
Types of personnel policy. HR Strategy

The current stage of economic development of most countries of the world poses various problems in the field of personnel policy for organizations. Moreover, the relevance of their solutions is constantly growing.

HR strategy

That is why special attention is focused on the level of work with labor resources and moving this task to the scientific level.

The concept of the term "personnel policy"

Each enterprise is faced with the task of personnel management. Its successful implementation is possible only if the organization has the right personnel policies. She is a strategic line in work with personnel. Its main principles, which are subject to implementation by the personnel service, are as follows:

  • development of each employee to the maximum productivity for him and the highest well-being;
  • selection, training and placement of personnel in such jobs where human resources can bring the greatest benefit.

types of personnel policyThe personnel policy of the organization is a focused and conscious activity, the purpose of which is to create such a work collective that will maximally combine the goals and priorities of the enterprise. Of course, the irreversibility of economic reforms and the emergence of competition are forcing enterprise managers to pay special attention to long-term aspects in personnel management issues that require scientifically based planning.

Personnel policy is a system of norms and rules created and formulated in a certain way by the enterprise that bring the existing human resource into line with the direction of the company’s development. At the same time, personnel selection and training, certification and staffing are subject to planning. All these tasks are solved based on a common understanding of the organization’s goals.

HR policy

Successful work with employees is possible only with a constant analysis of the impact of various aspects of the world, with systematic accounting, as well as with timely adaptation of the enterprise to external influences. Moreover, of particular importance is the strategy of personnel management and its transformation by management into a single system.

In the field of personnel policy there are such aspects as:

  • marketing (employment) of staff;
  • personnel control;
  • qualitative and quantitative planning of employees;
  • staff reduction;
  • informational, social policy;
  • assistance to the enterprise in the economic and social sphere;
  • leadership and incentive policies.

HR objectives

The personnel policy in any organization must unquestioningly follow the rights and obligations of citizens, as provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, relating to the labor field. Moreover, for violation of the provisions of the Labor Code, internal regulations and other local documents may apply a certain type of punishment.

The goals of personnel policy are the rational use of the working potential that is available in the organization or in the association. At the same time, the problem of uninterrupted supply of an economic entity with qualified personnel in the quantity necessary for the enterprise should be solved.

The goals of the personnel policy are to maintain a friendly and efficient team, the relations in which are built on the principles of internal democracy.In addition, competent personnel management is impossible without the development of certain methods and criteria for the selection, training, selection, and placement of employees.

The purpose of the personnel policy, the achievement of which will allow the business entity to successfully conduct its activities, is to improve the qualifications of all employees on staff. Successful solution of all the existing tasks will allow you to get the maximum not only economic, but also social effect from the measures taken.

personnel policy objectivesThus, all the goals that the organization pursues the personnel policy can be divided into economic and social. Achieving the first of them is necessary for the enterprise to maximize profits. This is possible by optimizing the relationship between personnel costs and labor productivity.

All social goals in personnel management are to increase the material and non-material situation of employees. This is possible with an increase in wages and social expenses, giving employees more rights, freedoms, etc.

HR management principles

Carrying out a personnel policy is an important aspect of the success of an enterprise. That is why it is important to choose the basic principle in the work of personnel management, which will be most effective in the conditions of a particular business entity. It could be:

  1. Science. It implies the use of the latest developments in the field of personnel management, the application of which will bring maximum social and economic effect.
  2. Complexity Using this principle, personnel officers cover all categories of workers with their work.
  3. Consistency. It implies the interconnection and interdependence of all components of work with personnel.
  4. Efficiency. The application of this principle is considered effective in case of recoupment of any costs of the enterprise in the field of personnel matters.
  5. Methodicality. It consists in a qualitative analysis of the selected options for a particular solution in the case of a number of mutually exclusive methods.

The organization should consider all the available principles of personnel policy and choose only one for itself, fixing it in job descriptions, developed regulations, methods of hiring, etc.

