
What is permanent residence? What is the difference between permanent residence and permanent residence and which country is the easiest to travel to.

Permanent residence - permanent residence status, receive a person, or as they are commonly called - residents who have long lived in the territory of another state. What is permanent residence? In fact, this is an opportunity to be in the country without the need for permission and legal re-registration.

General rights of persons with permanent residence status

Each state at the legislative level has developed rules for the stay in the country of persons with the status of permanent residence and residence permit.

what is permanent residence

However, you can indicate the general rights of a person who has received permanent residence status in another country:

  • enter and leave the state without restrictions;
  • have social benefits and guarantees similar to those endowed with citizens of the country;
  • obtaining loans, benefits for medical care and accounting;
  • the right to organize a business and work without restrictions;
  • the right to open accounts in banking institutions, to purchase real estate and cars.

A person who has decided to leave for permanent residence in one of the EU countries has the same rights in all states that are part of the EU.

General duties of persons who have left for permanent residence

Everything is simple here. Permanent residence status, like residence permit, provides the same duties that are performed by citizens of the state to which the resident left:

  • comply with laws, regulations, and regulations;
  • Pay taxes, fees, mandatory payments to the budget or trust funds;
  • Fill out and file tax returns on time.

What is the difference between a permanent resident and a citizen? A person who has relocated to permanent residence does not have the right to vote, to submit his candidacy for elections, to work in government positions, to serve in the army and state police.

Which country is easier to go to permanent residence

There are categories of countries that can be divided according to migration policy:

  1. States with active migration policies: Australia, New Zealand, Canada. At the same time, the immigration of educated, experienced professionals is encouraged. In the modern world, the definition of such a process is given: independent professional immigration. As a result, obtaining citizenship is not only an immigrant, but also all members of his family.
  2. States with the status of "residence permit" with the subsequent transition to permanent residence status and in the end - obtaining citizenship. These are the countries of Latin America, the countries of the European Union
  3. States with passive migration policies. As a rule, these are stable, popular states that are in no hurry to increase the “staff” of citizens. For example, in the USA it is necessary to invest half a million dollars and live two years after receiving a temporary residence permit. In the UK, requirements are much higher - one million pounds and five years of permanent residence.
  4. States where, after confirming ethnicity, you can immediately obtain permanent residence status. These include the Czech Republic, Greece.leave for permanent residence

Which country is the easiest to go to? The loyal immigration policy, introduced by the Spanish authorities, opens up opportunities for various state programs to go to this country for permanent residence and become a citizen. One of the easiest ways is to purchase real estate, which, incidentally, is inexpensive. With an asset of more than 15 thousand euros, you can buy a good apartment in Spain and immediately obtain permanent residency status.

The Internet is replete with immigration offers to Northern Cyprus. This unrecognized state is called the sixteenth republic of the USSR because of the huge number of refugees from the countries of the former Soviet Union.

What is permanent residence in Cyprus? A wonderful climate and clean ecology, a Russian-speaking environment, a safe life - these are the advantages that attract people.

But there is a significant drawback. Due to the lack of need for labor, the authorities of Northern Cyprus do not give permission to work even after obtaining a residence permit or acquiring real estate. Getting income without a visa in this country is very difficult. Money injection is the main direction of the state’s immigration policy.

What is permanent residence and residence permit and what is their difference

In practice, these are the various stages of the immigration process and registration of citizenship. Initially, a person who has entered the country receives a residence permit. It is short-term, usually not exceeding one year. When renewing, checks are possible.

relocation to permanent residence

In the future, a person receives permanent resident status, which must also be renewed, but, as a rule, after five years this process is formal.

For permanent residence in Russia

The best option for a foreigner is to purchase real estate in the suburbs. Permanent residence with the simultaneous acquisition of a private house or apartment is a great way not only to obtain citizenship, but also to invest in real estate.

What is permanent residence in Russia and how many foreigners are in the state?

Moscow region permanent residence

The Federal Migration Service announced statistics according to which over 10.4 million foreigners moved to Russia for permanent residence. According to UN sources, this figure ranges from 15 to 20 million. And only ten percent of immigrants received permits for residence and work.

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