
What you can spend maternity capital: directions, conditions, documents

Family capital - state support for the family in which a second child was born from 2007 to 2016. Every year, the amount of maternity capital increases, and in 2016 it will amount to 453,026 rubles. The period of maternity leave (up to one and a half years) is counted in the length of service, for which pension points are awarded.

Useful Maternity Capital Information

  1. The privilege to receive state assistance can be obtained only once.
  2. An increase in capital does not entail a replacement certificate.
  3. The period of applying for a certificate after the birth of the second and subsequent children is not limited.
  4. A request for the disposal of state aid money may be submitted even more than three years after the appearance of the child.
  5. Capital is not subject to personal income tax.
  6. The certificate is valid if you present an identity document.
  7. The certificate is not valid after: death of the holder, deprivation of parental rights, intentional crime against his children, cancellation of adoption, full use of capital.
  8. If the certificate was lost, you can get a copy.
  9. The receipt of family capital occurs by bank transfer.

Who needs state aid?

In accordance with the Law “On Additional Measures of State Support to Families with Children”, assistance is provided:

what can maternity capital be spent on

  1. A family, if a second child was born in it after the beginning of 2007.
  2. Maternity capital is also paid to the only male adoptive parent of the second or next child.
  3. A family, if a second child or a third child was adopted in it after the beginning of 2007, provided that no second state aid was appointed.
  4. Maternity capital for 3 children born in the family is laid only if it is not received for the second child.
  5. The father of the second or third child whose mother died, was deprived of parental rights or committed a crime against her baby.

Regional family capital

Many families have the privilege of receiving maternity capital for 3 children and subsequent children, not only from the state, but also from the region in which they live. But in some areas, regional assistance is also provided for families with two children. The procedure for receiving assistance is established by the regional authorities.

Payment of state aid in 2016

The amount of maternity capital depends on indexation. The coefficient is budgeted without fail. But due to the unstable situation, indexing can be canceled.

how to spend maternity capital

This year a number of radical proposals were made:

  1. Early cancel capital payments.
  2. Introduce the criteria of targeting and need.
  3. Suspend the current indexation order of the amount.

However, these proposals, fortunately, did not find support.

Extension of payments after 2016

Due to the financial crisis in the country, the likelihood of extending payments after this year is reduced. Although this program should increase the birth rate of second and subsequent children in families. But in 2015, there was discussion about changing the state aid payment program after this year. The following changes were suggested:

  1. Grant the right to receive capital after the birth of a third child from 01/01/17.
  2. Raise the amount of capital to 1,500,000 rubles. Cancel annual indexing. Until the end of 2026, the amount should be fixed.
  3. Reduce the permitted list of use of state aid only to improve housing conditions.

Changes in state aid in 2016

How to spend maternity capital? This question is asked by many families, but it is worth considering that it can be spent only three years after the birth of the second child and receipt of the certificate.

home for maternity capital

In this case, if the child was born this year, then payment will be made only after three years, that is, in 2019. An exception is only the case with a loan for residential premises. Such changes were made to the maternity capital: until March 31, 16, it is worth contacting the territorial offices of the PFR with a request for payment of 20 thousand rubles. from the capital to the family whose child was born before 12/31/15, and the funds under the certificate have not yet been used. Such an exception is considered anti-crisis and allows the use of money for the current needs of the family.

Terms of payment of maternity capital

Who can be paid maternity capital? Moreover, this year it amounts to a decent amount, because of which there is a lot of controversy in families. Having not yet received the funds, people dream of new opportunities for their family. But it’s worthwhile to understand that in order to spend state aid, you must adhere to certain program conditions that allow you to spend money only on a narrow range of needs.

Maternity capital, the terms of use of which are prescribed by law No. 256, can be obtained by people who meet the following requirements:

  1. Claimants must have legal privileges.
  2. Persons applying for payment must have Russian citizenship both at the time the child is born and at the time of adoption.
  3. Also, the child must be born or adopted from 2007 to 2016.

Cash is allocated to every Russian family, not even necessarily living in the country. Also, capital is paid only for one child, all subsequent assistance for the birth of the following children can only be regional.

What can you spend maternity capital on?

The resulting family capital is allowed to be spent on such purposes:

  1. Home improvement. It is permissible to build or repair a house for maternity capital.
  2. Education for children.
  3. Formation of a mother's pension.

