
The main categories of staff

Categories of staff is a classification of employees engaged in employment in accordance with their functions. To characterize the totality of employees at the enterprise, the terms “personnel”, “personnel” and “labor collective” are mainly used.

The main categories of staff

All employees can be divided into the following groups: employees and workers. staff categoriesThe following categories of employees belong to employees: specialists, management staff and other employees who may be assigned to employees. Categories of personnel are distributed in accordance with the regulatory document (All-Russian Classifier of Occupations). This document contains two sections of the lists: positions of employees and occupations of workers. The first include employees who hold senior positions in enterprises and in their structural units. This category of personnel may include directors, managers, managers and chief specialists.

Workers may include persons who perform mainly the functions of physical labor and are directly involved in creating wealth, maintaining equipment and production facilities in working condition. Employees - these are employees who provide training followed by paperwork, as well as maintenance, accounting and control.

Factors Affecting Personnel Classification

People are the most important element of the productive forces and the main source of development of the entire economy. Their education, skill, preparation and motivation are the main tools of any production. categories of personnelExperts have proved that there is a certain dependence of the well-being of people and the competitiveness of the economy on the quality of the category of personnel of an enterprise and organization.

The formation of the personnel of an enterprise is influenced by both internal (production, technology and organization of production) and external (demographic process, moral and legal norms of society, as well as the nature of the labor market) factors. At the same time, the latter should specify the categories of personnel in terms of parameters of a macroeconomic nature: the number of able-bodied (active) population, its general educational level, level of employment and potential reserve of labor. Also, these characteristics determined the qualitative and quantitative parameters of labor resources.

Labor resources

This category of personnel can include the able-bodied population, which according to physical, age and educational data corresponds to a certain field of activity. It is necessary to distinguish between real labor resources (already working people) and potential (for which there is a likelihood of their involvement in work).

Other classification

In the general wording, the staff of the enterprise is a collection of employees who have received the necessary professional training, and also who have certain experience.employees this

In addition to permanent workers, employees who work under a temporary labor contract (contract) can be classified as enterprise personnel.

Primary and auxiliary staff

In addition to their main activities, many business entities carry out functions that do not correspond to their main purpose. Therefore, there are such categories of production personnel: core and non-core activities.For example, the first group in industry includes workers of all types of industries (main, servicing and auxiliary), as well as employees of research departments, plant management, security, warehouses. In other words, all those who are engaged in any way in production or its direct maintenance. The second group includes personnel listed in structures that are on the balance sheet of a business entity but are not directly related to production. For example, kindergartens, nurseries, housing and communal services, clinics and departmental educational institutions.categories of production personnel

The specified classification of personnel at the enterprise is necessary for calculating salaries, matching some labor criteria with performance indicators. Moreover, the interaction of enterprises with other commercial entities and banking institutions allows us to make this group conditional.

Grouping of personnel depending on the functions performed

Depending on the nature of the functions performed, there is a wider classification of personnel at the enterprise than indicated above: management, specialists, workers and employees.

Managers include employees who head not only enterprises, but also their structural divisions. These include directors, superiors, managers, managers, foremen, as well as their deputies.

The personnel category “specialists” includes workers who perform special economic and engineering works. These include engineers, economists, accountants, rationing experts, administrators, legal advisers, and sociologists.main categories of staff

Employees - these are employees who carry out the preparation of documentation, accounting, control and economic services for business activities. These include accountants, clerks, agents, draftsmen, secretaries and stenographers.

The personnel category “workers” means the presence of employees who are directly involved in the creation of various material values, the repair or movement of goods, the transport of passengers, and the provision of material services. In addition to this, janitors, cleaners, security guards, couriers and wardrobes are included in this category.

Professions and specialties

This classification of personnel is particularly interesting. The profession is represented by the type of labor activity, the implementation of which may require special knowledge and skills.

A specialty is a rather narrow subspecies of labor activity within the framework of a profession. So, the profession of a turner in itself can cover such specialties as a carousel-turner, a boring-turner, etc.staff category workers

The professionalism of staff always depends on the specifics of activities, products and services, and on the level of technical condition. Each industry is characterized by the presence of specialties. At the same time, there are common professions for employees and workers. An example is the food industry, which has about 850 specialties and professions. However, only a few are industry specific.

Grouping employees by qualification

This classification is based on the ability to perform work of a certain complexity. In this case, we can talk about qualifications, represented by a combination of special knowledge, practical skills, which determine the level of preparedness of employees to perform certain professional duties.

staff category specialists

Management qualifications are characterized by level of education work experience in a specific position. In this case, it is customary to distinguish the following levels of specialists: the highest qualification (employees with academic degrees and ranks); Higher qualifications (the presence of higher education workers and practical experience); secondary qualifications (employees who have specialized secondary education and relevant experience); practitioners (availability of engineering and economic positions for employees).

Skill level

According to the level of qualification, employees are divided into highly qualified, qualified, unskilled and unskilled.They can perform work of varying complexity, and they are characterized by the presence of unequal training.

The specified qualification characteristics of employees, along with such as age, gender, length of service and degree of mechanization of labor, will serve as the basis for the calculations of various types of structures. To improve the efficiency of the enterprise, not only a statement of the number of employees, but also the study of a certain relationship between them is of no small importance.

This approach will allow not only to identify factors and their influence on the result of the enterprise, but also to calculate the corresponding structural changes with their driving forces and trends. On this basis, a real strategy for the development of labor resources is formed.

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