
Personnel Inspector: Responsibilities and Functions. Human resources department inspector

Currently, probably, no profession has such a range of names as the profession of personnel officer. In the Unified Qualification Guide, you can find seventeen posts that are somehow related to personnel work. This circumstance makes us think about the differences between these posts from each other, about the functional load of each of them. Especially relevant and acute today is the question of what an ordinary personnel inspector should write for himself in the job description. We will try to consider the responsibilities of this employee as detailed as possible.

HR value

Many heads of organizations still believe that the appointment of a human resources department is narrowly focused, related only to office work. However, today our country, following the West, has embarked on the transformation of the personnel service into a unit engaged in labor management, because it is the personnel officer who is the most important link between the employee and the employer.

human resources inspector

At present, a personnel specialist is primarily a manager, the same can be said for such a position as a personnel inspector, whose duties today often include not only processing and maintaining documentation. This is especially true for small companies, where the personnel inspector can be assigned the responsibility of staff recruitment, training and many other functions.

The number of staff

The names and number of units of the personnel management service depend on the size of the enterprise, its traditions and the specifics of the activity. At the same time, the size of the organization, the direction of the business, the strategic goals of the enterprise, the stage of its development, the number of employees and priority tasks in working with personnel should be taken into account.

duties of the inspector of the personnel department

In large organizations, the personnel service may include several departments. For example, the wage department, the employment department, the training and development department, the office management and accounting department. In small organizations, all the functions of the personnel service can be performed by only one specialist - a human resources inspector, whose duties should in fact include a minimum list of functions: HR administration and personnel selection.

Service Specialists

At the head of departments or personnel services is usually the middle manager: the head of the service, the department, which reports to the director of personnel. Departments can be divided into smaller units — groups or sectors led by managers who report to the heads of services.

HR Inspector

At medium-sized enterprises (the number of employees is 100-1000 people), the personnel service device most often assumes the presence of such employees:

  • clerk;
  • labor law specialist;
  • recruitment specialist;
  • Development and Training Manager
  • trainer, or training manager;
  • Benefit and Compensation Manager;
  • Corporate Event Manager.

In smaller organizations (the number of employees is up to 100 people), almost all the functions of these employees are the job duties of the personnel inspector.

HR requirements

Of course, all of the above positions are not able to combine one single specialist - the inspector HR department. Duties This employee is primarily associated with HR administration.Therefore, when hiring a potential candidate for this position, relatively low professional requirements are presented.

HR Inspector

The qualification handbook informs that the personnel inspector is required to have a specialized secondary education (his work experience is not important) or a secondary education (this requires special training and at least three years of professional experience).

Personnel Inspector: Responsibilities

So, the functions of this specialist are as follows:

  • keeping records of the personnel of the enterprise;
  • execution of various personnel operations (admission, transfer, dismissal);
  • execution and maintenance personal files of employees making changes to them;
  • accounting, storage and filling out work books;
  • record of work experience;
  • registration of certificates of labor activity of employees (past and present);
  • registration of pension insurance cards and other documents necessary for awarding pensions to employees and their families, compensations and benefits;
  • accounting for the provision of leave, control over how vacation schedules are compiled and followed.

Staff recruitment

The duties of a human resources inspector often include recruiting staff for vacant positions. This work is related to posting information in various sources about the vacant place, including cooperation on this issue with the employment service, appointing and conducting interviews explaining to the applicant the nature of the vacancy, working conditions and the level of wages, determining the general level of the applicant for the vacant position , his experience and degree of professionalism.

responsibilities of the personnel inspector

Often, the duties of an inspector of the personnel department involve competitive selections among specialists applying for a free place. The personnel officer develops measures for the selection of personnel and monitors the passage of future employees of the tests established at the conclusion of an employment contract with them.

Additional Responsibilities of the Personnel Inspector

There are some additional functions that are most often referred to as personnel work. What other tasks should the personnel inspector solve? Responsibilities may include:

  • preparation of necessary materials for certification, qualification, competition commissions, presentation of employees to awards and rewards;
  • study of the reasons why staff turnover development and implementation of measures to reduce it;
  • preparation of documents for delivery to the archive;
  • control of labor discipline;
  • organization of advanced training and professional retraining;
  • organization of examinations for confirmation of qualifications;
  • development of a system for assessing the personal and business qualities of employees, their motivation for career growth;
  • registration of official certificates and their issuance;
  • formation and effective use of personnel reserve.

Military accounting

Many employers believe that the functional responsibilities of a human resources inspector include military personnel records. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 dated November 27, 2006 “On the Approval of the Regulation on Military Records”, the number of employees engaged in this activity should be directly proportional to the number of employees subject to accounting.

responsibilities of the human resources inspector

In particular, in an enterprise where less than five hundred citizens are registered with the military, one employee who performs these functions concurrently keeps records. Thus, the personnel inspector in an organization where the number of those registered on the military does not exceed five hundred people can be engaged in military accounting, but only subject to internal combination. And with a larger number of people subject to accounting, a separate full-time unit should be allocated for these purposes.

Work of personnel officers in the conditions of crisis

In the last year, the enterprise management was faced with the sad circumstances of the financial crisis, when it was necessary to reduce the volume of production of goods and services, to reduce their own costs, including by reducing the number of employees. Against this background, the need for staff workers to possess the qualities of full-time psychologists who are forced to manage the emotional background in the team and find words of comfort, for example, handing colleagues notifications of their dismissal, is growing.

HR Responsibilities

The role of human resources increases with the importance of human resources for the organization to achieve financial success. In this regard, the traditional duties of personnel officers do not disappear. The personnel services are responsible for HR management, remuneration, employment and training of specialists. However, at the same time, the personnel department is an integral element of competent enterprise management. Good luck in job!

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