
Relocation to permanent residence in Germany: a step-by-step instruction on immigration

To leave for permanent residence in Germany is a dream of many. And, of course, all comers will know in advance what is needed to implement the plan and whether it is realistic in principle.

permanent residence in Germany

general information

Well, moving to permanent residence in Germany is a very real idea. And there are many ways to obtain citizenship of this country. Although before it was a little more complicated. Long before joining the European Union, Germany passed a law - in order to become a citizen (that is, obtain a passport), it was necessary to live on its territory for at least 15 years. In 2001, the decision was slightly corrected. And the term was reduced almost twice - from now on it amounted to 8 years.

go to Germany for permanent residence

So, if earlier people carried out their plans, now this should not represent any global problems at all. However, some difficulties still have to be faced.

Marry a foreigner - and the path to Germany is open

The two most common ways to leave for permanent residence in Germany is either to study there or to get married. Joining a family or getting married is the most popular way to stay abroad. A huge number of girls to go to Germany for permanent residence, enter into a family alliance with the German. And often for love.

By the way, the inhabitants of Germany have a negative attitude to marriages of convenience. That is why local authorities arrange checks to find out if a guy and a girl really decide to start a family for love. For many, such checks are pure wonder. Indeed, how can one identify whether a planned marriage is planned? The interview consists of several questions, starting with “What does your soul mate like for breakfast?”, “Who is the initiator of your relationship?”, And ending with such questions as “What are the names of your soulmate’s relatives” and “How did you meet?”


If you enter any of the German universities, you can get permission to stay in Germany for the period of study. After that, many go to graduate school. Of course, if a person is in the status of a student, then he will not be able to obtain permanent residence, but years of study will not pass in vain - they will be counted as the time spent in Germany. So after the diploma is obtained, you can begin to search for a decent position, being in the status of "worker".

relocation to permanent residence in Germany

Most young people do that. This is one of the most universal options for leaving for permanent residence in Germany.

What to do without knowing the language?

If you want to go to this beautiful country, then the first thing you will need to be puzzled with is the language. Or rather, his study. Without knowledge of German in Germany there is nothing to do - everyone knows. But even for those people who do not own it, there is a loophole. Hospitable Germans thought of everything.

There is such a program as an Au Pair. It implies that a person travels to Germany for a year in a family that has a small child. The family settles the guest of the country, allocating him a room, fully paying for food and travel expenses, plus to everything he will receive about 400 euros per month for living and attend German language courses. Instead, the guest will have to sit with the child, follow him, take him for walks, learn the Russian language, feed him, etc.

To travel to Germany in this way, you must submit an application by filling out an extensive application form. It is necessary to answer a wide variety of questions.The Germans are interested in everything: are there bad habits, tattoos, does the guest speak musical instruments and the art of driving a car, what languages ​​does he know, can he cook, etc. By the way, there is one caveat - the program has age restrictions (from 18 to 30 years old) . Girls are more in demand, however, guys are often accepted.

So, after spending a year in the country, a person will already know the culture, orders and traditions, he will learn the language and understand what is needed in order to move to permanent residence in Germany took place. That is, this is a kind of "intelligence situation." This is what many do to understand whether it is necessary to move at all and what they will expect.


To move to Germany, you need to collect some documents and certificates. The first, most necessary, is a passport with a Schengen or national visa. The second is a work / study invitation (which is the reason for entering the country). Third - extracts from banks, which indicate that a person can support himself. And the fourth is the company's statutory documents for obtaining a business visa (but this is if the person is a private entrepreneur and goes to Germany due to the development of his business or cooperation with German companies).

departure for permanent residence in Germany

And, of course, you need to bring your national passport, medical insurance, and rights (you can change them). In general, everything that may be needed.

Nuances to know about

For a trip to permanent residence in Germany to take place, you need to have a good starting capital. After all, what conditions are met when obtaining a visa? For the period during which a person plans to stay in the country, he must have a certain amount. How is it installed? Very simple: forty euros for every day. But if there is no necessary amount, then you can cheat a little. Before obtaining a visa, put money on the card, make an extract, and then, after approval, withdraw money. When entering the country, no one will check their availability.

Of course, in order to move to Germany for permanent residence, you must be a “pure” person - there should be no wrongdoing in your biography. It is also worth knowing that German law states: dual citizenship does not exist. Therefore, the connection with the motherland will have to be abandoned for the first time.

move to Germany for permanent residence

By the way, there is another way to get permanent residence. This is a business. If a person has a private matter and an amount of 400-500 thousand euros (very substantial money), then you can put it on investment and start cooperation with the Germans. Many wealthy people do just that.

"National" relocation

There are also two more ways to obtain German citizenship. But they are not suitable for everyone. And all because for this it is necessary to be either a Jew or a German. Indeed, there are two groups of citizens who are organized to relocate to Germany for permanent residence. These are those who travel along the lines of Jewish immigration, and, of course, the so-called late immigrants (persons belonging to ethnic Germans).

documents for permanent residence in Germany

Of course, there are some difficulties here. As you could already understand, the Germans like to arrange all kinds of checks. They are people who love the truth. And so they are doing everything to find out. So at the consulate they can arrange another interrogation: talk with an ethnic German in dialect, learn about traditions, about the nuances of traditional cuisine, etc. In addition, you must perfectly know German - German people with great respect and love their language, so that a real German must know him.

What's next?

Well, the instructions are quite simple. It has only two stages. After the documents for permanent residence are ready, you can go to Germany. A person who arrives in the country is lodged in a hostel, which is literally called a "camp". This is the case if the immigrant used the help desk. After that, it will be necessary to go to a social worker who will help in drawing up the allowance.Its amount is about 500 euros. However, it is worth knowing that no one will immediately pay it - it will take some time to complete all the necessary papers. Therefore, you need to deal with this issue as soon as possible.

While a person lives in the "camp", he can find an apartment for himself, and then get a job (since people living in a dormitory cannot work - they are provided by the state). Of course, the method is not the most comfortable, for many people who are not accustomed to difficulties, it will be difficult to navigate, but many do.

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Reason for complaint
Sasha sanin
Hello! Advise how the family of Russified Germans (written in the USSR - Russian. but with a German surname) go to the "homeland of their ancestors" (in Germany)? it is difficult to fully prove the origin, after the revolution of 1917 many genealogy archives were destroyed.
Hello! I have a residence permit for 5 years, because my husband is European, can I call my parents to live in Germany?
Alexey Tabler
Hello! My grandfather and my grandmother are Germans, my father is also German, and my mother is Russian. Do I have the opportunity to leave for permanent residence in Germany if relatives live in Russia and do not want to move. The birth certificate says Father German.
Good evening, please tell me what documents need to be collected for moving to permanent residence in Germany
Good afternoon, tell me, is it possible to leave under the "Social Year" program and to what age is it possible? Where can I find information on this program?
Hello !! my husband has a pure German mother and we have a German surname, but my husband is Russian! Is it possible for us to leave for permanent residence in Germany?
Hello everyone! My father is Russian and lives in Germany. Can he pick me up.
Yes, under the "family recovery" program
Hello! Papa Russian has been living in Germany for 18 years. Can he give me a call.
Gray wolf
and cunts can give !!
Hello. Maybe someone knows how to take documents from banks that there are no debts, and this must be done? We just collect documents for permanent residence
Gibner Olesya
Hello! My grandfather and my grandmother are Germans, my father is also German, and my mother is Russian. Do I have the opportunity to leave for permanent residence in Germany if relatives live in Russia and do not want to move?


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