Personnel policy at the present stage

Changes caused by the development of market relations also affected the sphere of personnel management. Today, enterprises need skilled labor adapted to new conditions. That is why the personnel policy has undergone certain changes. The personnel service today cannot work as before, an administrative type. She seeks to ensure the unity of such measures as:

  • creating employee motivation for efficient and highly productive work;
  • ensuring the effectiveness of production processes that depend on employees.

HR principles

Today, officials of all are engaged in the implementation of the goals and existing tasks of the personnel policy. management levels company. This is the administration, and the heads of all departments and divisions, and, of course, the personnel service. Moreover, all of them are obliged to comply not only with the regulatory enactments of the enterprise, but also with the general provisions contained in the labor legislation.

The personnel policy of any company must adhere to those articles of the Constitution that guarantee citizens of the Russian Federation freedom of personal development and guarantee property. According to these documents, the entrepreneur is prohibited from arbitrary actions in relation to the hired worker. This also applies to issues of dismissal. But hiring is only the competence of companies and firms.

Organization policy strategy in personnel matters

In modern market conditions, enterprises are forced to use new, improved tools in their work.One of them is the personnel management strategy, which is based on:

  • using the achievements of scientific and technological progress;
  • selection of qualified employees.

To date, three concepts are distinguished, on the basis of which a personnel policy is developed. The first of them is designed to perform a serving function. At the same time, its main directions are determined by the general strategy of the company. A personnel policy of this type provides the organization with the necessary personnel and supports its performance.

The second concept of the personnel management strategy implies its independence and independence from plans for the further development of the enterprise. Employees included in the company's staff are considered as a resource that allows them to solve the problems that arise in market conditions.

The third concept synthesized the two previous ones. It is based on a comparison of available as well as potential labor resources. As a result of such an analysis, the main direction of the enterprise is determined.

HR policy classification

When conducting an analysis of the organization’s conditions for personnel management, two reasons can be identified for their division into groups. The first of them is related to the degree of awareness of the norms and rules that form the basis of personnel activities, as well as the level of influence of the enterprise management on the situation with labor resources. This basis allows us to distinguish the following types of personnel policy:

  • passive;
  • active;
  • preventive;
  • reactive.

personnel management systemWhat other types of personnel policy stand out? When analyzing the situation at the enterprise, his management can use various methods. As a result, the basis for programs and forecasts may be conscious or little describable and algorithmized. In this case, there are such types of personnel policies as rational (in the first case) and adventurous (in the second situation). They are subspecies of active personnel management.

The second basis, which lies at the basis of differentiation, is a fundamental orientation to one's own or external personnel, and also reveals the degree of appeal to the external environment in the process of recruiting company employees. Based on this, such types of personnel policies as closed and open are distinguished. Consider the above types in more detail.

Passive policy

This term in matters of personnel management in itself seems very strange. However, there are situations when there is no direction of personnel policy at the enterprise. The company's management is only concerned with eliminating the negative consequences of working with labor resources. In such organizations, as a rule, there is no forecast of personnel requirements. Diagnostics of the situation with by human resourses. The management of such companies operates in a mode of constant emergency response to the problem situations that arise. At the same time, it seeks to extinguish conflicts by any means, without trying to figure out their causes and possible consequences.

Active policy

The organization’s management can have not only forecasts, but also means of influencing problem situations. In this case, an active personnel management system takes place. You can talk about her presence even when the personnel service is capable of conducting constant monitoring of situations, of developing anti-crisis personnel programs and adjusting them in accordance with the current internal and external situation.

Preventive policy

One can speak about the presence of this type of personnel management at an enterprise only when management has reasonable forecasts of the development of the situation.But it is worth bearing in mind that an organization in whose work a preventive personnel policy is used does not have the means to at least somehow influence it. These companies carry out personnel diagnostics and forecast the further situation with labor resources. However, the organization is not able to develop targeted programs.

