
Federal Law "On Environmental Protection"

According to the Constitution, every citizen has the right to favorable environmental conditions. At the same time, a duty arises to preserve nature, to take care of its wealth. Natural resources act as the basis for sustainable development and life of all the peoples of Russia. Legal regulation of the sphere of nature protection is carried out by the corresponding Federal Law. environmental law

Law on Environmental Protection: general information

The regulatory act establishes the principles in accordance with which the protection of nature is carried out. The legal basis of the document provides a balance in resolving socio-economic issues, maintaining favorable environmental conditions, biological diversity and resources to meet the needs of present and future generations, and monitoring the implementation of environmental legislation. The normative act regulates relations that are formed in the process of carrying out economic and other activities relating to environmental impact. environmental law


The Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" defines the general requirements for entities engaged in economic and other activities that affect nature. The functioning of enterprises and the work of citizens should be carried out in accordance with the following principles:

  1. Respect for human rights in favorable environmental conditions.
  2. A scientifically sound combination of economic, environmental, public, private and public interests for the development and preservation of the environment.
  3. Protection, reproduction and rational use of resources.
  4. Providing favorable conditions for the activities and life of the population.
  5. Responsibility of state, local, regional authorities for maintaining environmental safety within the respective territories.
  6. Paid use of natural resources and the establishment of the obligation to compensate for damage caused to natural objects. federal environmental law
  7. Independence in the control of environmental protection.
  8. Mandatory impact analysis, taking into account socio-economic and natural features of the territory when planning and organizing economic and other activities.
  9. Priority conservation of existing ecosystems, landscapes and ecological complexes, biological diversity.
  10. Ensuring the reduction of the negative impact of economic and other activities on nature in accordance with the standards. The implementation of this task should be carried out on the basis of innovative technologies, taking into account social and economic factors.
  11. The prohibition of economic and other activities, the consequences of which may be unpredictable for the environment, the prevention of the implementation of projects that could lead to the degradation of natural ecosystems, the change or disappearance of the gene pool of plants, animals and other organisms, the depletion of resources, etc. Federal Law on Environmental Protection
  12. Respect for the rights of everyone to receive reliable information about the state of nature.
  13. Establishment of liability for violation of environmental legislation.
  14. Participation of the population, public and other non-profit associations in solving environmental problems.
  15. Organization and improvement of the system of environmental education, education, culture.
  16. Establishment of international relations in the field of nature conservation.

Objects to be protected

Their list is established by the 7th Federal Law (Federal Law "On Environmental Protection").The objects subject to protection from depletion, pollution, deterioration, degradation, destruction and other negative effects of economic or other activities include:

  1. Soil, bowels, earth.
  2. Underground and surface water sources.
  3. Forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms, their gene pool.
  4. The ozone layer, air in the atmosphere and outer near-Earth space.  federal law on environmental protection

Special categories

The RF Law "On Environmental Protection" establishes a list of objects subject to priority protection. These include ecosystems, natural complexes and landscapes that have not been subjected to anthropogenic influences. The Law on Environmental Protection also defines the category of objects subject to special protection. This list includes:

  • state reserves, wildlife sanctuaries;
  • botanical gardens;
  • natural monuments;
  • dendrological and national parks;
  • health-improving and resort areas;
  • permanent habitat of indigenous peoples.

The Law "On Environmental Protection" in this category includes objects included in the World Heritage List, as well as having special historical, cultural, scientific, recreational, aesthetic or other valuable value, endangered and rare soils, forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their ranges. law of the russian federation on environmental protection

Rights of citizens

The Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" was adopted in pursuance of the Constitutional provisions relating to the field of environmental safety. In this regard, the normative act prescribes the rights of citizens in this area. In particular, the Law "On Environmental Protection" establishes that every Russian can send appeals to state, regional or local authorities, organizations and officials in order to receive timely complete and reliable data on the state of nature in their territory of residence. Citizens also have the right to get acquainted with information on environmental safety measures. The Law "On Environmental Protection" allows the formation of public associations, other non-profit structures (foundations, etc.) to carry out activities related to the protection of nature. Citizens can participate in demonstrations, marches, rallies, pickets, referenda, collection of signatures for petitions on environmental issues, as well as in other actions that do not contradict regulations. The Law "On Environmental Protection" provides for the right of individuals to apply to the court for damages to nature.


In accordance with the law, citizens must:

  1. Preserve natural resources.
  2. Save the environment.
  3. Comply with other environmental requirements.

Interaction with government agencies

Citizens have the right to put forward proposals on the implementation of environmental impact assessments and take part in it in the prescribed manner. Private individuals can assist local, state, or regional governments in resolving environmental issues. The Law "On Environmental Protection" provides for the right of any citizen to apply to authorized structures with statements, complaints and proposals regarding the protection of nature.

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