
Exchange of driver's license: terms and necessary documents. Step-by-step instructions for exchanging a driver’s license

A driver’s license is one of the main reasons for driving any type of vehicle. Depending on the categories indicated in it, the driver gains access to control the appropriate mode of transport. Each car owner is faced with situations when he becomes necessary to exchange a driver’s license.

In what cases is the exchange

There are various reasons for replacing a driver’s license, depending on the circumstances. But, despite the variety of possible situations, there is a list of the most common:

  1. The certificate has expired. Every 10 years it is subject to mandatory replacement.
  2. Change of name or surname. Personal identification of the driver is possible only if his civil name registered in the registry office matches the data specified in the certificate.
  3. Loss of a valid driver’s license.
  4. Corruption and deterioration of the document, which makes it impossible to read information.
  5. Change in health status.

The procedure for exchanging a driver’s license is individual for each driver, so often questions arise about this. Drivers are interested in: how, where and with which documents the driver’s license is exchanged.

Who and where is the exchange

The certificate is exchanged at the traffic police at the place of circulation on the basis of the application. Regardless of the actual place of circulation, the exchange is carried out in the same manner and does not require local registration. The addresses of the exchange of a driver’s license can be found on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Russia - http://www.gibdd.ru. Using the search system, you can find the nearest branch and go there.

If you need to replace a driver’s license of an international standard, you should first call the traffic police department and find out if they provide such a service.

What you need to provide in the traffic police for an exchange

In the traffic police department, an exchange of a driver’s license is made upon the fact of submitting an application by an individual, with the application of documents confirming his civil name, status and state of health.

Here is the exact list of required documents:

application for an exchange of a driver’s license

  1. Application for an exchange of a driver’s license.
  2. Passport. The document must necessarily contain information about the registration of a citizen at the place of residence. If it is difficult for traffic police to determine the actual place of residence (that is, it does not correspond to registration), they may additionally request an extract from the place of temporary residence. The passport presented in the traffic police must meet the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, according to which the passport must be exchanged when the applicant reaches a certain age - 20 and 45 years.
  3. Three matte photos 3 x 4cm. They must be attached to the rest of the documents submitted to the traffic police if the automated production of a driver’s license is not performed in this department. Today, almost all departments are equipped with the necessary equipment for photographing, but sometimes the driver may be asked to take photographs on their own. So in order to avoid unnecessary delays, it is better to pre-take up to 6 photos.
  4. Current medical certificate.At the same time, the certificate must necessarily indicate the general medical opinion on the driver’s health status and ability to drive the vehicle. It should also be borne in mind that for each individual category of driving, health requirements are different. And if in the last time the driver had serious health problems, he may not be allowed to receive the category that he had before. The medical certificate also indicates additional requirements, for example, the obligatory wearing of glasses for poor eyesight. It should be borne in mind that when assigning points for driving, taking pictures on a driver’s license will also have to be in glasses, to simplify the identification of the driver by the traffic police.
  5. The previous driver’s license, if the exchange occurs after the expiration date.
  6. Receipt of payment of state duty for the manufacture of a driver's license.

The size of the state duty and the procedure for its payment

For 2015, the amount of state duty imposed on the driver when exchanging the old driver’s license for a new one is:

  • 400 rubles for the paper version;
  • 800 rubles for the plastic version;
  • 1000 rubles for an international standard.

The driver receives a receipt at the traffic police department along with all the details that form his driver’s profile. Payment on receipt is made at any branch of the bank that provides services for the payment of state duties and fines, for example, in Sberbank. However, the driver can pay the state fee by using the electronic service on the website of the State traffic inspectorate www.gibdd.ru. After making electronic payment, you must print the receipt. Although it is possible to apply without providing a receipt: the traffic police themselves will check the electronic interagency base and see the perfect payment there.

Earlier, in 2014, the traffic police was required to submit additional documents for exchange. These were: registration at the place of residence or actual stay, a document on training and qualifications, a certificate from the traffic police indicating violations of traffic rules officially registered by the traffic police.

For 2015, the exchange of a driver’s license was simplified, due to some qualitative changes in the departmental structure of the Russian traffic police. In particular, the traffic police began to use the internal electronic database on a large scale, which contains all the data about the driver, his violations for the whole time and confirmation of his driver’s qualifications.

Exchange in connection with a change of civil name or marriage

If it is necessary to replace a license in connection with a change in civil name or marriage, then the following documents must be submitted to the traffic police for the exchange of a driver’s license:

  • Marriage certificate and its copy.
  • Passport with a new name and surname.
  • Driving card.
  • The previous driver’s license in the old name and surname.

In this case, the replacement of a certificate with a new one is necessary so that the driver does not have problems with the traffic police. For driving a car with a driver’s license indicating an invalid name, a fine of 5 to 15 thousand rubles may be imposed. In order to avoid such misunderstandings, we strongly recommend that you immediately contact the nearest traffic police department and get a new certificate.

The order and terms of consideration of the application for exchange

To consider the possibility of exchanging a driver’s license, it is necessary for the driver to submit the required documents in full and in original form. We also recommend that when exchanging due to the expiration of the old certificate, submit documents for the exchange before this point. It is important to know that the procedure for exchanging a driver’s license can be changed depending on the situation.

driving license exchange procedure

At the time of consideration of the application for the issuance of a new license, the driver loses his document. By law, driving without a driver’s license is prohibited. Therefore, while the traffic police draw up a new copy, you will have to move on foot or use a temporary permit to drive vehicles.

