
Information Model: Examples and Concept

When a person hears the words “model” and “modeling”, pictures of his childhood usually run through his mind's eye: small copies of cars and planes, a globe, a mannequin, models of buildings ... These and many other things often reflect some general properties or functions of real objects or objects, only in a more simplified form. Using such models, one can more easily explain the features of the original. Information Model the examples of which clearly explain many of the difficult processes to understand, are also subject to the basic requirements of modeling.


The foregoing can lead us to this conclusion: models, being similar to real objects or processes, should not reflect all the properties of the originals, but only those characteristics that are more in demand for their use in a certain situation. There is no need to display all the variety of properties of the object - this can lead to complication of the model and inconvenience of its use. Therefore, it is very important to understand for what purpose the model was created, what its parameters should be reflected in this particular case. When modeling, it is necessary to strictly adhere to such a logical chain: "object - goal - model".

Information Model. Examples. System analysis

When forming the modeling goal, the question arises of the correctness and completeness of creating a list of qualities and characteristics of the future model. The description of the modeling object is often called the term "information model". Examples of its use can be seen in various forms: graphic, verbal, tabular, mathematical and many others. The more accurate the information model, the more qualitatively and fully it displays the totality of the properties of the original object. Therefore, it is necessary to select only the most necessary parameters for modeling and establish relationships between them. This process is called system analysis.

Presentation form

Examples of figurative information modelOne of the characteristics of an information model is the form of its presentation, which is closely related to the purpose of creating an image. If one of the requirements for a project is its visibility, then a graphical information model is used. Examples of this are not difficult to find: electrical circuits, maps of the area, various graphs and drawings. Moreover, the same data, for example, a graph of the temperature during the month, can be presented in various forms, for example, in tabular or textual.

Using simulation

examples of dynamic information modelsWhen an information model is formed, its parameters can be used to study a real object, predict its behavior in various conditions, and carry out calculations. Often involve mixed information models. Examples of the use of this form of modeling can often be found in construction, when individual characteristics of a complex object, for example, a building, are formed and reflected in the form of drawings, mathematical calculations of strength and permissible loads.

Another striking example of a mixed information model is a geographical map with its topographic symbols, inscriptions, tables. Such a model can also be represented in the form of graphs, charts, tables, diagrams. The latter are conditionally divided into maps, flowcharts and graphs.


For the convenience of working with information models, they are conditionally divided into several large blocks: by area of ​​use, by time factor, by branch of knowledge, and by form of presentation.They can also be divided by type of construction (tabular, hierarchical and network), by the form of data representation (signed and figuratively-signed) and by object (description of properties of an object or process).

Next, we will consider where exactly we can meet the information model, examples and forms of its use will also not be ignored. We mention only commonly used species.

Typical examples of figurative information model

Forms of models of this type are distinguished by a graphic image of an object fixed on some information carrier (film, paper, board).

Examples of tabular information models This type of models can be attributed to various photographs, drawings, graphics. Examples of imaginative information models are often found in educational institutions, where posters provide a lot of information in graphical form. Another option for its use is illustrations in any school textbook, such as a diagram of the construction of troops on the battle of Stalingrad. Examples of a figurative information model can be seen in scientific organizations, where objects are separated by their external attribute.

Classification of models by time

Models can be static and dynamic. The characteristics of an object in a specific time frame are described by static information models. Examples of their use can be found when building a house, when its strength and resistance to static load are considered. Or in dentistry, which describes the state of the patient’s oral cavity during the current administration: the number of fillings, the presence of defects, etc.

If we consider the dynamics of changes in the patient’s state in several steps or over several years, then a dynamic model will be used to describe the same characteristics.

Examples of dynamic information models are encountered when working with factors or characteristics that change over time. Among them are temperature changes, seismic vibrations, etc.

Verbal patterns

information model examplesVerbal models, which are presented in colloquial or mental form, also belong to informational ones. They are also called "verbal information models." Examples of such modeling can be observed while driving: the situation on the road, the indications of traffic lights, the speed of neighboring cars, etc. are analyzed by a person. In this case, a certain model of behavior is developed. If the current situation is modeled correctly, then this segment of the path will be safe. If not, the probability of an accident is high.

