
Ski insurance: overview, features, description, rules of registration

Today, an increasing number of people prefer outdoor activities. Therefore, it is not surprising that in recent years, sports such as snowboarding and skiing have been especially popular among extreme sports enthusiasts. However, do not forget that such entertainment often ends with more or less serious injuries. To avoid the troubles associated with paying medical expenses, many of those who travel to foreign snowy spaces use such a service as ski insurance. In Russia, there are many companies involved in the design of such policies. After reading this article, you will learn about the main features of such insurance.

ski insurance

What is a ski accident and what is it fraught with?

This term refers to an accident that occurred while skiing. Typically, this is due to a violation of safety on slopes. In most cases, this does not end with fractures, but with tears and sprains. Much less often, an unsuccessful descent along a snowy track can result in fractures of the clavicle, a dislocation of the shoulder, and even craniocerebral herbs. By the way, the latter are extremely rare due to the fact that skiers are required to use protective helmets.

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of a ski accident is a collision with an oncoming object, which led to a fall. In addition, this may occur due to a gross violation of the rules of conduct on the ski slope or improper installation of ski bindings. Among the most traumatic accidents can be attributed to the collision of two skiers and incidents, the cause of which was mismanagement.

ski insurance cost

The main features of such a policy

Ski insurance has several important nuances that must be taken into account in the process of paperwork. Often, many managers intentionally or accidentally make fatal mistakes in the contract, which inevitably lead to a refusal of compensation payments. Therefore, before you put your signature on paper, you need to carefully study all the points written there.

Such a policy can be purchased directly at a ski resort. But before the trip it is necessary to clarify whether this can be done on the spot, because not all states provide such an opportunity. For this reason, it is better to take out insurance before sending to the resort.

In order to avoid possible costs associated with running over another skier, it is advisable that ski insurance provide for health and liability insurance. In addition, we must not forget that compensation is not paid if the injured was intoxicated. Persons who made a descent in a place not foreseen for this will not receive insurance payment.

ski insurance in Russia

What to look for when applying for a policy?

Of course, the ski insurance rating is regularly published on the pages of specialized publications, but nevertheless one should not blindly rely on luck. When choosing an insurance company, it is necessary to take into account several important nuances. Before signing the contract, you should make sure that it stipulates the payment of compensation for winter sports. Be sure to check the sizes insurance amount for each risk separately.In addition, it does not hurt to make sure that the policy includes additional risks and a phone number is written, which should be called if necessary.

ski insurance in italy

The financial side of the issue

Comprehensive ski insurance in Russia, the registration of which is carried out before leaving for the resort, is very beneficial because it allows you to insure yourself and your family members not only from bodily harm, but also from diseases that arise as a result of skiing on snowy tracks. The cost of such a policy depends on several factors, including:

  • contract time;
  • state of the resort;
  • health status and age of the insured person.

It is extremely unprofitable for insurance companies to provide a separate ski insurance, therefore today general insurance in tourism is increasingly practiced. On the one hand, it is not too honest with a client who is forced to bear additional costs. On the other hand, such a policy guarantees free medical care in the state of rest. Ski insurance, the cost of which starts from 1000-1500 rubles and above, is not mandatory.

ski insurance rating

What does such a policy include?

Ski insurance for lovers of snow-covered slopes requires compensation for expenses associated with:

  • transportation of the victim;
  • purchase of necessary medications;
  • stay in a medical facility;
  • conducting the necessary examinations;
  • surgical intervention.

In addition, if the injured skier has been in the medical facility for more than ten days, the insurance company is obliged to pay tickets (in both directions) for one of his family members called to provide care. If on vacation, along with the victim, were his minor children, whom there was no one to look after, then the insurance pays for their transportation home.

ski insurance in Russia

Ski insurance in Italy: main features

Those who plan to ride on the southern alpine slopes should understand that the safest tracks are equipped in this place. However, unpleasant situations can occur on them, as a result of which a person may receive more or less serious injury. To protect yourself as much as possible, you need to draw up an appropriate policy. Ski insurance offers the three most popular programs, including:

  • basic, involving reimbursement of medical expenses, transportation services and repatriation;
  • extended with the ability to call relatives who can provide proper care, transport home minor satellites and conduct telephone conversations;
  • maximum, compensating for any expenses, ranging from information to legal services.

The maximum amount of compensation for an extended policy is about 75 thousand euros.

What to do when an insured event occurs?

To receive payment, you must act in strict accordance with the requirements of the company you have chosen. First of all, you must immediately seek medical help and notify the representative of the insurance company about what happened. As a rule, this must be done within 20-30 days after the injury.

After this, the victim must collect all the necessary documents confirming the fact of the accident and send them to the insurance company.


Ski insurance is not required for anyone planning to go to foreign ski slopes. But such a policy allows you to avoid many troubles, because not a single lover of extreme relaxation is safe from accidents and injuries. As a rule, consideration of the insurance application takes no more than 60 days. In addition, we must not forget that the effect of the policy does not apply to athletes riding in inappropriate places, and to people who are intoxicated or intoxicated.

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