
Use of maternity capital: rules, conditions. Maternity capital mortgage

Maternity capital is the financial support of families from the state in which the second, third and subsequent children were born (adopted) from the beginning of 2007. These funds are credited to the account of a certain territorial representation of the FIU at the place of residence of the mother and her child. An appropriate certificate is issued on hand.

It is worth noting that the matcapital is provided to the whole family, and not just to a certain child, because of which it can be spent, taking into account the interests of all family members. Our government annually indexes capital, increasing it. About how to use this state aid, and we will talk further.

Maternity capital: terms of use, terms

Since the beginning of 2010, Russian families in which the 2nd and subsequent children are three years old can use these funds in full, but exclusively for the following purposes:

1. The use of maternity capital for housing. At the expense of state funds, you can purchase or build it, or rather, spend it on the down payment (in the case of a mortgage) or repayment of the main debt or interest on it directly. This option provides the possibility of obtaining an appropriate loan not only to the certificate holder, but also to his spouse. In addition, the use of maternity capital is permissible in respect of previously obtained housing loans (loans, contracts for the purchase of appropriate housing, including mortgages, which are executed before the end of December 2010). An important note has been introduced: if after transferring state funds to pay off a debt for a housing loan, it turns out that a citizen has already transferred part of the required amount, then after 5 days he must return the surplus to the PFR.

use of maternity capital

2. Use of maternity capital funds for the education of the child. This financial support can be sent to the education of one or more children who are not yet 25 years old. There are no restrictions on the choice of an educational institution (state, non-state, owning the required license, state accreditation for the provision of this type of service), the main thing is that it is located on the territory of our country.
use of maternity capital

3. The use of maternity capital to form a labor pension (its funded part) for the certificate holder. These government funds can be sent to the PFR, NPF.

It is possible to take advantage of the type of state support under the law only after the child for whom the certificate was issued is three years old. However, in a situation with mortgage lending or a loan, matcapital may be used earlier.

pension fund maternity capital use

The list of necessary documents for obtaining state aid

Obtaining the right to dispose of these funds is reduced to the formation of a set of documents, the acquisition of an appropriate certificate. Next, the birth certificate of the 2nd and subsequent child is obtained at the registry office. Then a corresponding mark is put in the passport of the parents, and the birth certificate indicates citizenship of the child.

As already mentioned earlier, the funds of the capital can be used to pay off the mortgage, which was received before the birth of the 2nd child and subsequent children.

The documents for using maternity capital to repay the mortgage are as follows:

  • passport;
  • certificate received;
  • concluded loan agreement (loan agreement);
  • a relevant certificate from a banking institution indicating the full amount of debt;
  • received certificate of state registration of ownership of the acquired housing;
  • a notarized receipt regarding the compulsory registration of the acquired housing in the ownership of all family members;
  • copies of documents: spouse’s passport with a registration mark, marriage certificate (if one of the counterparties to the loan agreement is the spouse of the certificate holder).

use of maternity capital for housing

Acquisition of housing on credit as one of the options for using state support

It is worth starting with a concept such as a mortgage using maternity capital. These are specially designed banking programs that are designed to make an initial contribution or a part of the main debt, or pay off accrued interest on it through the type of state subsidies in question.

The process of receiving money under a certificate most often includes 3 stages:

1. The owner of the above document applies to the FIU, takes a certificate of matkapital.

2. With the certificate received, he goes to the bank and fills out an application for crediting the indicated amount. If funds are used to repay a previously received loan, the relevant credit institution submits a certificate of a certain form regarding the size of the balance of the principal debt, as well as interest payable before the loan agreement expiration, and no debt.

3. The Pension Fund (the use of maternity capital is always carried out only with its approval) transfers funds to the specified bank account of a particular credit institution. This procedure can last no more than 2 months.

Maternity capital mortgage

Maternity capital: conditions of use when buying an apartment in the secondary market

From the moment the child for whom the certificate is issued reaches the age of three, you can begin to plan the acquisition of housing. The funds will be credited to the account of a particular seller no later than 2 months after submitting an application to the FIU.

