
Simulation models of real systems, or What is modeling?

What is modeling? In the broadest sense, this is imitation, which for many years has been used for a variety of purposes, in particular, training, explanation and entertainment. With the advent of the computer era, mankind has learned to actively apply for these purposes more advanced types of simulation. Models are created from a mass of data, equations and calculations that simulate certain actions. Usually they include a graphic display that translates all the data into an animation that can be seen on a computer screen or using another visual device.

what is modeling

A useful addition to math models

A mathematical model is an abstract model that uses a mathematical language to describe the behavior of a system. It is used in the field of natural sciences and engineering disciplines, as well as in the social sciences (economics, sociology and political science). Mathematical modeling is a method of modeling real situations using mathematical equations to predict their future behavior. It uses tools such as solutions, theories, queuing theory, linear programming, and requires a lot of work with numbers.

Formal modeling of systems using a mathematical model that tries to find analytical solutions for some problems is considered traditional, it allows predicting the behavior of the system using a set of parameters and initial conditions. Computer simulation is a program that tries to simulate abstract models of a particular system. It has become a useful part of the mathematical modeling of many natural systems in physics, chemistry and biology, anthropogenic systems in economics, psychology and social sciences and in the process of designing new technologies, and all this in order to get an idea of ​​the work of these systems.

computer modelling

What is computer simulation?

In modeling, a mathematical description, or model, is used in the form of a computer program. This model consists of equations that duplicate functional relationships in a real system. Computer simulation is the use of a computer to represent the dynamic response of one system to the behavior of another system in a pattern. When the program starts, the obtained mathematical dynamics of the form of the analog behavior of the real system and the results are presented in the form of data. Simulation can also take the form of a computer graphic image that represents dynamic processes in an animated sequence.

The program for modeling helps to imagine the real world using a computer. By simulating an actual or probable condition, event, or situation in life, you can find the cause of the event (for example, an accident) or make a forecast of future consequences and results. Modeling can be performed by solving systems of equations (mathematical model), building a physical model (scale), stage rehearsal, games or graphic models (animated flowcharts). And simulators are very useful tools that allow you to conduct experiments without risk.

math modeling

Computer simulations

Computer simulators are used to study the dynamic behavior of objects or systems in response to conditions that cannot be easily or safely applied in real life.For example, a nuclear explosion can be described using a mathematical model that includes variables such as temperature, speed, and amount of radioactive releases. Additional mathematical equations can be used to adjust the model by changing individual variables, such as the amount of fissile material that caused the explosion. Simulation of a real process helps to safely measure and predict how a change in its individual components can affect the functioning of an entire system.

simulation program

Definition of Computer Simulation

What is modeling, in particular computer? In the narrowest sense, it is a program that runs on a computer and uses step-by-step methods to study the approximate behavior of a mathematical model. Usually this is a simulation model of a real system, which is an implementation of a specific algorithm written in a specific language using a specific compiler and so on. In a broader sense, this is an integrated method of researching systems. This process includes choosing a model, finding a way to implement this model in a form that can be run on a computer, calculate the performance of the algorithm, as well as visualizing and studying the data obtained. What is modeling? These are not just calculations and numbers. This is the possibility of creative application of the calculation method.


Modeling and Experiment

Sometimes simulation studies are conducted under experimental conditions. The connection between modeling and experiment goes back very far. However, not always safe experiments were replaced by modeling, which would be successful if, when simulating a complex phenomenon, there is a huge amount of information about this phenomenon. Variables such as temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, are estimated by thousands of points on the supercomputer, so you can show the simulation of the development of the storm. This discipline is gaining popularity both in public life and in industry, as it can help in the design, creation and evaluation of complex systems. Designers, programmers, analysts, engineers, one way or another, use elements of computer simulation. The advantages of modeling are to gain a deeper understanding of the process, identify problem areas, evaluate the effectiveness of the system or processes.

Computer modeling is the discipline of constructing a model of a real or theoretical physical system that embodies the principle of "learning through action." Using modeling is an activity that is as natural as a child who plays with toys. Children learn to understand the world through imitation. In order to better understand reality and all its complexities, we must create artificial objects and dynamically play roles with them.

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