
Riding without CTP - what is the penalty? Expired Insurance

As you know, the road does not forgive mistakes. And this applies to absolutely everyone. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for an innocent person to crash because of someone else’s wrong maneuver. Riding without an insurance policy in this case only exacerbates the situation, because you still have to prove innocence. The dashing 90s were long gone, when incidents were usually resolved on the spot, preferably without involving the police. Today, the entire civilized world has switched to other relationships. Problems on the road are now solved by insurance companies.no-drive

Is it possible to ride without compulsory motor liability insurance?

By law, riding without compulsory motor liability insurance is expressly prohibited. This fact is often used by unscrupulous insurance agents who meet car owners at points of purchase or re-registration of cars. Their argument is very simple: “As soon as you leave the gates of the center, you will immediately be fined for lack of insurance! You don’t even have time to get a policy. ”

Do not give in! In fact, they are a little cunning. The legislation provides for cases when riding without compulsory motor liability insurance is very possible. Such an assumption is regulated by paragraph 2 of Art. 4 Federal OSAGO Law. You can ride without insurance before registering the vehicle with the traffic police, but no longer than 10 days after purchase. The same applies to cases when you inherited a car or presented it to you.

If you purchased a car in another city, you can take out insurance for a period of less than 20 days. This is just enough to calmly get to the place of permanent residence. In all other cases, you will have to pay a fine for driving without compulsory motor third-party liability insurance.

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There is a certain list of documents that a driver must have with him when driving a car. These include:

  • rights indicating the category;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • CTP policy.

Of particular importance is the power of attorney. Carrying it with you daily is optional. However, it is very important when passing inspection going abroad and registering a car. This document is issued to the driver by the owner of the car. The absence of a power of attorney in all of the above cases is punishable by a fine.

fine for driving without liabilityAll cases when a car drives outside the garage door without an insurance policy can be divided into 4 parts:

  • insurance, in principle, is, but she stayed at home;
  • the term of the policy of compulsory motor third party liability insurance has expired;
  • the driver who is driving is not included in the policy;
  • the car is used during the period when the insurance is not valid.

Now let's take a closer look at each of these points.

Forgot at home

In the case when, according to the car owner, the policy seems to be there, but for some reason remained at home (in another car, in a jacket, with a friend, in a bag, etc.), driving without compulsory motor liability insurance is punishable by a fine of 500 Russian rubles. It is noteworthy that traffic police officers are not obliged to take a word at all and may rightly think that you do not have insurance at all. If this happens, the penalty will be greater (Article 12.37, part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

Complaining about the unbelief of the inspector will be futile. To argue with him is also not an option. The only thing left for you is to write your opinion in the corresponding line of the protocol that you do not think the inspector’s decision is correct. To reduce the fine you will have to visit the traffic police and write a statement to the head of the department, enclosing a copy of insurance.punishment for driving without cinder

Violation of insurance conditions

Most often, CTP insurance is issued for a period of 12 months. However, sometimes car owners try to save money.For example, if you use the car only for trips to the country, and in the winter it is in the garage, you can take out insurance for a period of 9 months or six months.

In this case, it is legal to use a car only at the time specified in the insurance. If the inspector asks you to present the policy at a time when the car, in theory, should be in the garage, the fine for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance will also be 500 rubles. This is stated in paragraph 1 of Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. If this situation happened once - it’s not scary. But if you decide to save on the cost of OSAGO in this way, you should not do this. There is a high probability that you will pay fines for a much larger amount.

Expired policy

The next option is a fine for overdue insurance. From the point of view of legislation, an expired policy is tantamount to its complete absence. In addition to the fine itself, such “forgetfulness” is fraught with more serious consequences.
penalty for overdue insuranceThe fact is that if you suddenly find yourself in a traffic accident, you will compensate for the losses yourself. In this case, it does not matter whether you are the culprit of the accident or the victim.

It is worth remembering that to obtain OSAGO you must have a diagnostic card. Therefore, it is best to recall the extension of the policy a couple of weeks before its end. The penalty for overdue insurance is a little more than the previous ones - 800 rubles.

No insurance at all

As already mentioned, riding without compulsory motor third-party liability insurance and an expired policy are equivalent concepts. Although until 2008 it was possible to travel with impunity for almost a month without insurance after its end, today this practice has been canceled. Now it’s definitely impossible to travel without a policy. Responsibility for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance comes quickly and inevitably - a fine of 800 Russian rubles. Of course, theoretically, you can constantly pay and continue to drive without a policy, but insurance will still be cheaper.riding without an insurance policy

The driver is not included in the policy

The last option, which provides for punishment for driving without compulsory motor third-party liability insurance, is the driver is not indicated in the insurance. Anyone can be allowed to drive their car only if you have unlimited insurance by the number of drivers.

If this is not the case, prepare 500 rubles. That is how much will be the fine for this offense. Interestingly, in this case the power of attorney does not have to be certified by a notary. Therefore, some especially cunning drivers have time to sketch it by hand while the inspector approaches the car. Of course, this can be done. The main thing is to forget to add the following points to it:

  • information from the passport of the owner of the car;
  • details of your passport;
  • information about the car;
  • information about exactly what actions are entrusted to perform: put on record, manage and so on.

As you can see, there is a lot of information. Therefore, it is better to take care of this in advance.

responsibility for driving without liabilityIn conclusion, I want to say a few words. Do not neglect your own financial security. The cost of the insurance policy today is not so high as to try to save on it. But the benefits of OSAGO are much greater. Having issued a policy, you will not only protect yourself from unpleasant fines, but also be able to avoid cash losses in an accident.

By the way, even before mid-November 2014, the traffic police inspector had the right to rent a room from a car whose owner does not have insurance. To date, this norm has been canceled, now violators are punished only with a ruble.

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