
Forms and Policies

Politics translated from ancient Greek means "the art of government." In general, this is such a field of activity, the essence of which consists of the establishment of certain forms, goals, objectives and content of the activity of this state itself or another object. Indeed, if we take into account that any institution is a small state with its own goals, managerial staff and personnel (labor force, if you will allow it), then the word “politics” is also applicable to this sphere. In general, the different types of tasks that arise in any process of a society’s activity have different types of policies for their solution.

types of policies

What does political activity consist of, what is its structure

In essence, a political body must fulfill three conditions:

- develop tactics and strategies that will allow you to fulfill important government tasks;

- develop a methodology and organize social forces to achieve goals;

- skillfully and competently arrange frames.

In fact, these are serious tasks that require a high level of knowledge in various fields, in-depth analysis and effective means of influence. This is the smallest that is necessary for the successful management of a society or a separate group of people. And it is precisely these tasks, their successful resolution and implementation, that give the chance to the leadership apparatus (regardless of what types of state policy they choose according to the situation in the country) to competently carry out this very policy and provide all citizens with a decent standard of living.

types of monetary policy

The principles by which public policy is divided into types

The grounds for distinguishing the types of state policy are:

  • activities in various areas of public life (social policy, economic);
  • by levels at which political activity is realized (local, regional, international or national);
  • depending on functions (internal or external);
  • by structure and / or volume of impact (structural, sectoral, territorial).
  • depending on the nature of the subject-object relationship, including the level of conflict (regulatory, strategic, anti-crisis, distribution, administrative and legal, etc.).

These types of policies are found at the state level. Each of them is multi-level and consists of several more activities. After all, the word “politics” is applicable to other spheres of a person’s public life, it can characterize not only the types of state policy, but also other spheres and sizes of areas, the management of which the term in question also applies.

What is an example of a successful political action by the administrative apparatus?

The most striking example of competent political action in all areas of activity is the city of Dubai, UAE.

 politics kinds of politics

In a short time, this city turned from a not very significant place where pearls were mined in small quantities into one of the largest cities in the UAE, becoming the youngest metropolis in the world. The changes were influenced by "black gold", which was found in these territories. But realizing that there would not be enough reserves for a long time, the government decided to develop the economy comprehensively so as not to depend on the availability of oil in the bowels of the earth. Indeed, the competent allocation of resources and the identification of priorities has led to the fact that today only 12% of GDP is in the oil industry. At the same time, residents are provided with the highest living standards, when compared with domestic standards.

Economic Policy

The most important task that the management faces is managing financial flows to ensure the full life of each member of society and the welfare of the country as a whole. That is, the state and the Central Bank must competently mobilize and rationally distribute financial resources.

This is influenced by many factors, both internal and external. If a country has a market economy, and society lives on democratic principles, then there are some aspects of the division of state influences that further affect the types of policies used in the economic sphere:

  • national monetary unit, its maintenance in a stable condition;
  • employment development;
  • providing social guarantees for the population, raising funds for this purpose;
  • long-term assistance in the development of production, as well as support for entrepreneurial activity;
  • general orientation - anti-inflationary.

Two types of monetary policy, which are the main

We can distinguish the following types of monetary policy, which are considered the main and most pronounced:

  • monetary, when a complex of monetary measures is being created, which will increase employment and create a non-inflationary economy;
  • fiscal when a set of fiscal actions is created.

In addition, in both cases, different tools are used to control the money supply, there are different goals that the manager sets himself.

Restrictive and expansionary monetary policies are also shared. Their difference lies in the rates of credit rates: the second involves the facilitation of credit rates, while the first has clearly established standards in this regard.

Credit policy and its types

These types of policies can be considered on the example of a commercial bank. And in this case, the first thing that is considered is a combination of certain factors, actions and documents that determine the development of the bank in the field of customer lending.

 types of credit policy

It is not entirely advisable to characterize monetary and credit policies separately, since they are very closely intertwined. Those types that have already been assigned to the section “Monetary policy” (types of policy: restrictive and expansionist) are directly related to the credit sphere. Their other names are the policies of "expensive" and "cheap" money, respectively. And the leadership determines which one to use, focusing on the situation in the country. For example, inflation is characterized by a policy of "expensive" money.

There are also such types of credit policies as tight monetary and flexible monetary. What is their essence? Both types are aimed at maintaining at a certain level a certain indicator. For rigid it is a money supply, for flexible - an interest rate.

Human Resource Management

The word “policy” also applies to the personnel management method. It is logical that there are different types of personnel policy, which should purposefully act on the staff, and he, in turn, must as a result fulfill the tasks assigned to them to achieve the goals of the organization, enterprise or other institution where the human factor is an important aspect.types of personnel policyIn general, personnel policy is a certain set of norms, rules, perceptions and goals, and its reflection is in the collective agreement, as well as in the internal regulations.

Six types of HR policies

types of government policyOpen and closed personnel policies. Types of politics differ in this. The first of them is open for admission of a new person to the structure of the organization at any level, be it a janitor or deputy director, in the second case, admission is only to the lowest official levels, and replacement takes place only from the number of existing employees.

It is clear that these types of personnel management policies are divided according to the principle of openness to the external environment in the process of forming the composition of the team.

The second principle of separation into types in personnel policy

- Preventive personnel policy. The management of the organization is aware of what are the forecasts for the development of the situation with personnel, but does not have residual means of influence to change the situation.

- Passive personnel policy. Here, on the contrary, management does not have any information about the personnel situation, there is no program of action regarding personnel, and the whole policy is to eliminate the negative consequences that arise.

- Active and reactive personnel policy. Active politics are divided into two types. The management has a clear analysis and forecast of the development of the current situation, has means to influence it, and development programs for short, medium and long periods have been developed. And such a personnel policy is the most rational.

The second type of active politics is adventurous. There is often no high-quality diagnosis and prognosis, but management is doing its best to change the course of events for the better, using more the emotional side than the reasoned rational one. Reactive personnel policy is focused on the emerging negative aspects and on their elimination. In this case, human resources services are well developed, but the integrity of the program regarding the staff development forecast is lacking.

These types of personnel policy are divided according to the degree of control of the administrative apparatus over the personnel situation and the possible impact on it.

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