Also, verbal models include a rhyme that flashed through the poet’s brain, or an image of the landscape in front of the artist’s mind that has not yet been applied to the canvas.

The descriptive information model, which is a written or oral description of an object by means of language, also belongs to the verbal type. An example of a descriptive information model: prose in fiction books, descriptions in fiction, textual description of events and objects.

Sign Models

If the characteristics of the object appear in the form of special characters, displayed by means of a formal language, then they are iconic information models. Examples of these surround us from all sides: graphs, charts, texts, etc. verbal information models examplesSign and verbal models are closely interconnected: a mental image can be clothed in a sign form, and a sign model forms a specific mental image. For example, after reading a description of a phenomenon, a person creates his model for himself, and, having met this phenomenon in life, can recognize him by the formed model.

Sign information models can be divided into geometric, verbal, mathematical, structural, logical, special.

Mathematical models

graphical information model examplesAs a sign option, you can consider a mathematical information model.Its peculiarity is that characteristics, parameters or processes are represented by mathematical formulas. This view also describes the relationship between the quantitative characteristics of objects. For example, knowing the mass of a body, we can calculate the rate of its free fall at a certain point in time. Moreover, information objects are usually presented in the form of mathematical ones.

Mathematical models can be divided into many types: static, dynamic, discrete, continuous, simulation, probabilistic, logical, multiple, algorithmic, game, etc.

Tabular Models

A model whose objects or properties are presented in a list, and their values ​​are located in the cells of a rectangular table, is called a table. This is one of the most common types of information transfer. Using tables, it is possible to form static and dynamic information models in various application areas. In life, we use this, for example, when we create a transport schedule, a TV program, a weather diary, etc.

Types of tabular information models

Tables are of three types: binary, "object-property", "object-object". In order to give examples of tabular information models, you need to parse their structure.

In tables of the "object-object" type, the first row and the first column list objects. The remaining cells reflect the relationship between them. The table, in the columns and rows of which are the names of cities, and the content shows the presence of a qualitative nature of the relationship between them (the presence of a direct road), can serve as an example of the "object-object" type.

In tables of the "object-property" type, each row contains the parameters of one object or event, and the columns contain information about their characteristics or properties. An example of this type of structure can be information about changes in weather conditions on different days.

Hierarchical and network information models

Tabular models are convenient for small systems of objects. When creating a complex system, the model may become too large and inconvenient for use precisely because it is presented in the form of a rectangular table. For example, if you create a table diagram of the metro line with station objects and indicate whether there is a transition or intersection between them, then such a table will have enormous redundancy - more than ten thousand values, and it will be very difficult to use it.

iconic information models examplesHierarchical systems are usually presented in graphical form, in the form of graphs - connections between objects distributed across levels. All elements of the upper levels consist of lower elements, and the elements of the lower level belong to only one element of a higher level. A particular example of this type of model is the family tree.

mixed information models examplesNetwork models are more compact since they reflect the most important connections between objects. Most often they are presented in graphical form. An example of such a network model is the metro line diagram.

The use of information models in the process of modeling on a computer

static information models examplesIt is convenient to make simulations using computer technology. The process itself can be divided into several stages.

First, the construction of an information model is carried out: the determination of the ongoing research, the allocation of important object parameters that correspond to this goal, the removal of non-essential parameters.

At the second stage, a formalized model is created: the descriptive information model is expressed by means of a formal language, relations between the quantities are fixed, and the necessary restrictions on their change are set.

At the next stage, the formalized model is transformed into a computer one, that is, compiling an algorithm, performing calculations, writing programs, or using specialized software.

After checking the correctness of the creation of the model and its compliance with the intended purpose, direct use begins. If necessary, a correction is carried out.

The use of computer technology significantly simplifies the creation of information models, their change, correction. It is possible to place the simulated object in any environment and check its behavior or transformation of characteristics in various conditions without exposing it to these factors.

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