The first item also includes the opportunity to spend maternity capital on an apartment.

Assistance can be used as compensation for construction that occurred after 2007. It is allowed to spend money on the reconstruction and increase in living space. You can build a house for maternity capital either on your own, or you can hire workers. If you use contractors, then the amount for the services rendered will go to their account. If the construction is carried out independently, then you get 50% of the amount immediately, and the remaining 50% after six months, if it is possible to confirm the construction work.

Maternity capital for an apartment is allocated if it is acquired in a new building or in the secondary market. The purchase of a house should be carried out only in the territory intended for personal housing development. It is allowed to purchase a part in an apartment or house. An exception is one-room apartments and dorm rooms.

The second paragraph involves the allocation of funds for education by children. It includes: pre-school education, education received at school, auxiliary, higher and secondary special education. With capital, you can pay for the hostel, which is occupied by the child while studying.

maternity capital for 3 children

The third item on the list of what you can spend maternity capital on is not a popular destination for using support. This is due to the instability of the economy and the instability of the pension system in Russia.

What can not be spent on capital?

Most families complain that this is the whole list of what maternity capital can be spent on. It really is insignificant, all other ways of using capital are considered illegal.

maternity capital

It is forbidden to use state support for:

  1. Purchase of a car. There are no legal grounds for carrying out this operation, although there is a need for this. But there are exceptions to regional capital.
  2. Acquisition of land, as this does not guarantee the availability of residential premises. Even when buying a private house, the contract should contain a reservation on the separate cost of the plot and construction.
  3. Repayment of any loan, except for a mortgage or special-purpose loan for the purchase of housing. Also, capital is not allowed to repay debt on a loan taken to repair a room.

How to direct maternity capital in the chosen direction?

Before you start spending state aid, decide on a clear direction for its implementation. Then it will be necessary to apply to the PFR office with a request for the possibility of managing money. It must be in a fixed form. A number of required papers must be attached:

  1. Filled out application for the possibility to dispose of state aid funds.
  2. Retirement Insurance Certificate owner of a certificate of equity.
  3. Passport.
  4. Certificate.

maternity capital per apartment

Depending on the direction, the package of documents that will need to be submitted to the relevant authorities is adjusted. A list of securities required for each direction separately can be found in regulatory enactments.

Resolving disputes about family capital

At first glance, it becomes clear why you need it, how to use it and what you can spend maternity capital on, and what not. But in judicial practice every year more and more there are cases when controversial situations and disagreements arise. If the family cannot resolve the issues that have arisen regarding state assistance using the Law on Maternity Capital, then you should seek legal advice.

Necessary documentation for family capital

Before spending state aid, it is necessary to collect all the paperwork needed to receive it, and only then decide how to spend maternity capital.

second child maternity capital

For registration you will need:

  1. The petition required to obtain a certificate. Filled in accordance with the approved form.
  2. Passport or other identity document.
  3. Birth certificate of a child for whom state aid will be issued.
  4. Adoption Document.
  5. A document confirming that the child is a citizen of Russia.
  6. SNILS of the person who is petitioning.
  7. Power of attorney of a representative, notarized.

If the designer is the father or adoptive parent, then a slightly different list of documents. For clarification, consult the appropriate authorities. Documentation for registration of assistance can be provided in person, sent by mail or use the electronic portal of public services.

Papers required when purchasing a living space:

  1. Duplicate of the contract of sale of residential premises, which has passed state registration.
  2. Duplicate certificate of state registration for the privilege of owning a dwelling by a person who has received a certificate.
  3. Written confirmation of registration of the purchase of housing in the common property of all family members within six months from the date of transfer of funds by the FIU to the person who carried out the alienation of the premises.
  4. Certificate of debt, which still needs to be repaid for the purchase of housing.

Papers for the construction of housing under maternity capital:

  1. Duplicate building permit.
  2. Mandatory registration of premises in common ownership.
  3. Duplicate of land privilege.
  4. If necessary, a duplicate contract with the construction team.

No special documentation is required to formalize the use of retirement assistance.

Papers for tuition:

  1. The contract with the educational institution.
  2. License for educational activities.
  3. Certificate of state accreditation.

So that there are no problems with the law, and you can get help for your family, you should adhere to the legislative norms and first familiarize yourself with the entire list of necessary documentation.

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