
Forms and types of labor. Types of division of labor

Any organization of labor in the enterprise should begin with its own division, representing the isolation of the types of activities of each employee and much more. Division of activity is a long-established process, which includes the isolation, consolidation and modification of individual types of activity (labor). The basis of any division are the main types of labor:

  • physical;
  • mental.

types of labor

Physical activity

In this case, a person acts as an instrument of labor, since he performs energy functions in the system. Types of manual labor: dynamic and static. With dynamic labor, a person must move his body in space. Static - the impact of the load on the arms, muscles, joints.

Manual activity is characterized by a higher muscle load, which falls on the musculoskeletal system and body systems. At the same time, a muscular system that stimulates metabolic processes develops.


This is the reception and processing of information. Such work requires tension of attention, activation of thought processes, memory. Labor is associated with a fairly high emotional burden. But prolonged mental stress adversely affects a person’s mental activity. There is a deterioration in attention, memory, and environmental perception functions.

types of division of labor

Organization Elements

The organization of labor in an enterprise is the establishment and change of the order according to which workers interact with the means of production. There should also be interaction between employees to achieve the goals of the activity. Labor is organized if it:

  • cooperated;
  • divided;
  • workplace organized;
  • organized workplace maintenance;
  • established methods and techniques of labor;
  • established norms and measures of labor costs;
  • favorable conditions have been created;
  • cadres are selected, trained and can improve their skills;
  • labor is paid and financially stimulated;
  • labor activity is planned, taken into account and analyzed;
  • there is a discipline of labor.

Interrelated types of labor

In a general sense, there are three interrelated types of division of labor:

  1. General (delineation of workers' activities between large industries, for example, transport, industry, construction).
  2. Private (within a single industry).
  3. Single (labor is divided among the employees of a separate enterprise).

Depending on the variety and type of work, there are such types of division of labor as functional, qualification, professional and technological. It is also divided according to territorial principle (large and small units) and within units.

types and forms of labor

Functional form of division of labor

With this form, it is assumed that personnel are divided into homogeneous groups that differ from each other in their role in the production process or ongoing activities. The most numerous functional group of personnel are workers: auxiliary and basic. If the former are engaged in and perform the basic functions of production, the second group ensures the fulfillment of these functions (repair, adjustment, control).

Other functions are distinguished by the functions performed by employees. These include specialists, managers, employees, technical executives, junior staff, students, etc.

If there is a functional division of labor in the enterprise, we can say that all staff categories effectively used.

With this type of separation of activities, it is assumed to increase efficiency by specializing workers, engineering and technical workers and those who work, taking as a basis a clear separation of the functions of marketing, management, design, personnel management, production of goods, etc.

Technological distribution of labor

With the technological distribution of labor, it is envisaged to arrange workers in phases and stages, types of work, etc., as well as in production operations. It depends on the production technology and the characteristics of the work. This distribution of labor affects the level of content of labor. And if narrow specialization is prone to monotony, then wide has a high probability that the work will be performed poorly. Therefore, the organizer has a responsible task: to find the optimal level of division of labor activity according to technological criteria. This form has three varieties: substantive, stepwise and operational division of labor.main types of labor

Qualification and professional division of labor

These types of separation, such as professional and qualification, are similar, because they depend on the employee.

The above division of labor implies a division by professions. According to this form of separation, the necessary number of different categories of workers is established.

Qualification separation - the distribution of work depending on complexity and in accordance with the knowledge and experience of employees. Distribute responsibilities between employees of different groups with the same qualifications. Qualification ranks establish the appropriate skill levels of workers. The larger the rank, the higher the skill level, respectively.

The listed types and forms of labor, as well as forms of cooperation of activity corresponding to them, should characterize the features of interaction between workers in the workplace. These types of division of labor create wide opportunities for the organization to use labor.

types of working conditions

Forms of work organization

Ways to establish planned targets, as well as how already completed work is taken into account, allow us to distinguish the following types of labor organization:

  • Individual form. It is used to ensure that each employee has their own assignment. Accordingly, the accounting of the work performed is carried out individually, which means that everyone has a separately formed earnings.
  • Collective form. In this case, the task is received by the whole team. The developed products are taken into account according to the final results of work. The whole team receives a certain income.

In addition to the main two forms, the following types of labor or forms of organization exist:

  • division according to the formation of means for carrying out activities (small enterprise, cooperative, rent, contract, individual labor activity);
  • by the way of interaction with higher bodies (contract, lease, contract and direct subordination);
  • according to the management of collectives (full, partial and self-management);
  • by the size of the team and its place in the management hierarchy (group, workshop, district, link, brigade, etc.);
  • according to the division and cooperation of labor in complex units (complete division of labor, partial interchangeability and full interchangeability);
  • separation by the method of planning and cost accounting (self-supporting, with self-supporting elements and without self-supporting);
  • in accordance with the method of payment and material incentives (individual wages, collective payment - based on - the tariff system, possibly using coefficients; non-tariff wage system).

The above forms can be combined.

types of work in school

Working conditions

Under working conditions, we understand the combination of factors of the working environment and the labor process where human activities are carried out. Types of working conditions are divided into four classes, based on hygiene criteria:

  1. Optimal conditions. Under such conditions, the health of the employee is maintained, a high level of performance is maintained.
  2. Allowable conditions. In this case, environmental factors do not exceed acceptable levels of hygiene standards for workers. If any changes occur, then during the regulated rest the employee’s body is restored.
  3. Harmful conditions. The cumulative factors of the labor process have a harmful or severe impact on health, as well as on a person’s performance during the work process.
  4. Hazardous conditions. Production factors at such a level that, acting on workers, they pose a threat to life or injury, injury. TO sources of increased danger traditionally include industrial organizations involved, for example, in nuclear energy. Of course, in such conditions it is forbidden to work. But in case of an accident, emergency measures should be taken in such places.

Work safety

All types of labor need safety, that is, the worker should not be affected by hazardous production factors. The main sources of activity safety law are the following documents:

  1. International Act on Economic and Social and Cultural Rights (1996).
  2. ILO Convention.
  3. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 7 - protection of labor and human health). It also sets the minimum amount of payment. Article 37 stipulates the right to work in conditions of safety and hygiene. In addition, forced labor is prohibited.
  4. The Labor Code in Article 219 defines the rights of each employee to their workplace, obtaining reliable information about working conditions, social insurance. Also, a person may refuse to work in case of danger to health or life. Each employee must be provided with personal and collective protective equipment, etc.

Other types of labor

The result of the work is also a criterion by which labor is divided into two types:

  1. Past and alive. In the first case, it is an embodiment in objects and means of labor. In the second case, it is the work of the employee, which is expended at a given time.
  2. Unproductive and productive. The second leads to natural and material benefits, and the first to social and spiritual, but they have no less usefulness and value to society.

It is also worth mentioning reproductive and creative work. Reproductive results in previously known results, since it is distinguished by the standardness of all reproducible functions. Not everyone can engage in creative activities. Everything is determined by the level of education, and qualifications, and the ability to innovate.

types of labor organization

Everyone begins to learn all kinds of work in school. Of course, most of the time is spent on mental activity. But subjects such as physical education or labor introduce physical activity.

The concept and types of labor are multifaceted. They can be viewed from different angles, each time to discover new sides. However, the basic, generally accepted division of labor should be known in order to understand the difference between them. This can be useful, for example, when applying for a job.

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