If the reason for the exchange of rights is expiration, then the traffic police will make a new certificate within 24 hours. But only on condition that all necessary documents are provided according to the list.

It should be borne in mind that the terms for exchanging a driver’s license are not officially regulated anywhere. The time it takes to confirm the exchange request and make a new plastic card depends on the workload of this department of the traffic police, but usually does not exceed 3 days.

Reasons for denial of exchange

There are circumstances that allow traffic police officers to refuse to provide an exchange. The rules for the exchange of a driver’s license include the following grounds that prevent obtaining a new license:

  • submitted documents are outdated or not presented in full;
  • recent changes in the state of health reflected in the medical certificate do not meet the requirements for this category;
  • the driver was deprived of driving rights according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Replacing a foreign certificate with a Russian one

Foreigners with a foreign driver’s license are allowed to drive in Russia in two cases:

  1. If a person with foreign citizenship has driving rights obtained in a state that is a party to the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic (there are 64 such countries). From June 15, 2015, Federal Law 25 will come into force. It contains provisions governing the right to drive a car with the possibility of using a non-Russian certificate. In particular, it says: “It is forbidden to drive a vehicle for labor and business purposes without providing a special permit that classifies the driver as a participant in international traffic”
  2. A person from another country has the right to use transport in the presence of national and international driver's licenses. The effectiveness of these rights is possible only if two samples are provided at the same time.

exchange of a driver’s license to foreign citizens

When an exchange of a driver’s license is required for foreign citizens, the traffic police department must provide:

  1. Statement.
  2. National passport of a foreign citizen.
  3. The medical certificate relevant at the time of the appeal.
  4. Foreign driving license.

According to paragraph 43 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.24.2014 No. 1097, after receiving a Russian-style certificate, a foreigner is required to return his national certificate.

How to exchange an international certificate

An international driver’s license is in addition to the basic driver’s license and confirms the rights of a person to use a car in many countries. A feature of such a certificate is the unity of the sample, which allows to simplify the procedure for driver identification by traffic police of different countries. It is important that information about drivers (including violations) that use international identification is contained in a common database. So deprivation of rights in one state eliminates the validity of a national driver’s license.

As in the situation with the national document, an international certificate can be exchanged at any department of the State traffic inspectorate, but it is better to call the duty officer first and find out the exchange procedure.In general, the exchange of this type of driver’s license will require the same list of documents, namely: an application, passport, medical certificate and a previous copy of the driver’s license of the same type. But since this type of permit to drive a motor vehicle is an addition to basic national rights, a driver’s license of a national type is added to the package of documents submitted to the STSI.

documents for the exchange of a driver’s license

How much time is given for the exchange of a driver's license

The driver’s license, which is subject to exchange, is in fact invalid. This situation is regarded as driving without a corresponding right. In this case, a fine of 5 to 15 thousand rubles and confiscation of the car may be imposed on the driver.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary problems with the traffic police, you should prepare documents in time for the exchange of a driver’s license.

If the certificate was lost, you should immediately contact the authorities of the State traffic inspectorate and replace the lost document. The driver will receive a temporary certificate, and a permanent one will be restored within a month.

An exchange of a foreign driver’s license into a Russian one is carried out if it is necessary to use the vehicle commercially or at will.

In the event that the traffic police inspectors mark the front or back of the plastic card, which serve as an unregulated method of intra-departmental communication among the traffic police, you can not apply for an exchange. However, in order to avoid biased attitude traffic police in relation to the driver, it is better to make an exchange.

What should not be done when exchanging an identity card

An exchange of a driver’s license involves some discomfort for any driver who has applied for this service to the traffic police. Some of the motorists sometimes commit acts that may delay the receipt of a new copy of a driver’s license, and sometimes force the traffic police to refuse to exchange. What should not be done:

  1. Make sure that the documents are prepared correctly and in full.
  2. Do not require the traffic police to "hurry up with the production of a new certificate," because they can simply refuse, and you will have to go to another department.
  3. Do not get behind the wheel of a car without getting the rights in your hands - if you stop the inspector, you will be found guilty of illegal driving.
  4. Be prepared for the fact that there may be a delay in the deadline for the production of a new certificate, so do not plan any trips for the exchange period.

traffic police license exchange

Exchange using Gosuslug portal

To simplify the procedure for obtaining a new driver’s license, it is possible to use the state service electronic service (gosuslugi.ru). On the site you can exchange your driver’s license without leaving your home.

First you need to create your own profile on the portal using the registration form, where you should indicate your real name and contact information.

driving license exchange procedure

After that, you must select the appropriate service on the site. To do this, in the "Services for Individuals" section, select the "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" section, then find and select in the drop-down list: "Acceptance of qualification exams for obtaining the right to manage ...", and in the list that opens, select: "Replacing a driver’s license."

driving license exchange

After the actions have been taken and the reasons for the exchange have been indicated, it will be proposed to fill in the driver’s passport data, including the place of birth, date of birth, who issued it, series and number.

The service also requires uploading 2 photos, the first of which is a driver’s photo, the second is a personal signature in the passport.

It only remains to appear in the traffic police department at the time indicated on the portal and to receive a new driver’s license.

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