
How to emigrate to Australia from Russia?

In recent years, the word "emigration" has firmly entered the vocabulary of Russians. More and more people decide to move to another country forever to start a new life there. The choice of state and the form of the move itself depends on each specific case. Recently, however, more and more Russians have been wondering how to emigrate to Australia.

Australia features

This calm country occupies a whole continent and is washed by two oceans - the Pacific Ocean from the east and the Indian Ocean from the northwest. Due to its isolation, it does not take part in any world problems. In addition to the complete absence of external threats, the plus of life in Australia is a stable social environment and a thriving economy. The inhabitants of this country are busy arranging their everyday life, they do not have time to complicate their social system. For example, in Australia there are no notaries, and the residents ’appeal to each other is rather informal. In addition, due to the hot climate, the concept of fashion is completely absent here. What, how and when to wear, everyone decides for himself whether to go to a restaurant in shorts and a T-shirt is a common thing. In this amazing country, exoticism is combined with a high standard of living. These and many other factors make it unique, and that is why the question "how to emigrate to Australia" is becoming increasingly relevant.

how to emigrate to australia

Why Australia

In addition to the striking features of this country, there is another important reason why many choose Australia for moving. It is about attitudes towards immigrants. The indigenous population here in relation to visitors is only 1%. Australia is perhaps the only country in the world where the government is deliberately working on a program to attract new residents. This is due to the large number of uninhabited territories that need to be developed. That is why more than 100 thousand migrants come here every year, striving to start a new life in this amazing country. Thus, emigration from Russia to Australia has many positive aspects.

Types of emigration

Those who have made a firm decision to move to this continent, it is important to know what methods of migration Australia offers in order to choose the most suitable option for themselves. So how to emigrate to Australia? There are several ways to resolve the issue:

  • professional migration;
  • educational program;
  • business migration;
  • family migration;
  • relocation for humanitarian reasons.

Each of these methods will be discussed in more detail.

emigration from Russia to Australia without a language

Professional migration

Australia, like no other country, shows its interest in attracting professionals to the country in various fields. At the same time, the chances of a potential migrant are assessed using a point system. To be able to emigrate from Russia to Australia precisely according to the program of specialists, you need to score 120 points. The criteria by which a candidate is evaluated are as follows:

  • professional training;
  • age;
  • work experience in the specialty;
  • level of knowledge of English.

Almost completely, the result of the decision depends on the demonstrated level of knowledge of the language. To determine it, the candidate must pass the IELTS test, the average cost of which varies from 5 to 9 thousand rubles. The testing will test the ability to read, write, speak and perceive speech by ear. For successful passing the test you can get from 15 to 20 points. emigration to Australia from Russia requirements

After this stage is completed, you need to submit documents confirming your specialization and work experience.An interesting fact is that professional qualifications can be recognized both on the basis of education and work experience. In other words, if you do not have a diploma in the profession presented, then you can confirm it with at least 6 years of work experience and good work results. This is a good opportunity for many who do not know how to emigrate to Australia from Russia. The reviews of people who received such a visa confirm this.

The final step in gaining professional migration opportunities is to forward the package of documents to Australia. All of them must be translated into English and notarized. In addition to these certificates, you must provide the results of passing a medical examination and information about your police trustworthiness. Sending documents requires payment of a state fee of 1125 Australian dollars. Then you just have to wait for the decision of the government at your request. If it is positive, emigration from Russia to Australia will be possible for you.

SOL - List of professions in demand in Australia

The country's government emphasizes its continuing need for good professionals. And given that for many, it is preferable to work emigration to Australia, the list of professions that are in demand in the country is fixed in a document called SOL (The Skilled Occupations List). It changes twice a year, so those who wish to carry out professional migration need to follow any updates. This does not mean that SOL changes completely every time, however, depending on the situation on the labor market, the government periodically adjusts it. More than 100 professions are mentioned in this document, so the list is pretty extensive. Areas in which specific specialization is required are as follows:

  • building;
  • education;
  • the medicine;
  • the science;
  • economy;
  • management;
  • working professions.

You should consider this point: if your specialization is not included in the list of popular ones, this does not deprive you of the possibility of professional migration. However, if you have a profession from SOL, this gives you an additional 15 points when evaluating your candidacy. If there is still an official invitation from the employer, the number of points increases to 20.How to emigrate to Australia from Russia as a family

Educational migration

This method of moving to Australia is not in great demand. This is due to the cost of training in this country. However, if you are interested in how to emigrate to Australia from Russia for permanent residence, then this method can be a good start. Having been educated in the country itself, the chances of finding a good job and obtaining citizenship are, of course, greater. But here it should be borne in mind that we must choose the professions that are part of SOL.

