
How to pay for purchases on Aliexpress: instructions, methods, recommendations and reviews

Chinese online stores have long been a place for cheap shopping for customers from all over the world. Thousands of orders are sent daily from China to different countries thanks to online shopping, including - and Aliexpress.

Russian visitors also use this platform to purchase inexpensive clothes, shoes, home accessories, electronics and other goods. All this together brings profit to more than 200 thousand sellers, constantly exhibiting something new on their pages.

In this article we will talk about “Aliexpress”. More precisely, we will consider how to pay for purchases on Aliexpress more convenient and profitable. The article will be useful both to those users who already have some experience with this store and do not know how to shop with greater profit, and those who have not yet used the benefits of “Ali”.

How to pay for purchases on Aliexpress


We begin with a description of the currencies that are used in this store. As already noted, the project is popular in many countries of the world; for this reason, the store is multicurrency. This simplifies the task for those who do not know how to pay for purchases on Aliexpress. You can make sure that the project accepts different currencies and supports many payment systems, at least by going to the main page. In its upper right corner you can see a special “flag”, with which the display format of the site is switched.

So, you can indicate that “Aliexpress” should use only rubles, dollars, euros, pounds sterling and any of the other currencies on the list to display prices. This will be convenient if you would like to make the calculation not in dollars, but do not want to spend extra time on conversion. Again, using the “checkbox” of the switch, you can find out how it is more profitable to pay for purchases on Aliexpress (in which currency). After all, perhaps you know where you can exchange one currency for another at a better rate than the one presented on the site.

Accept payments

How to pay for purchases on Aliexpress through

It should be emphasized that there are different payment systems with which you can pay for purchases through your account on Aliexpress. The task for the management of the resource was not easy: it was necessary, given the difference in the preferences of the inhabitants of a particular country, to create a universal approach to receiving payments. That is, if we are from Russia, and it is beneficial for us to pay Webmoney, and it is easier for an American to pay using PayPal, the Chinese platform should take this into account and figure out how to pay for purchases on Aliexpress to residents of different regions.

Now, paying on this site, we can say that the Chinese project succeeded. Indeed, today there is no problem regarding different payment systems and different currencies. And the question of how to pay for purchases on Aliexpress is also no longer relevant, since the system automatically suggests you use one of the most common replenishment methods. And this is taking into account the fact that the funds will be transferred to the Chinese department of the store, and in the future - will be distributed among sellers (and there are more than 200 thousand of them, as you remember)! A difficult task faces the resource "Aliexpress" every day, right?


how to pay for purchases on Aliexpress

In order to get closer to the topic of our article, we give a small step-by-step instruction. With its help, each user will be able to understand not only how best to pay for purchases on Aliexpress, but in general - how to buy something here (in the event that a person has not done this before, but really wanted to try).We immediately draw attention to the fact that there is nothing complicated: already after the first time, users understand all the details. And the system interface is simply organized enough not to cause any problems for beginners. This, for example, is noted by customer reviews on Ali.

Verification of goods and seller

So, let's hope you have chosen the product you are interested in. You got acquainted with the photo, looked at the description, studied some comments and ratings for the product left by other users. You can say that you are ready to place an order. If so, click “Buy” or “Add to Cart”. The first option is relevant if you want to purchase only this product, the second - if you want to continue shopping and choose something else.

Immediately after pressing the button, the menu for entering your Aliexpress account will appear on your screen. If you do not have one - it does not matter, you can register it in a fairly short period of time. You will need standard information - login, password, email address. After this stage, we proceed directly to placing an order and clarifying information important to the seller.

how to pay for purchases on Aliexpress via phone

Checkout. Account

As you make the choice of goods, you can specify how many units you would like to purchase, as well as choose the color and delivery method. The same choice could be made earlier, while still on the page of the lot.

Even if you are too lazy to fill out an account form, we still recommend doing so. Firstly, in the future it will be more convenient for you to interact with the site in case you want to buy something again. Secondly, your account will receive special offers in the form of bonuses and discounts that will help you save in the future.

how to pay for purchases on Aliexpress through the terminal

Indication of delivery details

Before you note how you can pay for purchases, on Aliexpress you will see the window “Shipping Details” (Shipping Info). Reviews say that here you should enter information about where you would like to receive your purchases. The system offers you to either use the address that was specified during registration, or specify a new one. This field should be filled out as carefully as possible.


what is the best way to pay for purchases on Aliexpress

So, how to pay for purchases on Aliexpress? Through Qiwi, Webmoney, Yandex.Money, RBK-money - there is no difference. Payments from all mentioned (and many other payment systems) are processed through a single intermediary company Robokassa. This is a platform that accepts funds in various ways, in order to subsequently send them to the store. The versatility of this service eliminates the question of how to pay for purchases on Aliexpress.

Through the terminal (directly to the account with Robokassa), by bank transfer, by credit card - using any of the described methods you can pay for purchases. Confirmation of this can be found in the reviews about this store, of which a huge number are represented. Such simplicity leads to the fact that buying on Aliexpress has become not only very profitable, but also extremely convenient. In fact, the Chinese supermarket operates on a principle similar to Russian shops.

In this regard, there is one answer to the question of how to pay for purchases on Aliexpress via telephone (or through some other payment system). All payments “Ali” is processed by a single currency center, on the page of which the buyer makes a choice as to which it is more convenient for him to pay.

As for the benefits, this question is not so clear. We can say that there is a certain difference in exchange rate policy, which can somehow be saved. For example, it looks like this: if the Webmoney dollar exchange rate to the ruble is 1 to 70, and the real exchange rate of the American dollar and the Russian ruble is 1 to 73, therefore, it will be more profitable for you to pay using Webmoney, after replenishing the wallet in this system. That is, exchange rate fluctuations, if you calculate them at the time you make the payment, can give some small benefit.

Reviews mark the second point - these are commissions. If you want to pay through a terminal or phone, you will need to pay a commission.For electronic currencies, it is absent. Therefore, we recommend using them to pay for your purchases more profitably.


How can I pay for purchases on Aliexpress

After the funds have been sent / debited, you should expect to send and receive the goods at the address specified when ordering. Please note that at the first stage, the seller may require several days to pack and send your package. This is indicated separately on the product page (in its lower part).

The second point is the tracking of the package. It is carried out using the online service and a special unique code that is issued to the buyer when placing an order.


We know how poor the quality of some Chinese products can be. The reason for this is either the seller’s dishonest attitude to his duties, or a violation of the delivery conditions, or damage by mail. Anyway, but there are situations when your parcel arrives in a state far from the one you are counting on. What to do in this case?

First of all, in order to somehow get your return, you need to send confirmation of damage. This may be a photo / video sent to the seller. Further, if he refuses to return, the dispute “escalates” and the administration begins to consider it. Her decision is binding.

If there is a message that you have a refund, such an operation will be performed in the currency that was originally credited about the store. That is, if you paid Webmoney in rubles, they will also be sent to your wallet in a few days.

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