
How to open your own business in Sweden. Everything you need to know about income tax in Sweden. Business immigration to Sweden

Business in Sweden

The economy of Sweden is very developed and stable, it is attractive for foreign investment and has established itself as its national company.

Companies such as Ikea and Volvo are world famous and have long earned the trust of customers. In addition, taxes in Sweden are not too large.

In addition, the country participates in the Schengen Agreement, which guarantees even more comfortable conduct of business throughout Europe. Not surprisingly, business in Sweden is becoming the conscious choice of many entrepreneurs.

Economic situation

Until recently, entrepreneurship was not at all popular. Phlegmatic Swedes were quite happy with hiring, especially since large private and state firms developed quite stably. But his own business in Sweden, as in many other countries, was associated with certain risks and worries.

However, in the 90s, public policy changed. The liberalization of the economy has led to increased entrepreneurial activity, and over the past decades, many new firms have opened in the country. At present, there are five hundred thousand enterprises in small and medium-sized businesses, about 60% of the national economy work in them.

And these numbers continue to grow. According to statistics, about thirty thousand small private enterprises are opened annually, both with local founders and with the attraction of foreign investment. Obviously, the situation does not plan to change for the worse; the market is on a steady rise.

State support for entrepreneurs

Small business in Sweden is actively developing with the help of the state. The local Ministry of Industry has created a separate Development Agency, which is engaged in the comprehensive support of entrepreneurship. There are also government funds that provide a variety of loans and grants. For firms owned by one owner, the tax return form and reporting procedure have been simplified; all payments have been consolidated into one.

The local fund for industrial design disseminates the necessary practical information; there is also an appropriate resource that provides information on the creation of small-format enterprises. Consultations can also be obtained in the Swedish Trust on issues of work and society. Small business days are organized annually, where you can discuss the problems of its development.

Support from private entities

You can ask for help not only in state bodies. There are associations of chambers of commerce and federations of private enterprises. Such institutions strive to create a favorable climate for small businesses, paying attention to the organization of the labor market, bureaucratization, trying to achieve tax cuts and the development of venture investment.

About sixty thousand small firms are members of the Swedish Federation of Private Enterprises, and thirty thousand are members of trade associations. By joining such bodies, one can count on a variety of consultations and other forms of assistance.

Business features

At the moment, two types of companies can be created in the country: either an open joint stock company or a limited liability company. Opening a company, you should carefully consider the name.It should reflect the activities of the enterprise and be different from all existing ones so as not to mislead customers and partners.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the tax system. There are two payments - local municipal and federal (for the profit of the enterprise). Income tax in Sweden is 28%, this amount in Europe is the minimum. However, it should be borne in mind that income includes not only profits within the country, but also those that are received on the world market.

Company registration process

In order to start a business in Sweden, you must contact the Commercial Register. This institution is engaged in the official registration of organizations and firms. It is necessary to submit an application there, a memorandum on the foundation of the enterprise, its charter, a protocol for the distribution of shares between the founders and a document confirming the existence of the authorized capital.

Its amount should be at least one hundred thousand Swedish crowns. If you plan to open a company with the possibility of placing shares on the stock exchange, the authorized capital will be five hundred thousand crowns. There are requirements for the founder of the company. It can only be an adult with no criminal record who has special permission to work in the country.

In addition, a business account is needed to start operations. The banking system of Sweden is difficult for foreigners, but any problems can be completely resolved right in the office. It is important to have documents explaining the origin of the funds transferred to the accounts.

Features of the Swedish mentality

Taxes in SwedenEven having understood all the bureaucratic subtleties, one may encounter problems. After all, the Scandinavian way of life is quite different from the Slavic one.

Business in Sweden is standardized and is carried out clearly according to the signed contracts, all transactions are concluded in the presence of a lawyer, and their conditions are carefully observed. Swedes really like negotiations, so a beginner in this country needs to be a very sociable and open person.

Courtesy and punctuality are highly appreciated. The Swedes understand everything that is said quite literally, so it is worthwhile to state your proposals and conditions as clearly as possible. Successful business immigration to Sweden is most likely for a person who knows how to see opportunities, does not focus on problems, easily finds new ways and options, is not afraid to be an innovator and believes in himself.

However, such features are relevant for the entrepreneur of any country. In addition, it is worth developing the ability to foresee events in advance and take the necessary actions in time, work in unstable conditions and trust your judgments. Finally, be able to take risks when it is really needed, and refrain from dangerous steps in vain.

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