
How to register a home ownership: step by step instructions

If you decide to build a residential building, then first of all you need to know how to make a house a property. In addition, before starting work, you need to become the owner of the land on which the structure will be built.

It will also be useful information that until March 1, 2015 there is a summer amnesty, according to which you do not need to take a permit for the construction of a low-rise property.

how to make a house a property

First stage

In order for the home decoration process to go without problems, it is necessary to go through several stages. But before figuring out where to register the house as a property, you need to get permission to build the building. According to the Town Planning Code, the preparation of project documentation is not required during the reconstruction, construction or overhaul of individual residential construction projects.

IZHS objects are understood as a separate building not higher than three floors, intended for living of one family. And this means that if you intend to build a house for individual residence, and it will not be higher than three floors, then project documentation is not necessary to prepare.

To obtain a building permit, you need to contact the executive authority or local government and submit such a package of documents:

  1. Title certificates and references to a plot of land.
  2. The scheme of the land plot with a designated place (from the planning company) where the IZHS object will be located.
  3. The urban development plan has allotted land.

It is worth noting that no one else has the right to require other documents to issue a building permit.

We get the urban development plan and scheme

Before you register the ownership of the house, the owner must have in his hands an urban development plan. This document contains data on territory planning. In short, it is called the GPZU, and issued in the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture. To receive it, the applicant provides:

  • application for the provision of public services;
  • copies of papers on the land (notarized);
  • copies of the cadastral passport of structures, construction in progress that are located on the land plot, or notarized extracts from the technical passport of the building, plan and explication of the land plot (if any);
  • cadastral extract on land allotment on paper and electronic media;
  • copies of certificates of state registration of rights to buildings located on land plots or other acts on real estate issued before July 21, 1997;
  • technical conditions to connect to communication networks;
  • a copy of the applicant’s passport or other identity document or power of attorney (for representatives).

How to get a certificate of ownership

Before you register a house as a property, you should also submit a land plot scheme, where the location of the IZHS object will be indicated. This document can be prepared independently or contact a special organization that provides the corresponding service. But in any case, such a company will have to approve the layout of the house. The preparation of the GPZU may take more than 30 days.

When the urban development plan and scheme are ready, you must contact the appropriate authority, where you will be issued a building permit. In each region, this authority can be called differently. In Moscow, Mosgosstroynadzor deals with such issues. Approval will take about 10 days.If the building permit is refused, you must be notified in writing what the reason for rejecting the application is. Such a decision can be appealed to the court.

Second phase. Object construction

Approved documents must be submitted to the local government. Now you can begin the direct construction of the house, connecting it to communications and other necessary actions.

The third stage. Commissioning

Before registering a house as a property, a citizen should do the procedure commissioning of the facility. However, take note: until January 1, 2015, permission for this is not necessary. But even so, the construction of a residential building is a rather lengthy process.

After the building is completely erected, the citizen must contact the BTI, where they will develop a technical passport. For this, technicians will come to you and make the necessary measurements. Next, the house must be assigned a mailing address. The next document that you need to get before you register a house as a property is a cadastral passport. It can be issued only on the basis of a technical passport and a certificate of receipt of a mailing address.

Next, we are engaged in obtaining permission to put the building into operation. On this issue, we turn to the same authority that issued us the building permit. This paper will have to wait about 10 days. Now you can take ownership of the house. If you get a refusal, you can try to appeal it in court.

where to register a house

The final stage

Now, after going through all these procedures, you can proceed to the design of the house. In addition, re-registering the right of ownership of an object is also necessary when purchasing ready-made housing, concluding a barter, gift, or entering into inheritance rights.

To register the constructed house as a property, the owner submits the following documents to the registration authority:

1. Passport of the owner.

2. Until 01.03.2015, the cadastral passport for the construction.

3. Later in March 2015, both a cadastral passport for the building and a permit to put the building into operation will be required from you.

4. Title documents on a plot of land and a cadastral passport on it.

5. Application for state registration of property rights.

6. Receipt of payment of duty.

How to register a house in a garden plot?

In principle, you will expect the same steps as when decorating a home for permanent residence. After its construction, you should contact the registration authority (UFRS) and fill out a special application, after which the ownership of the country house will be registered. However, if you are still planning to supply gas, it is advisable to call a BTI specialist after the building is built to determine the area and volume of the house. In this case, you will be able to correctly fill out the declaration in the UFRS indicating the exact measurements, otherwise there may be discrepancies in the calculations.

If the house will be reconstructed, it will be necessary to draw up a new declaration on the area of ​​the house, and then submit it to the FDS. On the basis of such a statement, you can make a country house a property. As a result, you should be given a Certificate of state registration of ownership of the garden house.

how to make a country house a property

Home purchase

If you decide to buy a residential building, then make sure that the land rights have also been properly recorded (rent, ownership, etc.). Certificate of ownership will have to wait about 30 days.


We have figured out how to register a house as a property, what documents will be needed for this. It is worth noting that this procedure is rather complicated, but if you strictly adhere to all the necessary steps, you can become a full owner of the property in the shortest possible time.

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The documentation turned out to be useful and comprehensive, many THANKS !!!


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