
Sports insurance for the child. Overview, types, design features

For a harmonious development, every little person needs a sport. But such activities in 95% of cases are associated with the possible receipt of various injuries. So if you decide to engage in the physical development of your child, you will have to get a document such as sports insurance for the child.

RESO, Ingosstrakh, Rosgosstrakh, Alfastrakhovanie and many other companies have long included such a policy in the list of services offered. Let us also consider the subtleties of this type of insurance.

sports insurance for a child

Who needs sports insurance

Not all parents understand that almost any sport can be traumatic. Therefore, sports insurance for a child is still not very popular. Coaches of sports sections have a different opinion. They absolutely do not want to take responsibility for the life and health of young athletes. If you attend a circle or section at least once a week, sports insurance is mandatory for the child. A good coach will never allow an uninsured child to practice.

Since training in some circles, including sports, today can be carried out for children almost infants, child insurance for the sports section is issued from two years. The age limit to which the policy is considered to be childish is the age of majority, that is, 18 years.

Conclusion of the contract and its features

In order to draw up such a policy, a lot of effort will not be needed. It is necessary to contact any insurance company providing such a service and provide the necessary data:

  • F. I. O. of a young athlete;
  • date, month, year of his birth (copy of certificate);
  • kind of sport that children do;
  • passport details of one of the parents or guardians;
  • residence address;
  • mobile phone number for communication.

Now you need to discuss the details of the contract with the manager of the Insurance Company and select the required risks, the term of the policy, discuss the amount of payments and what specific amount (percentage) the parent will claim in case the child receives one or another injury. To do this, a small survey is carried out, the results of which allow us to offer the client the most advantageous package. Conditions can be adjusted according to the wishes of the parent.

sports insurance for a child spb

Sports insurance for a child (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Voronezh, and any other city in Russia can be the place of its registration) has some features:

  1. Cash benefits are offered in the event of injury, death or disability.
  2. Death or impairment of health as a result of a general illness or negligence is most often not an insured event. That is, if a child broke his leg not in the gym, but while running up the stairs and dabbling with classmates, insurance is not allowed.
  3. When a sports insurance is issued for a trip to foreign competitions, it is necessary to issue a medical insurance policy for those who go abroad.

The risks

Since athletes, as well as other people, can receive various injuries, all the main risks can be divided into three large groups:

  • associated with injury of varying severity;
  • the onset of any disability group as a result of an injury received during class;
  • death.

Of course, in each case, the payments will not be the same. In the first case, the policyholder can claim to receive an amount equal to from 1 to 100% of insurance coverage (depends on the severity of the damage).

child insurance for the sports section

In the second case, this value increases and can be from 60 to 100% of the amount of coverage. And only in the third case, the policyholder without options will receive all 100% insurance.

Additionally, the following risks may also be included in the contract:

  • loss or breakdown of baggage or sports equipment (items, equipment parts);
  • lack of opportunity to enter the competition;
  • other risks.

Dates and cost

Sports insurance for a child can be both long-term and can be issued for a short time. The options are as follows:

  • annual policy for the period of employment in circles and sections (sports);
  • one-day (for several days) insurance policy for the duration of the competition, including in another city or country;
  • insurance for a stay in a children's sports camp or just a health camp regardless of participation in competitions / trainings.

All these data directly affect how much sports insurance for children costs. The amount will depend on the following factors:

  • insurance period;
  • kind of sport and its injury hazard;
  • list of insured events;
  • age category of a young athlete.

If you want to save a little, you can arrange parents whose children are engaged in a circle, and arrange for collective insurance. The discount can be very good.

Sports insurance for a child Rosgosstrakh

Receipt of payments

Suppose you already have sports insurance for a child - Rosgosstrakh, VTB Insurance, Renaissance or any other company has issued it. What to do next?

If your baby is injured in classes or competitions, first of all, you need to see a doctor for first aid. The doctor must give you a certificate confirming that the injury was received as a result of playing sports. It is very important! Otherwise, it will then be difficult to prove that, for example, the leg was broken as a result of an unsuccessful jump from the bars, and not from the neighbor’s garage.

After this, it is necessary to notify the SK employee about the incident as soon as possible (no longer than 3 days). It’s best to do this right away, by phone, and then visit the office in person and write a statement.

Now you have to stock up on the necessary documents. Most often, the list looks like this:

  • original + copy of the policy itself;
  • passport of the insured, the one who paid;
  • birth certificate of the insured;
  • TIN of the payee (compensation);
  • data of the current account to which the money should be transferred.

If an athlete dies from his injuries, an additional death certificate, a copy of it, as well as a doctor’s opinion on the cause of death, will be required. In case of assignment of disability to any group, also attach a notarized copy of the MSEC certificate and the opinion of the attending physician. Moreover, in the last two cases, the specialist must directly indicate that the event occurred as a result of a sports injury.

sports insurance for baby reso

How to choose an insurer

If you need sports insurance for a child, it is better to choose the insurance company with which you will not have problems in the future. For this, first of all, it is worth examining the reviews of those people who have already used this service. And you need to pay attention not to praise, but just to the negative. It is best to prefer a large insurance company that has already made a name for itself in the world of insurance services. The most interesting and profitable products provide:

  • RESO.
  • Rosgosstrakh.
  • Ingosstrakh.
  • "Alfa insurance".
  • "VTB insurance."
  • Sogaz.

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