
Innovation is ... Innovation Management

A characteristic feature of the modern development of society is the active use of innovation. Today this concept is widely used in various fields of human activity. In each of them it acquires its own semantic connotation, however, the content remains unchanged. What is this concept, and how accurately can it reflect the development of a particular sphere of human activity?

The essence of the concept

Innovation is any innovation or innovation. Concepts it came to Russian from English. Here, its literal translation means change or innovation.

innovation is

It should be noted that today the word “innovation” is quite often used along with such synonyms as innovation, innovation and others.

Today, there are many different definitions that reveal the essence of the phenomenon of innovation. The activity of modern science is impossible without the definition of this concept. This phenomenon is presented in the form of new solutions to existing problems or tasks. Some authors see it as an effective application to the current situation of a new tool or method.

Ways to Define Innovation

Generally existing definitions can be represented in several directions:

  • objective aspects of innovation;
  • subjective components of a particular innovation;
  • in extraordinary combinations of tasks and achieved results;
  • in the joint implementation of the productive and implementation components of the process.

Also interesting is the procedural approach to determining that innovation is an activity based on the introduction of something new in the sphere of consumption: a process, a product, a method, a way of organizing or changing a state.

innovation management

At the same time, the given various semantic nuances that appear when using this term with others require a more detailed consideration of it.

The multidimensionality of the concept

The idea outlined in the subtitle is not new. The first to notice this property was Joseph Schumpeter. It was he who introduced the term “innovation” into scientific circulation. It is his authorship to consider various aspects of the concept and the possibilities of its use in science.

The concept of J. Schumpeter

Innovation is the allocation of the practical value of the invention and its transformation into a successfully sold product.

Joseph Schumpeter believed that innovation is the implementation of new combinations, which is not limited to one interpretation. The scientist identifies several cases of different uses of the term.

  1. Production of a new product that has not yet been known to people.
  2. In the industrial sphere, the introduction of a new method of manufacturing a product. There may also be the discovery of new sides of an already known product. New ways to use the product.
  3. Opening up new markets. We are talking about such markets in which this or that type of product was not presented.
  4. Mastering a new source of raw materials that was unavailable or considered unusable.
  5. Reorganization activity that allows you to radically change the situation on the market.

Schumpeter focuses on the fact that innovation is primarily the use of existing resources and benefits.

Education and Innovation

Here, the application of the latter is one of the pressing problems. Modern education should be based on innovation. Only in this case will it be able to fulfill the social order of society.

educational innovations

What are educational innovations? The complexity and responsibility of this sphere for the future of the country leaves a certain imprint on the pace and nature of the innovations being carried out here. In general, innovations are presented here as a quality update, due to the introduction of new information technologies.

The main direction of innovations in this area should always be improving the quality of training, its effectiveness.

Innovations in education should contribute to solving a number of discrepancies that have developed in this area and significantly hamper its development:

  • the student’s personality, his abilities, interests and the established system of standards;
  • real cognitive abilities of students and the speed of development of modern science;
  • comprehensive development of the student’s personality and the desire to choose one training profile.

The solution to these problems will significantly increase the effectiveness of the educational process.

The essence of innovation management

As you know, everything new implies a certain creative process. Innovation, acting as a valuable development resource, also requires a special approach. Innovation management is a whole system of events that allows not only to produce them, but also to ensure implementation. It should include all the components of this process.


So, innovation management is a complex system. It includes a number of successive steps:

  • selection of ideas that are the basis for the development of innovation;
  • carrying out a number of complex works related to the technological, technical and organizational aspects of this activity;
  • organization of the implementation process in production or promotion and implementation.

Innovation and effective management

The introduction of new approaches to the implementation of this process will allow the company to succeed. There are many examples of the introduction of such innovations and the development of organizations. Various firms using such management approach made great strides. Among the most famous: "Toyota", "Google", "Linux", "Procter and Gamble" and others.

What is the secret of these companies? The answer is simple - innovation in management. This is what allowed them to achieve unprecedented success.

What should be the conditions for the implementation of such innovations in management?

  1. The presence of the existing insoluble problem that will require a creative solution.
  2. The way out of this situation is based on a completely different system of concepts that allows us to develop new approaches.
  3. Elimination of “ceilings” - or, in other words, the overthrow of established dogmas or traditions that limit the creative approach.
  4. A study of existing examples and analogies that will open the way to new opportunities.

innovation and development

Of course, in addition to the above conditions, each organization may have its own, it is important here not to focus on the adopted rules, but act unconventionally.


It should be noted here that without this component the meaning of the studied concept is lost. Indeed, only with the help of implementation can an innovative product, method or method be obtained. How is this process implemented?

innovation activity

It includes several successive stages, each of which consists of a series of specific tasks.

The first step is to prepare the environment of the organization or enterprise for change. The essence of the action is to analyze the influence of internal and external factors.

The second phase includes the implementation of the planned changes. A number of activities are being carried out based on a pre-approved program.

Third, final, monitoring. It is necessary to constantly monitor the effect achieved and monitor the results.

Features of the innovation market

Today this area is of particular interest to business. Since it is here that the appearance of not only a new product or method, but also huge profits is possible.The scope of innovation is an area in which the implementation of all stages of its formation is possible: from development to distribution.

There are a number of actors involved in these processes. They can conditionally be divided into several groups.

  1. The state and scientific institutes (institutions and organizations) formed on its basis. Quite often, the state itself acts as the customer, and the executor can be the technopolises, technoparks, incubators, etc. created by him.
  2. Insurance, investment companies and intermediaries. This is a group that can provide all sorts of support at any stage of the development of innovation.
  3. Entrepreneurs who can act both as performers and as customers.

This is a simplified diagram of this area. It should be noted that its development requires the presence of at least two entities: the buyer of innovation, which will stimulate demand, and, accordingly, its producer.

The modern global innovation market is high-tech, and today an intellectual resource is in demand here.

Latest Innovation Achievements

Consider the new innovations that are driving change in the modern world.

new innovations

Among the many innovations that "invade" modern life, the following resonated the most.

  1. Electronic devices worn on the body. The essence of these innovations is that inconspicuous and lightweight devices (headphones, temporary tattoos, soles, glasses) allow you to control the state of vital organs.
  2. A new type of battery devices based on nanowire technology. These batteries charge much faster and produce a third more energy.
  3. A display that does not require a screen. The effect is realized in virtual reality using a special headset.
  4. The use of predictive analytics. Studies that have become possible thanks to the use of various programs on mobile devices that track habits, social circle, places of visit. Such information, subject to computer processing, will make it possible to predict the behavioral characteristics of a person and, on this basis, to correct various areas: transport, medical, etc.
  5. New features in the management of computer technology. Here we are talking about introducing new interfaces that create a connection between the brain and technology. Such an innovation will allow people to control robotic elements with the help of brain waves. This technology also contributes to the development of special brain implants to restore vision.

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