Russia imposed certain bans on the drinking of alcoholic beverages, as well as on the adoption of psychotropic or intoxicating substances. So, for non-compliance with the law will have to suffer a certain punishment. In some cases, of course, it can be avoided. But how to do that? What are the penalties for violating the rules of drinking in public places?Is it possible to drink beer on the street

To drink or not to drink

The first step is to find out if there really are any restrictions regarding our current issue. Can I drink beer on the street? The question is really complicated.

In general, it all depends on where exactly you plan to drink. Now drinking alcohol in public places, as well as on the territory of various organizations is prohibited by law. With rare exceptions. To some extent, we can say that beer and other alcohol are consumed by citizens under the law only at home, and nothing more.

Nevertheless, often citizens calmly drink on the street, in yards and other public places, and no one punishes them. So you can decide for yourself whether to drink or not to drink. Just consider some of the consequences.

Not everywhere

Does the law allow drinking beer on the street and in the yard? To say the truth, no. As already mentioned, you do not have the right to drink alcohol, as well as psychotropic and stupefying drugs in public places. But there are some exceptions. More precisely, it is one.

The thing is that alcohol can be taken in a variety of cafes and restaurants. In other words, drinking it is possible within the social organization that sold it to you. But here it is important that this was not just a store, but namely the catering industry.Is it possible to drink draft beer on the street

So in a club, restaurant or cafe you have every right to take alcohol. But is it possible to drink beer on the street? According to modern law, you do not have such an opportunity. More precisely, it is, but you will act at your own peril and risk. If you are caught, you will have to bear a certain punishment.


Someone wonders if draft beer can be drunk on the street. It is a logical question. It is one thing when you buy packaged alcoholic beverages in a store, and quite another when it is bottled.

Frankly speaking, it doesn’t matter which beer you purchase - draft or regular. The law prohibits the drinking of any alcohol in public places, as well as on the street. Only at home or in a cafe (catering) is this permissible. Otherwise, violators run the risk of running into problems.

In principle, at your own risk and risk, you can drink beer - both draft and ordinary. But you should not be surprised at the fine imposed in this case.

is it possible to drink non-alcoholic beer on the street

Non alcoholic

Can I drink non-alcoholic beer on the street? This question is also of interest to many. Especially those who do not drink alcohol in principle. Should such citizens be afraid of anything?

The question is difficult. On the one hand, drinking beer is, in principle, prohibited in public places. Just like any other alcohol. So, there is every reason to believe that you have every right to punish, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. On the other, it is only about alcohol. A soft drink is allowed to drink on the street. So you have to constantly think about how to behave.

In general, you have every right to drink non-alcoholic beer in a public place.But only if they come up to you with verification, you should not refuse. Moreover, you need to honestly tell what kind of drink you drink. Nobody has the right to fine you for this. Nevertheless, it is recommended to avoid drinking even non-alcoholic beer in crowded places. After all, nobody needs extra showdowns, and they will most likely be if the attention of law enforcement agencies falls on you.


Is it possible to drink beer on the streets without fear of a fine? Honestly, in Russia such a probability is not excluded. But especially hope for luck is not worth it. Firstly, few will follow all citizens. And so the likelihood that you will be caught with a bottle of beer is low. But to act in this situation, you will still be at your own peril and risk. If you get caught, the fine is secured. Does the law allow drinking beer on the street and in the yard

True, there is one little trick that will help you avoid punishment. How to drink beer in public without fear of a fine? To do this, keep the bottle in an opaque paper bag. That is how you have every right to drink beer in public places.

But keep in mind that this does not cancel the explanations to law enforcement agencies, as well as the likelihood of a fine. With such a development of events, it decreases, but still takes place. It turns out that alcohol can’t be drunk in public places.


Now a little about what to prepare for if you are still caught with alcohol on the street. It has already been said that in today's violation of the penalty. It depends on some factors.

In general, modern legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a fine for drinking beer in public places. If it is only about taking alcohol in places marked as prohibited by federal law, then the amount of punishment will not be too significant. This administrative offense will punish you in the amount of from 500 to 1,500 rubles.

In principle, not so scary. Therefore, some citizens do not even think at all whether it is possible to drink beer on the street. After all, the imposed fine is small. Maybe it’s easier for you to get off with the usual small fine than to rack your brains over how to avoid being caught by the law enforcement agencies with a bottle of alcohol. It doesn’t matter what kind of beer or a stronger drink, the amount of punishment from this, as a rule, does not change.

