
State support for small businesses. Tax breaks, subsidies

Today, most people who want to start their own business feel rather insecure and are in no hurry to open their own business, fearing possible financial difficulties. The fact is that not everyone today knows that in Russia there is state support for small businesses, which provides for several programs to help young entrepreneurs. In this case, do not worry that you are deceived - the state controls the entire process. Of course, not all programs work as they would like, but getting financial support from the state is quite realistic.government support for small businesses

So what should you know small business entities?

Support system for young entrepreneurs

As you know, not all companies appearing on the Russian market, initially have a sufficient amount of funds necessary for the quality development of the business. Many of them "go sailing" with almost zero balance and require serious support for further functioning. State small business support invites young entrepreneurs to receive state subsidies in the amount of up to 5 million rubles.

In order to exercise your right, you must submit an application and the main package of documents to the Department of Science, Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy, which may vary slightly depending on what kind of subsidy you want to receive. After consideration of the application, the members of the Sectoral Commission will decide on the provision of financial assistance or the refusal to appoint it. If the decision is positive, the entrepreneur agrees to report on how the funds received were spent within the prescribed time.

According to experts, the state program for supporting small business contributes to the formation of a sustainable business climate in the regions, and competent financial and legal support contribute to the development and prosperity of entrepreneurship.small business loan

List of subsidies for small businesses

Today, entrepreneurs are offered a wide variety of financial subsidies. Most often, state support for small businesses is expressed in the financial subsidization of companies, the allocation of funds from the state budget for their development. In addition, a simplified form of certification and state licensing, benefits for participating in fairs and exhibitions of goods, discounts on promotions are also used to support the development of small businesses.

Most often, small business beginners apply for state support, even during the formation of the company. Free financial and legal advice is provided for them. This approach provided the opportunity to receive state support for many novice businessmen.

Now we’ll talk in more detail about what kind of subsidies to a small business a beginner can count on.

Novice IP

small business in Russia

First of all, it should be said that despite the fact that the list of proposed subsidies is the same for residents of all of Russia, the amount of assistance may vary. Since small business in Russia most often has a regional character, the size of state aid can vary significantly. To avoid confusion, we will further consider a specific region. For example, an individual entrepreneur living in Moscow under certain conditions can receive a subsidy of up to 500 thousand rubles from the city budget. Such a subsidy can be used on:

  • partial rental of the office (however, no more than 20% of the requested subsidy amount);
  • the formation of fixed assets, excluding the purchase of passenger cars;
  • purchase of licensed software for equipment and computers;
  • equipment of workplaces of employees;
  • purchase of raw materials, components and materials (not more than 20% of the requested subsidy amount).

Conditions for receiving a subsidy:

  • the enterprise must be “young”, that is, no more than 2 years have passed since its registration;
  • revenue from sales of products may not exceed 1 billion rubles;
  • the number of employees is not more than 250 people;
  • this legal entity must be registered in Moscow and be registered with the tax authorities at the place of registration of the enterprise;
  • the company should not have arrears in the payment of all mandatory payments.

Compensation of a part of leasing payments

small business subsidies

State support for small businesses also extends to partial reimbursement of funds paid under a leasing agreement. The maximum amount of payment in this case can reach 5 million rubles, however, the amount cannot exceed 30% of the leased asset (excluding VAT). Imagine again that the company or individual entrepreneur is registered in Moscow. To receive a subsidy you need:

  • be registered and registered (tax) in Moscow;
  • have no more than 250 employees, and income from sales should not exceed one billion rubles;
  • not have arrears in the payment of fees and taxes to the budget of the Russian Federation;
  • to provide a long-term contract (valid) of a financial lease, from which it is clear that fixed assets were received under the act of transfer of the leased asset.

Refund of interest on the loan

The next type of assistance is a soft loan to small businesses. The subject of subsidization is part of the amount% for the use of credit funds, the body of the loan in this case is not subject to compensation.

The maximum interest compensation for a loan to a small business can be 5 million rubles. The first three conditions for providing a subsidy to an enterprise registered in Moscow remain unchanged, but in addition it will be necessary to provide a valid loan agreement, the purpose of which is not to purchase cars and working capital of an enterprise;

To exhibitors

small business taxation

Another type of subsidy to small businesses is partial reimbursement of expenses for participation in specialized congresses or exhibitions. The maximum amount of such assistance is 300 thousand rubles, however, it cannot be more than 70% of the costs of holding exhibition events.

The following types of costs are subject to compensation:

  • registration fee;
  • installation and equipment of the exhibition stand;
  • rental of the exhibition hall or part of its area;
  • payment of advertising and presentation materials (up to 20% of the amount received);
  • payment for the placement of information in the official publications of the exhibition event - inclusion in the exhibition catalog, information stands and so on.

As an example, take an enterprise registered in Moscow. The first three conditions regarding the place of registration, number of employees, turnover and absence of taxes and duties are also unchanged, but there are additional points:

  • the firm should not conduct intermediary, trading and agency activities;
  • an enterprise cannot engage in the extraction and sale of minerals, and also must not produce and sell excisable goods;
  • the organization should not have open contracts regarding the provision of subsidies from the budget of Moscow.

How to get financial support from the state

State Small Business Support Program

Small business in Russia is one of the leading areas of activity of various guarantee funds - it is they who provide guarantee on credit, leasing and other agreements. In fact, it looks like this - guarantee funds have partner banks specializing in financing small businesses.The fund itself is a guarantor and partially pays the interest rate on the loan instead of the entrepreneur. This option of cooperation is most in demand in the field of production and trade. However, the specificity of such funds is that it works only on the territory of the region where it was created, while it is financed from the municipal budget. So to get help you need to contact the guarantee fund at the place of registration of your company or individual entrepreneur.

Another way to get a subsidy from the state, if you are just planning to open your own business, is to contact the employment service. To do this, you need to register, obtain unemployed status, and then declare your desire to register as an individual entrepreneur. Further, with the help of specialists, it will be necessary to develop a viable business plan and protect it before the commission. If everything goes well, the money will be transferred to your bank account within two months. The maximum amount of subsidy that can be obtained in this way is 58 thousand 800 rubles.

Small Business Tax Vacation

This is another type of subsidy for small businesses. So, in the next 5 years, the subjects of the Russian Federation may decide on the provision of tax holidays. This applies only to those entrepreneurs who, within 2 years after the entry into force of the law, switched to the patent tax system or the simplified tax system. Taxation of small businesses in this case is provided at a rate of 0% for 2 tax periods from the date of registration of the enterprise (Federal Law No. 477 of December 29, 2014).

The main problem in this case is that the decision on the application of tax holidays is taken by the regional authorities, therefore, this right can not be used everywhere. Such taxation of small businesses has one more drawback - only private individuals working in the production, social or scientific fields can use it, and this is only about 15% of their total number.

Other forms of state support

small businesses

Among other, quite popular ways to support the development of small businesses, we can distinguish the educational component. According to the vocational education program for beginning businessmen and individual entrepreneurs, it is possible to receive specialized education: courses, seminars, various lectures - all this can be attended at the expense of state support.

Thus, it is safe to say that there is support for small business in Russia, you only need to know where to get it. If you have a desire to make your contribution to the country's economy and develop your own business - “knock” at all possible instances, they will surely help you somewhere.

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