
State duty for rights. How to pay the state duty fee?

Well, today we have to find out what the state duty for rights is, where it is paid and in what amounts. In addition, let's try to understand how exactly you can get a driver’s license. To be honest, this issue makes many think. Especially for beginners. Or those who do not follow the laws and amendments. The state duty for rights in any case must be paid. Without it, the issuance of the relevant document cannot be executed, much less carried out. But how to get a driver’s license? What is needed for this?state duty for rights

Documents for Rights

To begin with, before paying the fee, you should take care of the availability of a certain list of documents. Their absence makes useless payment of an identity fee. What do you need to prepare? There are not many cases, but there are several scenarios. Without fail you must present:

  • passport;
  • check with paid duty;
  • application for a driver's license;
  • 4 photos on matte paper in 3 by 4 format;
  • medical certificate (about passing the commission).

Further, depending on the reason for the replacement of rights, it will be enough to bring some documents. For example, they may include:

  • old rights (upon replacement by validity period);
  • marriage / divorce certificate (when changing the name);
  • statement of loss with an explanatory note;
  • examination card (first acquisition, restoration).

Where to go

The state duty for rights is paid to the same authority where the corresponding application with documents is submitted. Which organ will you have to go to? Of course, in the traffic police. You can contact your place of residence, but, as practice shows, you can be sent to the office by registration.payment of state duty for rights

Of course, when the state fee for changing rights is paid, you should indicate in the "Recipient" column Bank details relevant organization. To be honest, it's better to worry about this data in advance. This will save you from unnecessary problems. In addition, it is advisable to address the issue of payment of the fee shortly before filing an application for issuance / replacement / restoration. And contact the traffic police already with a paid payment.

How much to pay

The state duty for issuing rights, to be honest, worries many drivers. And not just like that. After all, the tariff here is constantly changing. And depending on each specific case, you will have to deposit this or that sum of money in the treasury of the state.

What is worth preparing for? For example, the fact that a temporary driver's license will cost you 800 rubles. These data are relevant from 2015 to the present day. So far, a tariff increase is not expected.

International law (initial acquisition) costs 1,600 rubles. As you can see, this is already a more tangible amount, but still not so big. This fee is paid only at the first issue of a driver’s license. There is another layout.state duty for granting rights

For example, a state duty for new rights or an ordinary type of certificate will cost a citizen 2,000 rubles. It used to be less, but recently the tariff has increased. The same applies to restoring a document for one reason or another. It turns out that in fact the driver must always pay the state 2,000 rubles for the rights.

Payment Methods

Go ahead. How to pay a fee for rights? Here, the modern citizen has almost complete freedom of action. There are more than enough options for the development of events. Only worry in advance about the availability of the beneficiary's bank details. And after that, think directly about paying the fee. So, among all existing methods for solving the issue, they most often distinguish:

  • traffic police department;
  • bank;
  • ATM;
  • payment terminal;
  • online wallet;
  • "Government services";
  • "Payment of public services";
  • "Sberbank Online".

If you look closely, most of the proposed techniques support cashless payments. In principle, this does not play a role. The main thing is that at the time you submit your application to the STSI, you should have a check on the payment of a duty in your name. No matter how you pay. And now a little specificity.

STSI and the bank

Let's start with the most familiar methods. For example, a state duty for rights can be paid directly to the traffic police or any bank. You will need a completed receipt indicating the exact amount, as well as a passport. And of course, money.how to pay the state fee for rights

The process is extremely simple. You apply with the completed payment to the bank or the traffic police (at the cash desk) and give the money. Present at the same time your passport, take the receipt of payment with a check. And yet, you will not have any more problems. The main advantage of this method is its quick implementation. Indeed, sometimes it turns out that the state duty is not immediately accrued. In this case, for example, paperwork through the Internet will be very difficult. More precisely, it is impossible before payment is received.

Terminal and ATM

Go ahead. Now newer methods. To be honest, they like modern citizens more. If you have a bank card, you can easily use any payment terminal or ATM. What exactly is required of you? Passport, phone, card or money, as well as details of the recipient.

We insert "plastic" into the ATM (if it is a terminal, this item is skipped), enter the pin code. Now you need to select "Payment" - "Search payee". Here you will have a choice of how to find a particular authority. Most often, "By TIN" is selected. In the field that appears, print the relevant details and perform a search.

Next, you need to choose the authority where to pay. More precisely, the reason for the payment. In our case, this is "Payment of state duty for rights." After that, you have to click on the appropriate line with the type of driver’s license. In some terminals, you just need to indicate the amount that you need to pay.state duty for changing rights

The next stage is information about the payer. Here passport data is written. Nothing special or complicated. If the item "INN" was issued to you, you can skip it. This is an optional step, as opposed to filling in the initials and place of registration. All that remains is to check the details and set the payment amount. If a certain state duty for rights was previously selected, this moment is skipped. Pay money to the receiver (when it comes to the terminal) and confirm your actions. From the mobile phone you need to enter the completion code. That's all. You can pick up the check and apply it to other documents.

"Government services"

What else can be offered? For example, go to work through the Internet. And here the government services portal comes to the rescue. If you have an account on this resource, you can pay a fee for certain services by bank transfer. We are authorized, in the search we write "State duty for a driver’s license" and press Enter. You will be offered cash and bank transfer. We select the second item, fill in the details - about the recipient and payer. Then you need to enter the details of your bank card (or electronic wallet, when you chose this method of payment) and confirm the action. Not the most difficult process, but "State services" in this sense are not very popular.replacement of rights payment of state duty

It is also worth paying attention to the portal called "Payment of public services" (oplatagosuslug.ru). Then select the item "Payment of fees." In the window that appears, the relevant items are filled (selected), and then the data about the payer and the recipient is entered. As in the previous case, the state duty for rights here is paid after providing information about your bank card. First you need to enter the payment amount. Click "Pay."Done, you can print the check and apply it to the general package of documents.

Online wallet

This is such a confusing process - the replacement of rights. Payment of state fees, by the way, can occur directly using an electronic wallet. For example, WebMoney. How to bring an idea to life?state duty for new rights

Log in to your own wallet, and then select "Pay for services." Next, find the recipient using the search bar, select "State fee for issuing rights", and then click "Pay." Funds will be debited from your account to the state treasury. The main problem is that the data in the passport and in the electronic wallet should be the same.

Now it’s clear how to pay the state duty for rights. Choose any method and bring it to life!

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