Is it possible to drink beer on the streets without fear of a fine


Nevertheless, the sanctions do not end there. Modern Russian legislation provides for some more norms to prevent our current violation. Remembering them is not so difficult.

Can I drink beer on the street? As we have already found out, alcoholic beverages in public places are prohibited for drinking. And if you are caught using psychotropic substances (or narcotic) on the street, in a park, square, as well as in other crowded areas, a fine is also imposed. And when the request for law enforcement to pass the test for intoxication is denied, you will also have to put up with a similar punishment.

What should be done under such circumstances? As in the previous case - a fine. At the moment it is 4-5 thousand rubles. Already a pretty serious amount. Therefore, if you are caught with beer or any other alcoholic drink, try not to refuse to undergo an appropriate check. For refusal, as we have already found out, you will be punished.


But this is not all the surprises prepared for us by the laws of the Russian Federation. Not always a fine is imposed for the violation described. In those cases if you were caught taking psychotropic substances, or when you refuse to pass the test for intoxication (without a doctor), you have every right to arrest. This, incidentally, is a fairly common occurrence.

fine for drinking beer in public places

What is the sentence in this case? The so-called administrative arrest. And it is a maximum of 15 days. Not too dangerous, but very unpleasant.Often after your release, you will be additionally fined in accordance with the norms stipulated by law for drinking alcohol.


The laws of the Russian Federation also provide for special punishment for foreigners who drank alcohol or used psychotropic substances (stupefying) in public places or if they refused to pass a content check blood alcohol.

What relies in this case? This may be a fine of 4-5 thousand rubles with subsequent expulsion from the country or an administrative arrest for a maximum of 15 days. And after a foreign citizen is deported outside the Russian Federation (but at the same time he will have the right to return).how to drink beer in public without fear of a fine

That's all. Now it’s clear whether it is possible to drink beer on the street, how to avoid punishment for this violation and what sanctions are applied to the violator. As you can see, not everything is so dangerous. Often no one will catch citizens with beer bottles in public places. Therefore, in practice, very often the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area is violated, and people go unpunished.

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Reason for complaint
PRODUCT NOT CONTAINING ETHYL ALCOHOL! SO SHOULD YOU ATTEMPT TO IMPOSE ARTICLE 20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses Alcoholic products - food products made using ethyl alcohol made from food raw materials with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 1.5% of the finished product. divided into: ethyl alcohol, spirits, wine (excluding beer); alcoholic beverages - alcoholic products that are produced using ethyl alcohol made from food raw materials and do not apply to wine or beer; Thus, BEER IS NOT NONE OF THEM !! If you can imagine that there is a law that is created at the local level and allows you to do so without ceremony! First of all, we must understand that no law should contradict the federal one !! if in the definition of the law of alcohol we say about beer as 13.1) beer is an alcoholic product containing ethyl alcohol formed during the fermentation of beer wort, which is made from brewing malt, hops and (or) products (hops) obtained from processing hops, water with using brewer's yeast, without the addition of ethyl alcohol, aromatic and flavoring additives. Partial replacement of brewing malt with grain, and (or) its processed products (grain products), and (or) sugar-containing products is allowed, provided that their total mass does not exceed 20 percent of the mass of replaced brewing malt, and the mass of sugar-containing products does not exceed 2 percent of the mass of replaced brewing malt; You have to understand that this beer is equal in strength to wine, say Baltika 9
Ilfas Saipatov
I don’t understand why people are sleeping. What huh ... they decide something for us there? When to fine, when to carry out an arrest. If a person does not go wild and sits normally on a little bench drinking beer, there’s nothing like that. What these pi..am pay little money. Why is everything good for them, but for us everything is bad. You have nothing right, immediately arrest at their request. These "wolves" people should be afraid, not we them. They decide something, sit there. Good people to sleep. If I am adequate and commit an obvious crime, and I sit there, I quench my thirst with beer, who they are, I should present something for such a trifle. I do not understand you people. Let these cannibals mock you.It is necessary to unite and give them articles for bad work, and not pay for any trifle and spend days in their shit there!
Slava volkov
My point ignited as many times as the author wrote "Honestly." One gets the feeling that it was written by some seedy, low-profile journalist, with a black ugly career, who constantly lies, that’s why before telling the truth, she warns


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