In addition, a student visa must be with the right to work, otherwise you will not have any job opportunities in the country. Thus, given the cost of higher education, this method of relocation may become too expensive. Most universities provide their students with housing in the first month of arrival, but in the future you should independently seek a roof over your head. Job searches should also not be delayed; they must be started already during training. This is due to the fact that a university graduate does not have the right to be in the country without appropriate reasons.

Business migration

The authorities of Australia, like many other countries, have a positive attitude towards those wishing to open their own business in the country. This increases the number of jobs, the state treasury and supports the local market. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of emigrating to Australia from Russia. The requirements that are imposed on migrants are quite loyal.how to emigrate to australia from russia reviews

A businessman gets the opportunity to open his own business in a country with a developed economy and equal laws for all.In addition, he, like his family, is provided with preferential conditions for obtaining resident status. At the same time, having opened his own business, the migrant is not deprived of the opportunity to work for someone else. He must sign an agreement obliging him to engage in entrepreneurial activity in the country for at least 2 years. After this period, you can apply for a permanent visa if you meet the requirements:

  • at the time of writing the application, the business must be at least 2 years old, the same amount you must live in Australia;
  • the minimum turnover of funds for the last year should be at least 300 thousand dollars;
  • The staff must have at least 2 Australian citizens who are not members of your family.
  • the applicant must possess at least 1% of the total business.

If all the parameters are met, you can get a permanent visa, and then citizenship. It is worth taking into account all the opportunities that emigration to Australia gives, the experience of predecessors, take into account possible difficulties, and only then make a final decision.

Family emigration

Many people are interested in how to emigrate to Australia from Russia as a family. There are several types of visas that can be obtained by this method of moving. So, family emigration is possible for:

  • children who are dependent on an Australian citizen or resident;
  • parents whose children are citizens or residents of the country;
  • people whose husband / wife is an Australian citizen or resident;
  • people who are in the status of bridegroom / bride of a citizen or resident of the country (after the marriage is concluded, you must write an application for a spouse visa).emigration from russia to australia

If you are interested in how to emigrate to Australia from Russia as a family, pay attention to these methods - they all suit you. In addition, during professional migration, the person who writes the application, subject to his approval, can apply for the whole family to move.

Humanitarian migration

Refugee status on the Green Continent offers many benefits, including a fairly high unemployment benefit. Also, this option makes it possible to move the whole family and obtain citizenship in two years. In addition, this is the only way in which emigration from Russia to Australia is possible without a language and getting the right amount of points.

Here you need confirmation of harassment in your country - a document of dismissal, certificates of beatings and other evidence. The loyal attitude of Australians towards visitors in general and refugees in particular is one of the most powerful arguments in favor of humanitarian migration.emigrate to australia from russia

Emigration from Russia to Australia. Reviews

The number of people who have moved to Australia and have been living there for many years is quite large. If you plan to go there as an expat, you have many chances to find compatriots nearby, no matter which city you choose to live in. At the same time, it is difficult to find negative reviews about this amazing country. Positive points that Russian migrants emit:

  • high quality of life;
  • decent pay;
  • fabulous nature;
  • friendliness and sociability of citizens;
  • great career opportunities.

In this case, only the language barrier and the adaptation period are considered a minus. However, these are all temporary difficulties that are easy to handle. All these factors make the very idea of ​​moving attractive. So, if your decision is emigration from Russia to Australia, the reviews of which are only positive, we hasten to share with you the recommendations of people experienced in this matter.

Advice for Potential Migrants

Before deciding to leave for the Green Continent for permanent residence, visit him as a tourist. Reviews and other information read at home is one thing, it is much better to see the country yourself.It is not known how painful it will be for you personally to emigrate to Australia; everyone's personal experience is different.

Start learning English. Even if the final choice falls on another country, the language will definitely come in handy.

Realistically evaluate your health. Do not forget that this is a complete change in climate, so consider the presence of allergic reactions, skin condition, and endurance level. At first, there will be no way to sit on sick leave.emigration from Russia to Australia without a language


For many, the Green Continent is associated with paradise on earth. And if you started to wonder “how to emigrate to Australia,” then perhaps it will be for you. The main thing is to choose the right method of migration, really assess your capabilities and not be afraid of difficulties. Good luck!

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