Often the question arises as to the possibility of channeling the received state support to the acquisition of a certain share of the apartment (house). To answer it, you should turn to the Russian housing legislation. It clearly states that the living quarters (bought with the use of mothercapital) are those that meet the relevant requirements of the LCD, more precisely:

  • isolated (separated from other residential premises);
  • limited from other spaces;
  • isolated from the environment of third-party people.

In this regard, neither part of the room nor the uninsulated part of a separate apartment is recognized as residential premises. Thus, an apartment using maternity capital can be purchased only if it meets the above requirements.

The obligation regarding the allocation of shares to children when buying a home with the investment of state support

After using maternity capital for the above purposes, parents should allocate certain shares to their children equivalent to the share of mother capital in the total cost of housing. For example, if an apartment costs 1.6 million rubles, then the capital equal to approximately 400 thousand rubles will be 1/4. So, shares when using maternity capital will be equal (if both parents are co-borrowers and they have two children). Each family member owns 1/4 of the apartment.

If a mortgage is issued using maternity capital, then the shares of children must be allocated no later than six months after the removal of the burden.

Changes regarding the state support under consideration in the current year

The main point of this social program is the limited use of maternal capital. The year 2014 retained the leading position in such a direction of investment of the provided state aid as improving housing conditions.This year, the government plans to introduce a number of adjustments on this issue.

Maternity capital 2015 (its use for the above purposes established by law) may undergo a number of amendments:

  • the exclusion of one of the directions for the implementation of these state subsidies (increase in maternal pension);
  • the issue is being examined regarding the child receiving professional medical care (treatment of serious diseases);
  • perhaps they will approve the proposal for the purchase of special equipment needed for people with disabilities;
  • the proposal regarding the exclusion from the existing program of well-off families (the principle of need) is also considered;
  • It was proposed to introduce an item related to the gasification of housing.

These are only preliminary points that need to be considered.

Buying a car for the state funds in question

The use of maternal capital for a car has already been considered in the government for more than one year. Obviously, large families need a roomy car no less than they need a spacious living space. This issue is most relevant for rural, rural residents who have no problems with housing, but have a car (no money to buy it). So, because of this kind of flaws in Russian legislation, a large number of families cannot realize the means of capital capital for the benefit of their children.
use of maternity capital for a car

Difficulties in approving this paragraph

Firstly, it is possible that parents will use the vehicle only for their own purposes, and this will not help the child.

Secondly, the important point is the process of registration of the car. In the framework of the program, it cannot belong to only one family member due to the fact that this will cause a number of unpleasant situations regarding the proof of his right to this type of property of the remaining members in court. So, the presented method, in accordance with our legislation, cannot be implemented (the machine must be registered exclusively with one of the family members).

Thirdly, according to the deputy chairman of the State Duma on family, women and children, Irina Sokolova, maternity capital (the rules for the use of which were indicated earlier) is a long-term investment in family well-being, and the purchase of a car contradicts the most important idea of ​​this social assistance for the reason that he becomes obsolete over time, due to which its benefits are reduced.

Fourth, this will greatly simplify the process of cashing out the funds of this state support.

All of the above arguments contradict the fairly successful experience of a number of cities (Ulyanovsk, Kaliningrad, Novosibirsk, etc.). There, large families are allowed to invest the allowance received from the regional budget in the purchase of a car.

Indexing of State Support

It is produced annually, as inflation is steadily increasing. In this regard, the government regularly increases the size of the capital, focusing on the purchasing power of Russian citizens. Indexation is an essential mechanism, since most families cannot dispose of the funds provided immediately. So that the money does not depreciate, they are indexed.

In 2015, maternity capital (terms of use were discussed earlier) increased by 5.5% and as a result amounted to 453,026 rubles. Apparently, this is the last significant indexation, since quite negative phenomena are observed in the Russian economy, as a result of which its growth rates may slow down. In accordance with the forecasts of the Ministry of Labor, in 2016 - 2017. indexation will take a value of 4.5%. In this regard, the size of the capital will reach the mark of half a million rubles only by 2018.

documents for the use of maternity capital

Mortgage in Sberbank using mothercapital

As already mentioned, this state aid today is most often directed to improving existing housing conditions.Thus, the use of maternity capital as a significant down payment when buying a home in a mortgage. Quite often they turn to Sberbank because of acceptable credit conditions. But the funds can also be used to pay off the previously received mortgage loan (even before the birth of the second, subsequent child).

