
Key functions of politics in society

Accept the term “policy” to mean leadership that helps to make decisions and take actions that facilitate the path to achieving the intended goal. At the same time, those who exercise it have unlimited freedom of action.

The essence of politics

The philosopher Plato was the first to define the essence of political art. He regarded it as a skill to make up a single state whole from individuals.

The essence of politics is to form a sphere of common interests and social good. It implements an integrative function and acts as the art of bringing the interests of various groups into a single whole.

policy functions

Politics is considered to be an applied field of activity intended to make specific decisions in certain conditions, that is, each time it finds various ways out of situations.

Practicing politicians are looking for temporary solutions, but this does not mean that this area of ​​activity does not take into account the eternal laws of science and philosophy - they are also significant. It is the basic models and concepts that serve as the border for which diplomatic decisions should not go beyond fitting into moral principles. The highest essence of politics is to realize the meaning of human life.

Functions in the state and society

The role and importance of politics as a social institution is determined by the duties performed in the public environment. The functions of politics and their number depend on the development conditions of a particular society.

essence of politics

Ideally, society is a balanced system, coordinated within, which connects various spheres of human life. Each industry helps an individual realize his needs using methods specific to her. But very often members of transitional or traditional societies compensate for the immaturity of certain industries by a large influence of politics. In such situations, it begins to fulfill its functions and gradually intervenes in all spheres of civic life. And this provokes a sharp decrease in the chances for individuals to self-realization of personality.

A society that develops using political and ideological methods is somewhat limited in developing resources, but still has a chance to achieve great success. Such societies, as a rule, do not come from the development of internal motivation - instead, they use external, that is, violence and fear. Below we consider what are the functions of public policy.

Key Policy Purpose

Modern society forms the basic functions of politics, without which it simply cannot develop normally.

main policy functions

Consider their list:

  1. The function of ensuring the effectiveness of activities and mobilization. Formulating goals that are of great importance, the policy implements them, creating an improved mechanism of motivation. It also provides a person with an effective way to satisfy social needs and even change their social status.
  2. The function of ensuring the stability of society and its integrity. It is realized thanks to the ability of the policy to determine the guidelines for future projects, their social orientation and provide the necessary resources.
  3. Regulatory and managerial policy functions. Thanks to the expression of significant interests and needs of small crowds in society, it is possible to ensure the interaction of these spheres of life, influencing them through political decision-making.It is the impact on the direct interests of social groups that helps politics regulate and manage processes in society through violence and coercion.
  4. The function of political socialization. The inclusion of personality in social relations provides a chance to realize individual or group interests. Over time, an individual gains experience and transformation skills that help him effectively fulfill the necessary role.
  5. Humanitarian function. Used to ensure the freedoms and rights of individuals, organization, peace between citizens.
  6. Rationalization function. It consists in the development by policy of general mechanisms and rules for the realization of interests - both individual and public.

The above-described policy functions help rationalize conflict situations and settle them in a civilized way.public policy functions


Politics is a phenomenon that can have explicit and latent functions in its potential that can change depending on interacting stakeholders.

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