
Layout of the land

Before the start of development of any territory (holiday village, new urban area, etc.), a planning plan is compiled without fail. The main goal of developing such a document is to streamline the process of expanding municipal infrastructure. For private plots it is not necessary to draft a layout. The official document that allows you to draw up such land legally is a boundary plan. Owners can locate residential and household objects in private plots at their discretion, subject to certain standards.

layout of the territory

What is included in the planning project

This document is a set of drawings, diagrams and text information containing complete information about the plot being built. The project of land surveying and planning of the territory consists of two parts: the main (which, in fact, is approved later) and its material justification. The first includes:

  • Drawing of the plot on which the borders are displayed capital construction facilities, street lines, utilities, etc.
  • Information about the estimated density of the building and the provisions on the placement of objects.
  • Description of the development of the infrastructure of the territory.

land planning project

Justification materials include schemes:

  • location of the territory;
  • its use during the preparation of the project;
  • road network (with parking);
  • boundaries of the territory of architectural monuments and other objects of cultural heritage;
  • engineering training and vertical layout of the site;
  • boundaries of territories with special conditions of use, as well as other materials justifying the provisions on planning.

In addition, this part of the project includes an explanatory note with a description of:

  • ways to develop social and engineering support systems, transport services in the territory;
  • measures taken to protect the site from emergencies of anthropogenic and natural character;
  • measures aimed at ensuring fire safety of the territory;
  • civil defense events, etc.

The project of land surveying and planning of the territory is the most important document, the drafting of which should be carried out in compliance with all the norms provided by law. Taking into account the information recorded in it, a boundary plan for each specific site is subsequently drawn up.

land surveying and land planning project

Layout of the linear object

In this case, the project is drawn up in much the same way. Its main part includes drawings with the boundaries of administrative structures on the territory of which a linear object will be laid, with the designation of transport networks, power lines, etc. Materials that substantiate the construction are attached to it in the form of text and graphic documents.

land planning project

Private Site Planning

Owner can locate the building at its discretion. However, certain standards must be followed. Therefore, often, although this is not necessary, the planning of private plots is entrusted to specialists. Project development of such territories is carried out with the obligatory observance of the following rules:

  • The distance between the stone buildings should not be less than 6 m.
  • Hozbloks and garages are located no closer than seven meters from the windows of a residential building.
  • The minimum distance from the house (included in the project or the neighboring one) to the bathhouse is 8 m.
  • The shed, toilet and compost pit should not be closer than 15 meters from residential buildings.
  • The minimum distance from the house to the neighbor’s fence is 3 m, from the barn - 4 m, from the household block - 1 m.
  • From the red line of the street to any building - at least 5 m.

layout of the land

Usually, when planning, the site territory is divided into three zones:

  • Residential. It is recommended to allocate 11% of the area under it.
  • Household.
  • Rest area. Under it and the economic usually allocated 14-16% of the area.
  • Gardening (up to 77%).

Breakdown order

They begin to draw up a project for planning the territory of a land plot, usually by determining the location of the house. This is the most important structure, and the distribution of other objects depends on where it will be located. Most often it is located at the highest point of the site. This allows you to reduce the cost of building the foundation, especially if the soil on the hillock is rocky.

The economic zone is usually located in the depths of the site, away from prying eyes. Often it is additionally covered with decorative plantings. The sunny side of the territory is set aside under the garden and vegetable garden.

Shrubs or trees are usually planted along fences. The recreation area can be located both in the back of the yard, and next to the house.

Planning and development of territories should be carried out in such a way that the buildings do not obscure the green spaces and at the same time protect them from the winds. You should also try to make the distance between buildings turned out to be minimal. For example, going to the bathhouse at the very end of the site will probably not be too convenient.

What can affect the location of objects

Territory planning is always carried out taking into account such factors as:

  • topography;
  • plot shape;
  • its size;
  • soil type;
  • groundwater level;
  • direction of prevailing winds.

planning and development of territories

What to consider

The project of planning the territory of the land should be made in such a way that subsequently there would be no conflicts with neighbors. At the time of its development, adjacent lands are also probably not yet equipped. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate the distance to future objects on them. This can cause all sorts of problems. For example, after the construction of both sites is completed, the neighboring toilet may be in close proximity to your recreation area. Therefore, it is advisable to coordinate the location of buildings with neighbors at the stage of designing the project.

The layout of the territory should also be carried out in such a way that subsequently, equipment can drive up to all significant objects. For example, the owners may need a challenge cesspool machine for cleaning a cesspool, the importation of land and manure into the garden, sand and gravel for construction, etc.

Design project

Any site should be not only convenient, but also beautiful. Therefore, the layout of the territory is usually carried out with the simultaneous preparation of a design project. In suburban construction, when decorating a local area, two styles are most often used:

  • Landscape. In another way, this direction is also called picturesque. In this case, the plants are placed without observing strict rules, the paths can be bent, the elements of the landscape are located naturally.
  • Geometric. This style is usually chosen for sites located on a flat area. Its characteristic features are the accuracy of lines and shapes, strict geometry.

Boundary plan

Planning the territory of the land (private) - the procedure is officially optional. Surveying is necessary. This is an official document, and only companies or persons licensed are entitled to compose it. Without a land plan, it will not be possible to register a site as a property. The procedure for its preparation is determined by law. Pre-collection of existing information about the site. This can be, for example, old contracts of sale, drawings, etc. Then, work is carried out directly on the spot. At the same time, the site is inspected, its area and borders are determined. Next, a preliminary survey is carried out.After all approvals, the boundaries of the site are fixed permanently.

layout of the territory of the linear object

A ready-made boundary plan is an obligatory part of the package of documents provided to the Cadastral Chamber. In addition to it, a technical passport is required for registration, which contains information about the buildings located on the territory, a document confirming the right of ownership, etc. After entering the register, the site is considered legally registered. This makes it possible to make purchase and sale transactions with him, draw up a gift agreement, etc.

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