Reactive Policy

You can talk about it in the case when the administration of the enterprise is able to control the symptoms of a negative situation in matters of personnel management. It considers situations of crisis development and its causes and takes measures to eliminate it. At such enterprises, there are diagnostic tools for problems, adequate emergency assistance is provided. However, despite the existence of development programs, such enterprises have difficulties with medium-term forecasting.

Rational politics

It takes place in those enterprises where personnel services are able to reasonably predict the further development of the situation with the staff, make a high-quality diagnosis and can affect the problems that have arisen. At the same time, forecasts are made not only for the medium term, but also for the long term. One of the elements of the plan in maintaining a sound personnel management policy is the work program. In addition, there are various options for its implementation.

Adventurous politics

At some enterprises, management does not have a reasonable and qualitative forecast for the development of the situation. However, senior officials seek to somehow influence emerging issues. In such cases, the personnel service does not have forecasting tools, but the enterprise development program certainly contains plans for managing human resources. All documents drawn up are based on the emotional perception of the situation and do not have a reasoned justification.

Such a personnel management system is not able to withstand the test while strengthening the influence of factors not included in the consideration of the documents drawn up. For example, with the appearance of a new product or a significant change in the market.

Open policy

In its implementation, the organization is transparent to people seeking to take available vacant positions in it. It is possible to get a job in it, not only the lowest, but also a managerial position. The principles of personnel policy of such an organization make it possible to recruit any specialist with the necessary qualifications. In this case, the previous work experience of a potential employee in this or a similar organization is not considered.

The formation of a personnel policy of this type is desirable for newly created organizations that are configured for aggressive struggle aimed at rapid growth and rapid conquest of the market. Indeed, for the implementation of ambitious plans, they require a large number of labor resources.

Closed policy

This type of personnel management is typical for those companies that seek to maintain a certain corporate atmosphere or work in conditions of a shortage of labor resources. With a closed personnel policy, an organization appoints only its employees, and lower-level employees are placed in senior management positions.

State personnel policy

A special type of work is carried out to create an efficient and effective collective of civil servants. The state personnel policy of governing bodies and authorities is carried out on the basis of a scientific approach and technologicalization, accompanied by an analysis of the quality of officials, as well as their professionalism and responsibility. It represents the activity of managers and personnel officers, which is aimed at finding and selecting personnel, their stimulation and motivation to perform assigned tasks.

The state personnel policy is called upon:

  • to develop strategic directions for the development of civil service, taking into account the interests of the individual and the development prospects of society and the country as a whole;
  • to provide governing bodies and authorities with professional and reliable specialists;
  • create the necessary material and social conditions for the work of personnel, as well as exercise control over the performance of official duties;
  • to maintain such a moral and psychological climate that would facilitate the high-level performance by a team of civil servants;
  • to create and ensure the functioning of a system of advanced training and training of staff of the state apparatus at the proper level;
  • to create conditions that allow employees to have the opportunity for creative growth;
  • to develop a system of vocational guidance for young people for the reproduction of the elite for public service.

The Department of Personnel Policy is engaged in the solution of all these, as well as many other tasks in the Government of Russia. He is part of the apparatus of the President of the Russian Federation. Similar services are available in various structures of state bodies.

How to improve personnel policy?

Any enterprise strives to increase the efficiency of its work. To do this, the management of personnel policy must be constantly improved. What measures are being taken to address this issue? First of all, they relate to the strengthening of consistency in the selection of personnel. This work covers the entire spectrum of activities - from hiring to firing an employee. In addition, the improvement of personnel policy implies an improvement in the procedure for informing about available vacancies and candidates, discussion, as well as appointment. Each of these points separately seems inconsequential. However, the combination of these areas is an important criterion that allows for the improvement of personnel policy in the organization.

types of personnel policy

In most companies, personnel management services only plan the number of employees. However, this is the wrong approach. For more efficient work of the company, an analysis of various factors of the labor market is needed. This will allow to replenish the staff with highly qualified personnel and make the correct placement of employees.

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