
How to organize a hotel business? Where to start a sublease business? How to convert an apartment into a hotel?

how to organize a hotel business

Not only serious and large investors are thinking about how to organize a hotel business. Private entrepreneurs are also interested in this issue. It would seem that this niche has long been occupied, and there is no place for beginners in it.

However, the opinion is erroneous. With the right approach and with minimal risks, in a couple of years you can not only recoup costs, but also start to receive income, moreover, stable. We will show you how to organize a hotel business.

A hotel or a hotel?

Today, these concepts are considered synonyms. Of course, there is a lot in common. But there are differences. The word "hotel" itself comes from the Russian "guest". For those traveling, they built simple houses where they could spend the night. The amenities there were minimal (only everything needed).

The word "hotel" is treated in the same way, only the origin here is no longer Russian, but Latin. The original “hospes” (guest) has changed, thanks to the French, into a more harmonious “hotel” (hotel).

Actually, there are no significant differences in dictionaries. However, it is believed that the hotel, unlike the hotel, is more comfortable and has an expanded range of services. However, these differences do not affect Russia. In the classification of Russian hotels, the concept of "hotel" is not used at all. However, GOST requires a minimum of ten rooms in a temporary residence. The characteristics and completeness of services are reflected in the number of “stars” (at least one, at most five).


The opportunity to buy an already promoted business is not available to everyone. Yes, and the purchase of land along with construction will cost millions. In search of a way out, many will surely have the question: “Is it possible to equip my own apartment for a hotel?”

Here, as in every coin (or, if you want, medals), there are two sides. It turns out that about half of the hotel business is unofficial (unregistered and unregistered properly) private mini-hotels. People are forced to fade due to bureaucratic problems arising from legal formalities.

The root of the “gray” scheme lies in the official rental of an apartment. The owner of the premises saves a certain amount of money on legal registration and thereby reduces tax costs. This is a plus. Now about the minus. Responsibility to the tax has not been canceled. And therefore, in case of revealing the fact (s) of tax evasion, you will have to answer.

And these are penalties (at least). In addition, owning a gray hotel, you will not be able to advertise. The assignment of "class" ("star") is not at all. The customer base, as a rule, consists of regular visitors or guests recommended by them.

The reason for the popularity of small hotels

apartment for a hotelSo why, being in the shade, is a small hotel so popular? Why do some entrepreneurs, even before organizing a hotel business, try to look for roundabout ways?

It turns out that the whole point is the imperfection of the law, according to which it is not prohibited to equip an apartment for a hotel. That is why law enforcement agencies are quite loyal to such a business.

And jurisprudence confirms this. As an example, we can consider the lawsuit of a citizen who demanded compensation for damage caused by severe flooding of her apartment.

The culprit was the mistress of the "apartment hotel."In parallel, a complaint was filed with the prosecutor's office. It would seem that illegal activity is proven. However, after compensation was made by the hostess of the hotel, the proceedings were immediately terminated. The complaint sent to the prosecutor’s office was not satisfied, because “a contract for commercial employment was concluded” and “there are no violations of the law”.

What apartment can become a mini-hotel?

Here it is worth turning to the housing code of the Russian Federation. According to the letter of the Law, the apartment, which is planned to be equipped as a hotel (hotel), should be located only on the first floor (or on the second if there are non-residential premises under it). A separate entrance is required.

It is worth remembering about the requirements established for mini-hotels, fixed by SNP and GOSTs, in particular GOST 51185-98. As you know, there are many pitfalls. That is why there are so many mini-hotels that appear in advertisements as “apartments for rent”, nothing more. This option would suit someone. But legalization will provide more advantages, including the ability to openly advertise services and attract the attention of a large number of potential customers.


Based on the foregoing, we conclude: it is better to have a transparent business, the hotel should be officially registered! Where to begin? Suppose you have a room that meets all the requirements of GOST. Now you need to think about redevelopment, transfer to non-residential premises, the need to register IP. The decoding of these concepts and a detailed description of further actions we provide below.


Among the first issues that you will have to face will be redevelopment with official registration. The apartment will have to be transferred to a non-residential fund. They will require coordination of changes to the facade, reconstruction of premises, equipment of individual entrances.

It will be possible to obtain permission to carry out work if there is a package of documents including a copy of floor plans (issued by BTI), property documents, permission to change (copies). Re-planning can only be carried out by those companies that can guarantee the coordination of absolutely all work. They will subsequently make changes to the plan and sign the act.

What is required for transfer of residential premises to non-residential? Here you need to rely on the leadership of the housing code of the Russian Federation. The list of documents that will be needed in the local administration department is as follows: a house plan (floor), a redevelopment project, documents of title and the application itself. The procedure can be divided into stages:

  • decision of the interdepartmental commission;
  • determination of the cost of transferring premises to a non-residential fund;
  • registration of property rights (issued by the Registration Chamber).

Sublease business

On the one hand, this option deserves attention. And at the same time, a sublease transaction is the risk of giving the property into the hands of a person who is not bound by any obligations to the lessor. How to organize a hotel business and not get into trouble? You can get around the pitfalls. Firstly, you need to conclude a contract correctly. Here it is worth worrying about an additional agreement, the purpose of which is to note (fix) the sublease agreement and stipulate additional important conditions. Of course, it is difficult to foresee all the nuances.

With a special desire, both the tenant and the landlord can find a loophole that can harm the company. Therefore, specify in the contract, in addition to the full name of the subtenant, the specific conditions of the relationship (the building is rented in full or only part of it; sublease or transfer), purpose (hotel, hotel) and clear terms. The presence of the last paragraph allows you to cancel, if necessary, all actions committed outside the allotted time.

Be sure to specify the financial issue regarding the improvement (for example, repair, landscaping of adjacent territories, etc.) of the leased property.Decide who will pay for the work - the actual tenant or landlord.

hotel taxation

Hotel taxation

According to Art. 381 of the Tax Code, tax rates cannot in this case exceed 2.3% (per calendar year). The calculation procedure does not depend on the will of the payers. Delaying state registration of rights will be considered a deliberate tax evasion. Accrual is made from the date of the start of operation.

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