
Where and how to pay for parking? Payment instruction

Currently, parking, both paid and free, does not cause difficulties in Moscow, especially since there are not so many parking lots for money in the city.

And as soon as the motorist drove into the center of the capital, he needed to remember that leaving the car on the sidewalk for free would not work. If the parking space is not paid, the owner of the car will be issued a fine, the amount of which is 1.5 times more than the amount required in the parking lot. how to pay parking

According to the Department of Transport of the city of Moscow, paid parking made life easier for motorists, as there are more than enough places in the city center to leave your car. But the motorists themselves, who drove into the territory of the Boulevard Ring, talking about parking, note that it is not entirely clear how to pay for the parking space, since the mechanism itself is not entirely clear.

Residents of our country are not at all accustomed to parking meters, so there may be problems paying for a parking space. In order to help motorists sort out the nuances, we will consider issues that concern everyone: how to pay for parking in the center of Moscow, where to pay, in what way, how much does an hour of parking cost? A situation may also arise when money for the service has been accepted, and the car owner received a fine for the violation.

Paid parking area

Paid parking in Moscow can be found in the territory bounded by the Boulevard Ring, Kremlin, Moskvoretskaya embankments, Chekhov Street and Tsvetnoy Boulevard. This site reaches the outside of the Garden Ring. As soon as the motorist drove into his territory, he must remember that leaving the car for free is no longer possible.

Paid car parking

To understand whether it is necessary to pay for parking here, or not, when driving into the street, you need to pay attention to traffic signs. A sign with the letter "P", at the bottom of which coins are added, indicates that you are in a paid zone. If the “P” sign is without coins, then this means that the car can be left just like that.
The markings on the road under the parking space may indicate that the paid parking area has already begun, and the sign may not have been noticed by you.How to pay for parking in Moscow

The end of the parking zone for money is a crossed-out “P” sign, or you can see a billboard resembling an advertising sign on which information about it will be indicated. In the territory located next to residential buildings, the paid parking zone does not apply.how to pay parking in the center

How to pay for parking in the center?

If you had to leave the car in the center, the question arises: how to pay for parking? Even for experienced Muscovites, he does not always immediately decide. You can pay for parking via SMS, parking meter. It depends on some skills and the availability of funds on a bank card or on a mobile phone account.

There are many options, and when the question arises: "How to pay for parking?", You can use any method that is convenient for you.

The cost of each hour of parking in Moscow is 50 rubles.

If the car is in the paid parking lot for less than 15 minutes, then this time is not paid. Being in excess of this time requires payment.

Pay via mobile via SMS

“How to pay for parking from the phone?” Is a question that worries every motorist, because the mobile is always there. In order to deposit funds using SMS, you need to send a message to number 7757, in the text of which you must write "parking number * state car number". For example: 1005 * m001m177. "If an SMS of this format is sent, the system perceives it as payment in one hour. If you add X2 or X4 at the end of the text, this number will correspond to the number of hours the vehicle has been in paid parking.

How to pay for parking in the center of Moscow

If the driver did not meet the deadline, he receives an SMS notification, which proposes to extend the parking in the center of Moscow. This message arrives 15 minutes before the deadline. To extend the time spent in paid parking, you need to send an SMS to the same number with the number of hours. They can be specified from 1 to 24, that is, only numbers are written in the message. If the unused time is still left, you must send an SMS with the letter "C" or "S". The amount that was previously debited will remain in the parking account, which will then allow payment.

How to pay for parking through a parking meter?

Not everyone knows how to pay for parking in Moscow. For some motorists, it’s difficult to figure out how to pay for paid parking using stationary machines. Information on where parking meters are located can be found directly on the spot. Using these devices, payment is made using a bank or stretch card. Each device has detailed instructions that indicate how to pay for parking. The instructions are quite detailed, so there should be no problems.

Mobile app

You can also pay for parking in the center using a mobile application that is installed on the telephone. For it to work, you need an Android device. After the application is downloaded, access to the Personal Account is provided with a username and password. The device is now ready for use.

Entering the territory of paid parking, you must enable the application and log in. Then the data is entered: the parking number and the duration of stay on it. Remember that time is indicated in hours. Minutes are not specified in the application. As soon as the car leaves the paid parking, it is necessary to click on the “Leave” button in the application, thereby recalculating the time.pay parking through

How to pay parking in Moscow without problems?

Due to the novelty of this practice and the lack of experience among drivers, people often have some difficulties:

  1. Payment for parking does not include cash. Therefore, you need to check that there is enough money on the balance of your mobile phone or you can buy a card in advance for payment.
  2. In case of sending a message, it is necessary to wait for a reply SMS, in which information will be written that the parking has been paid.
  3. Telephone companies charge a fee for the operation. As a rule, it is 6.5% of the amount. Therefore, if the car is in the paid parking lot for an hour, then there will not be enough money in the amount of 50 rubles on the balance of the number and the mobile operator will reject the operation. On the account should be the amount of 50 rubles and plus a commission.
  4. Since many people use postpaid tariff plans or numbers issued for a legal entity, it will not be possible to deposit parking funds from them. To pay on the phone must be activated the service "Advance account". Therefore, if the number belongs to a legal entity, it is necessary to replenish this account. As an example, at Vimpel-Com group numbers, advances are paid by replacing the first digit of the number with 6. Example: if your number is +79030000000, then you need to deposit money at +76030000000.
  5. Since parking meters are new equipment, payments may not always go through. Be sure to keep the check issued by the machine after depositing funds.
  6. In case there is a problem with paying for parking, there is a multi-function number +7 (495) 539-22-99. In order for the operator to be able to record your attempt to deposit funds, he will need to inform the parking identifier and address, license plate number of the car.After that, the Call-center employee should indicate the number of your call, which you should have fixed. If you suddenly write a penalty for an unpaid parking space, then you can appeal against this appeal.pay parking via sms

Penalty for parking in case of non-payment

The traffic rules set a punishment for parking violations. It ranges from 2500 to 5000 rubles. Agree, the amount is quite significant. After the fine has arrived, it must be paid within 30 days. If this is not done on time, then the amount will be increased by 1000-5000 p. Also applied administrative arrest for up to 15 days. If the fine is not paid for a long time, by order of the court, the owner of the car may be seized, according to which a ban on traveling abroad will be issued.

Parking violation violation

The implementation of parking rules in the center of Moscow is monitored by special mobile video recording systems. Each of them is equipped with photofixation equipment. They move along a special route on the territory of which photo and video are taken. After the device has detected a violation, a receipt is automatically generated, which will then be sent to the owner of the car through the mail of the Russian Federation.

If a violation is detected, the equipment records the time and location of the machine. And even if the car stood on the spot for a long time, then only one will be punished for such a parking.

Parking ticket issued to owner

how to pay paid parking

If the vehicle was transferred to another person and the owner was not involved in the offense, then, upon presenting evidence, he may indicate the person who is currently operating the machine.

The number is not readable

It is impossible to avoid a penalty if your number is not readable. In addition to the fact that a receipt will be issued for wrong parking from 2500 rubles, an additional penalty for unreadable numbers will be 5000 rubles.

Penalty for unpaid parking space

In a situation, if you were issued a fine for a paid parking lot, and you are sure that the money has been paid, then you need to appeal it. To avoid this situation, keep your checks for at least 30 days. If the payment was by mobile phone, then the payment confirmation must be requested from the mobile operator.

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