There are a number of nuances, namely:

1. In order to use this state aid as an initial payment, it is required to go through the process of formalizing a loan. In Sberbank, a mortgage is presented to a young family at a reduced interest rate.

2. To transfer the funds of the capital to an account with Sberbank, it will be necessary to fill in the corresponding application with the PFR (nearest branch). This is necessary so that the FIU employee can verify the intended use of the maternity capital, and it will be necessary to submit a certificate from the bank regarding the approval of the loan application. As a rule, consideration of the application and transfer of funds is carried out within a month. An important point - there is the possibility of electronic submission of an application to the FIU (website for public services, the official website of the FIU). It is worth knowing in advance that if money does not arrive in a bank account after six months, the mortgage may be denied.

3. It is permissible to issue a mortgage loan with the participation of the capital not only for finished housing. You can also invest in a house under construction. In this option, the interest rate will decrease. If the house is being built with significant support from Sberbank, the annual rate will be 8-10%. You can find out the approximate interest rate in advance using a mortgage calculator. In addition, when registering a mortgage, an additional credit line limit up to 200 thousand rubles. It is also worth noting that when issuing a card (personalized), you can save a credit limit. A grace period is presented on the card when interest is not charged on the money spent.

Subjects entitled to receive capital

The following persons can take advantage of this state aid:

  • a woman who has given birth or adopted a second, subsequent child;
  • spouse - the father of the child, the adoptive parent (after 01.01.2007), provided that the wife had such a right, but lost it due to deprivation of parental rights, due to death (it is assumed that the husband does not have Russian citizenship, but the child must have it);
  • Russian citizen who adopted a child after 01/01/2007;
  • a minor child (a person under the age of 23 who is on full-time education) whose parents had this right, but lost it because of death.

Education of children as one of the options for investing

These state funds can be used as payment for a child’s studies at an educational institution. The main limitation, as already mentioned above, is that it should be on the territory of our country. Also, the educational institution must necessarily carry out its activities under the appropriate license.

It is worth noting that these state funds can be spent on the education of any child whose age does not exceed 25 years.

In this situation, the following documents will need to be submitted to the FIU:

  • relevant statement;
  • an agreement with the selected educational institution, the subject of which is the presentation of a range of paid services in the field of education;
  • document proving the identity of the owner of the certificate, together with the original;
  • SNILS;
  • In case of living in a hostel, it is necessary to provide a certificate confirming this fact, an employment contract.

Previously (until 2011), it was also necessary to present a license to the selected educational institution for the possibility of providing a range of paid services and a copy of its registration certificate, but now the FIU itself requests this information directly from the specified educational institution.

Pension savings of the certificate holder as an option for investing capital

This method is quite unpopular today. So, according to statistics, only 2% of families used it. As a rule, these are people who do not need housing. This option is recognized as simplified due to the fact that it has a minimum number of bureaucratic procedures. So, to transfer these state funds to pension savings, you just need to fill out the necessary application to the FIU.

Options for using mothercapital to improve their living conditions

The main ones are the following:

  • investment of these state funds in shared construction;
  • referral of the capital to pay for construction work in a situation with individual housing construction;
  • use of the considered state support as a share contribution to the cooperative (other structure) for participation in housing cooperative;
  • sending the capital to pay a loan (loan), including a mortgage;
  • these funds can be used to reimburse the cost of overhaul (IZHS) without involving outside organizations (on their own).

The main limitation is that housing should be located on Russian territory.

Received state support in case of residence abroad

Any citizen of the Russian Federation temporarily residing outside our country has the same right to receive mother capital if the child born has Russian citizenship. Most often, these persons are financially well-off, which is why they do not want to spend time on the procedure for obtaining state support. However, some still wonder about the possibility of designing the capital.

If these entities reside permanently outside the Russian Federation and do not have a Russian registration, then they can submit an application directly to the FIU or through our consulate in the country where they reside to participate in such a program (assistance to families with children).

In conclusion, it is worth noting that maternity capital is an opportunity for many families to solve housing issues, to give a proper education to their child or to ensure a comfortable old age.

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