
How many times can you get maternity capital in Russia?

Now we will find out how many times you can get maternity capital. Anyway, what is it. All the details of this promotion, as well as documents for receipt will be presented to our attention. In fact, maternal capital is quite interested in parents. A woman can get it, it’s worth mentioning right away. And for her there is a rather interesting method of using capital. But more on that later. How many times can you get maternity capital? When does he appear? What is it needed for? And most importantly, under what conditions are appropriate payments made? About all this and not only - further.how many times can you get maternity capital

What is it

Let's start with a description of this "stimulation." Maternal capital - what is it all about? Why is it needed? These payments, as you might guess, are due to mothers. Of course, not everyone. But only to those who gave birth to two or more children.

It turns out that families with many children have the right to expect to receive maternity capital. This is a sum of money that can be spent on many things related to children and their upbringing. True, it is issued only for the child for whom it is framed. That is, on the second and subsequent ones. How many times can you get maternity capital? More about this later. First you need to understand exactly what we are dealing with: all the details of these payments, their use and much more.


It turns out that maternity capital is a kind of state support in order to improve the demographic situation in Russia. Only now, in the conditions of the economic crisis, the government is talking about its abolition. How many times can you get maternity capital? What year?

They used to say that in 2016 it will be canceled. Fortunately, this did not happen. After that, there was talk that 2017 is the last time to receive capital. It is not yet known exactly in what period these payments will be canceled. Yes, it’s difficult to produce them (the amount is pretty decent), but it’s necessary. So that in Russia people are confident in the future and are not afraid to give birth to children. At the moment, discussions are underway to extend the maternity capital program until 2020-2022.

Hoping this too much is not worth it. The crisis in the country is developing rapidly. And therefore, this decision can be easily reversed. It’s worth orienting yourself for 2017-2018. During this period, maternal capital will still exist.how many times can you get maternity capital in general

To whom should

Great, but to whom is it supposed to be? How many times can you get maternity capital, we will answer a little later. As already mentioned, families with several children (minors) are entitled to these payments. For the second and subsequent children, you can get the nth amount.

True, there are several nuances in this matter. For example, if you have several children born at once (twins, triplets), you can claim payments. But when a stillborn is born, no. Even if this is one of the kids in double-triple and so on. In addition, when a child dies before registering the so-called maternal capital, parents also lose all ability to earn it.

By the way, adoptive parents can apply for this type of support from the state. It doesn't matter who gives birth to a child. If your family has 2 or more children for whom you are the adoptive parent / guardian / parent, capital is secured. Yes, its execution will be somewhat complicated by the collection of all necessary additional documents, but there is such an opportunity. How many times can you get maternity capital in general? And how much should you expect?how many times can you get regional maternity capital

Payout Sizes

Actually, the question of the frequency of payments does not concern parents as much as the total cash. That is, how much exactly can be obtained under the maternity capital program.

Please note that the numbers changed every year. Previously, they only rose. But since 2015 remain unchanged. It's all about the crisis. Indexing is frozen so far. And no one knows if it will be held.

How many times can you get regional maternity capital (and regular) and in what amounts? Today, large families can count on several types of payments. But they are not found everywhere. For example, regional is established within one specific region. And in each area you will have to find out about its size in the Pension Fund or social welfare services. But the usual maternity capital since 2015 is set at 453,026 rubles. And at the moment, the amount has not changed.

How to use

How many times can you get maternity capital? Vologda or any other city - it all depends on the type of support. There is, as we have already found out, ordinary, federal capital, but there is regional capital. Before you get them, you should understand the use of these. Maybe it’s not possible to spend maternity capital on your requests.how many times can you get maternity capital

So what do we have in the end? Maternity capital can be used:

  • to improve housing conditions;
  • to study a child;
  • to treat the baby;
  • to increase the pension to mom;
  • to repay loans / mortgages for housing;
  • to rehabilitation programs.

Perhaps these items are the most important and common. Practice shows that most often parents agree to give birth to a child precisely for the first type of use - improving housing conditions. In Russia, few are able to afford to buy housing. Therefore, these payments are very welcome. And for their sake, people agree to expand families. Yes, you won’t be able to pay the full apartment, but in part - easily.

Regional Payments

How many times can you get maternity capital in Moscow and other areas? If we are talking about regional payments, then there is definitely no answer. Indeed, this "incentive" is much lower than the federal one. And as practice shows, such assistance can be obtained several times. Details should be found in each region separately.how many times can you get maternity capital in Moscow

It is worth noting right away: regional maternal capital is about 100,000 rubles. That is, it is much lower than the federal one. Large families are able to claim both the first payments and the second. In Mordovia, for example, regional capital is paid for the birth of each child. And you need to know such details. Maybe you are entitled to some good additional payments for raising the birth rate in the country.

Federal capital

How many times can you get maternity capital in Russia of federal significance? Honestly, everything is extremely easy and simple. The thing is that this type of payment from the state can be claimed only once.

What does it mean? You can get maternity capital for a second child or a third, or fourth, and so on. That is, if you previously wrote out federal payments for one of the children, there is nothing more to count on when you give birth to a new child. Except for regional capital. And that is not always the case. As already mentioned, here you will have to find out all the details in your city specifically. Together with the amounts of payments.how many times can you get maternity capital before what year

How to get

But what documents are needed to receive state "incentives"? How many times give maternity capital, we have already found out. But here's how to get it - no. You will need to submit a full list of documents to the Pension Fund. And it is there that you will be given the appropriate certificate for government payments. Take with you:

  • birth certificates of children;
  • passports of parents;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • certificates of adoption (if any);
  • SNILS of the applicant and the child;
  • TIN of parents and baby.

It's all.Now you can go to the Pension Fund, write a statement and receive a certificate of maternity capital. Do not rush to rejoice - you can not spend it right away. Although the government is now discussing such an opportunity.

Final result

What do we have in the end? As you can see, maternal capital can be different. And depending on it, parents are able to receive one-time or multiple support. Most often, capital is understood as federal payments.how many times can you get maternity capital in Russia

This is a great way to increase the birth rate in the country. In Russia, this issue is very acute. And if maternity capital is canceled, and in return they don’t come up with a different system of subsidizing families, it is unlikely that any of the average citizens will agree to make their family large. Therefore, the government does not know what decision it will make - to continue this program or not. It is difficult to maintain it in a crisis, but the abolition will lead to enormous problems and public discontent.

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