
Basic parking rules in Moscow: overview, description and recommendations. Disabled parking in Moscow

Moscow, like all the major European capitals, every year suffocates more and more from kilometers of traffic jams. Road congestion during peak hours has recently taken on truly awesome proportions and actually paralyzed the movement of major highways. To change the situation, the city authorities have developed and implemented a number of measures that are designed to improve the current condition on the roads. One of the main ways of influence was the new parking rules in Moscow.

General recommendations

The problem of parking for Muscovites is the most pressing issue. Violating the existing rules, local residents and visitors run the risk of being left without a car, finding damage or pollution on it, as well as solid blockages of snow nearby, which impede the passage. In order to avoid an unpleasant situation, you need to know the basic rules of parking in Moscow. Simply put, the recommendation for motorists is only one - you can leave the car wherever it is not prohibited.

parking rules in Moscow

Restrictions are determined by the current rules and traffic signs established in a particular place. A gross violation of such regulations threatens to evacuate the car and impose a fine.

About private parking

Parking rules in Moscow may vary slightly: for city parking there is one system, for private parking - another. Speaking about private parking in the capital, in most cases it means equipped areas near shopping, entertainment and business centers, restaurants and other establishments, in which a significant number of citizens are expected to be at one time.

parking rules in Moscow at the weekend

Depending on the policy of the legal entity that provides parking for motorists, a place for a car may be free or paid. In the latter case, funds may be charged from the first, second, third or other hour. Discounts are often provided to customers of large stores with a purchase receipt. Also popular is the access system, which provides a vacant parking place exclusively for “friends”.

Parking in the center of the capital: prices and fines

The first official public parking lots began to appear in large numbers in the capital only in 2010. Their main purpose is the fight against illegal commercial parking, unloading roads, and providing popular services to the population. By July 1, 2013, the experiment could be considered almost complete. From that moment, platforms for cars within the Garden Ring, as well as about 20 central streets, became completely paid. The rules for using parking in Moscow imply payment of 50 rubles for one hour of parking. Requirements for paying for the place were generated, in turn, by a change in the system of fines. So the violator of the law can be punished:

  • for unpaid parking (the amount of the penalty is 2500 rubles);
  • for non-payment of a fine (ranges from 1000 to 5000 rubles);
  • for concealing car license plates (up to 5000 rubles).disabled parking in Moscow rules

Fortunately, under certain conditions, motorists will be able to avoid additional financial damage. This will require a clear knowledge of current legislation. So, penalties are imposed only if:

  • a working machine for making a payment (a similar device is called a parking meter);
  • markings in the parking lot, as well as all necessary signs and signs.

Opinions of local residents

Parking rules in the center of Moscow imply paid parking for absolutely all categories of citizens. Such an innovation was extremely negatively perceived by local residents, especially those who have their own housing in the central part of the city and park their vehicles practically under the windows of the house.

Citizens were offered two options for the development of events. They can be parked for free exclusively at night from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. The second solution is to purchase a special, preferential parking ticket. Its cost is 3 thousand rubles and makes it possible to leave the car in a convenient place around the clock (of course, if there is a residence permit in this area and a paid subscription).

Parking in residential areas and on the outskirts of the city

New parking rules in Moscow also affected sleeping areas. Currently in the capital there are more than 150 so-called interception parks, which can simultaneously accommodate about 14 thousand cars. Such parking lots are usually located on the border of the city and in the suburbs. For the most part, their purpose is to unload capital roads from regional transport, owned by those who are going to work in the center from remote settlements.

parking payment rules in Moscow

It should be noted that such parking can be located not only on the outskirts, but also closer to the center. By the way, the subscription price will directly depend on their location. Currently relevant are the following rates:

  • 4000 rubles - on the territory of the Garden Ring;
  • 3200 rubles between the Garden Ring and the Third Transport Ring;
  • 2000 rubles for localization between the Third Transport and MKAD.

Weekend Payment Features

It should be noted that such innovations do not always work, because of all the rules there are exceptions. Let's talk about this in more detail. So, parking rules in Moscow on weekends mean that parking will be free. The relief also extends to official holidays, when most residents of the capital are not working, and the city center is less busy with transport (for example, New Year or May holidays).

parking rules in the center of Moscow

Unfortunately, it is likely that parking rules in Moscow at the weekend will change dramatically in the near future. The fact is that since the cancellation of the fee in this time range, the number of violations has increased markedly, and road loading has increased by almost 20 percent.

Preferential categories of citizens

How is parking for disabled people implemented in Moscow? The rules provide for the possibility of free parking around the clock for the following privileged categories of citizens:

  • WWII veterans;
  • disabled people;
  • participants in the defense of Moscow;
  • former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps.

It should be noted that there are certain nuances of how parking for disabled people is organized in Moscow. The rules contain information that the fee is not charged to the listed persons only if the following conditions are met:

  • Placement of a vehicle in a place specially designated for this, which is indicated by the "Disabled" icon (in each parking lot, according to the rules, there are at least 10 percent of the total).
  • If there is a permit confirming the preferential status.parking rules in Moscow

If these requirements are not observed, parking is carried out on a common basis and requires payment. It is possible to obtain a resident agreement after preparation and delivery of the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport or birth certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • proof of eligibility;
  • number of the car.

Not only a disabled person can get permission, but also his legal representative. In this case, he will need to prepare his passport, as well as a power of attorney. The easiest way to draw up a document through the MFC.

Basic Payment Methods

The rules for paying parking in Moscow are quite simple.The first thing to remember is that the parking meter does not accept cash. The easiest way to pay is a card (bank or parking), and the more modern way is to deposit funds using a mobile phone. To make a payment, you must send SMS to special number 7757. The message text should contain the following information:

  • parking number;
  • number of the car;
  • estimated amount of time spent in the parking lot (in hours).

Funds are debited from the phone number. If renewal is necessary, you will need to send an additional message containing the letter X and the number of hours required.

parking rules in Moscow at the weekend

Before leaving the parking lot, you should send an additional SMS with the text from one letter "C" (Russian or Latin) to the same short number.

Paid parking rules in Moscow imply the ability to control payment through a special application (parking.mos.ru). Registration on the portal is also carried out via SMS to the short number 7757. For the request, indicate the word "pin" in English letters. In return SMS you will receive a password, which, together with your phone number, will be a couple to enter the application.

Instead of a conclusion

Updated parking rules in Moscow on weekends and weekdays were able to improve the situation with metropolitan traffic and unload roads a little. A similar practice takes place in many large cities of the world for a sufficient amount of time, which allows us to conclude that it is effective. Experts predict a tendency to increase the number of paid parking outside the Garden Ring in order to continue optimizing traffic.

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