
Employee personal file: sample design

Employees of the personnel department must have accurate, complete and objective information about all the employees of the enterprise who are in its staff. The documentation of individual records, which contains information on the professional activities of each worker, is collected in a kind of dossier. Next, we consider how the formation of personal files of employees at the enterprise is carried out. employee file

General information

The dossier for the employee is necessary to systematize the available information, summarize them in one place. The personal file of the employee, the sample of which will be presented below, is a set of papers relating to:

  • Employment.
  • Promotion process.
  • Compliance with the rules of labor discipline.
  • Termination of relations with the employer and other.

Main categories of employees

It should be noted that the management of personal files of employees is not mandatory in relation to all employees. An example is the Federal Law No. 79. It provides for compulsory registration of personal files of employees who are in the civil service. For other workers, the procedure for compiling the dossier can be determined by regulatory acts of a local nature. Personal files may be kept by the following employees:

  1. Managers (heads of enterprises, deputies, assistants).
  2. Heads of structural divisions and their deputies.
  3. Leading (main) specialists.
  4. Workers liable.
  5. Employees who are included in the personnel reserve for transferring to positions of particular importance.
  6. Specialists providing the activity of the enterprise management apparatus. personal records management

Benefits of compiling a dossier

It should be noted that the personal file of an employee is a very convenient source of data about each worker. In one folder, all copies of the employee’s personal papers, orders taken in relation to him, and so on are collected. This allows you to make the most complete characteristic for the employee, to note his merits or, conversely, any violations and abuses committed by him during his professional activities at the enterprise.

Internal acts of the enterprise: the personal file of the employee

Documents are collected and compiled by various employees at the discretion of management. If folders with personal papers are supposed for all employees, then it is advisable to create an appropriate local act. In addition, a section should be included providing for the need to open an employee’s personal file for each full-time employee, including technical personnel. At some enterprises, managers prefer to develop a separate act fixing all the specifics of dossier compilation. registration of personal files of employees

The main nuances

Regardless of the form of regulation for compiling dossiers for employees, when working with them, you should determine:

  1. Categories of employees on which personal files are filed. Will it be all employees or only separate groups of them. For example, it can only be managers of all management departments.
  2. The way in which the personal file of the employee is compiled. The sample should include all the necessary sections and columns in which information about the specialist is entered.
  3. The composition of the papers that are collected in the dossier. At the same time, it is indicated which documents are filed in the form of copies and which are in the original.
  4. The order in which dossiers are compiled.
  5. Rules for familiarizing the employee with papers on him.
  6. The procedure for storing personal files of employees.

Is a dossier required for a part-time job?

This will depend on whether the employee occupies a position in which the personal file of the employee is necessary. At the same time, a new dossier is usually started for external part-timers, and for internal folders, the corresponding documents are filed into existing folders. If the enterprise provides for the obligatory conduct of personal affairs in regulatory enactments, then they will also be placed on part-time jobs, in accordance with the established procedure.

For part-time workers, the dossier is compiled according to the general rules defined at each particular enterprise. According to Art. 283 of the Labor Code, a citizen, when appointing him to the post concurrently, presents a passport or other document that certifies his identity. If the position requires special knowledge, the employer has the right to ask the future specialist to present a diploma or other document on education or training (or a copy thereof, duly certified). When applying for an enterprise with difficult or dangerous (harmful) working conditions, the employer may require a certificate of the nature and conditions of activity at the main place of the employee. Copies of the documents submitted must be filed to the personal file. employee records

Initial compilation

Creation of personal files is carried out for an orderly grouping of documented information about employees directly in the process of fixing labor relations with them. Compilation, as a rule, is done in a separate folder for each employee. This form of conducting personal affairs is considered the most convenient way to organize information. At the same time, it must be remembered that it is forbidden to receive, process and attach to the dossier information indicating his political, religious and other beliefs, private life, membership in public organizations, including trade unions.

Primary requirements

In practice, when compiling personal files, documents are placed in a folder. On its cover affixed serial number assigned to the dossier. Under it, the personal file of the employee is registered in the corresponding journal (book) of accounting. This requirement is contained in Art. 695, paragraph b of the List of archival model papers created in the process of functioning of state bodies, local authorities with an indication of the storage period. After the employee leaves the enterprise, his dossier is removed from the folder. Then the personal file is executed for transfer to the archive and deposited. employee file

Accounting journal (book) information

This document may contain the following data:

  1. Dossier number.
  2. FULL NAME. specialist.
  3. The number of initial dossiers.
  4. Date of transfer of papers to the archive.
  5. Other information provided domestic policy enterprises.

Initial execution involves a grouping of papers testifying to the employment of a citizen, and then all information related to the professional activities of an employee in the organization.

Master Data List

In the legislation, the list of documents that should be included in personal files is not defined. For civil servants, it is provided that their dossier contains personal and other data regarding admission to the service, passing it and dismissal. Personal information also includes the information necessary to ensure the activities of a state agency. storage of personal files of employees The dossier also contains:

  1. Internal list of papers.
  2. Personal registration sheet or application form.
  3. Autobiography.
  4. Copies:
  • identity document;
  • certificate of insurance;
  • TIN (if provided by an employee);
  • military registration certificates for conscripts and citizens subject to draft;
  • securities confirming the specialist’s right to tax deductions, which are provided for in art. 218 Tax Code;
  • certificates of establishing the level of restrictions on disability, disability (when provided by a specialist);
  • orders (orders) on admission to the state;
  • job description;
  • an agreement on acceptance of liability (if the position provides for it);
  • labor contract (if the original is stored in a separate folder).

5. Papers regarding access to information that constitutes a secret protected by law (if the performance of the duties of a specialist involves the use of such information).

6. The results of the preliminary medical examination (examination), which is carried out to establish professional suitability (in cases provided for by law).

Additional papers

During the course of the specialist’s work, the following may be filed to his personal file:

  1. Copies of agreements to the main contract (or their copies).
  2. Notifications of changes in the conditions of the labor contract at the initiative of the employer.
  3. Copies:
  • reports and explanatory notes, statements and petitions of the employee on various issues;
  • orders (orders) on the transfer of an employee to another activity (position), on the removal of disciplinary sanctions, incentives, termination of activity at the enterprise;
  • labor book.

4. The results of periodic (mandatory) medical examinations.

5. Certification materials (if the position requires these measures).

6. Other documents relating to the activities of the specialist in the enterprise. employee's personal file design sample

Specialist photo

She is also present in the personal file. Typically, a 4x6 photograph is used. On its back is written the full name employee. It is advisable to change the photo at least once every 5 years or when a certain age is reached. This issue is regulated at the discretion of the authorities.

Change Details

Personnel workers who are responsible for the preparation and conduct of business should monitor their status and timely update information. There is no need to amend the questionnaire or registration sheet, as well as require a specialist to fill out the paper again. All adjustments are made by drawing up individual acts. They are called additions to a particular section (addition to the questionnaire, for example). As a rule, they are presented in tabular form. The development of appropriate forms is at the discretion of the employer.

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