
How to register the land in ownership: the procedure for registration and the necessary documents

Registration of land ownership allows you to dispose of the site at its discretion. You can make various transactions: resell, inherit, draw up a gift agreement, protect your rights in case of contentious and very complex issues.

how to register land

If we turn to the norms of the land code of the Russian Federation, then any citizen has the right to register the land as a property. Moreover, he can do it once for free, in the process of his life. Further activities on the design of the land already occur on a fee basis. Among other things, a plot of land can be registered in joint, shared and sole ownership.


When registration of a land plot is carried out, some restrictions established by law should be taken into account. It turns out that land located in the territory of a cemetery, park or reserve cannot be registered as its property. It is also forbidden to privatize the parts withdrawn from circulation, belonging to the armed forces, or nuclear facilities.

Documents for registration

If all the necessary documents are available, then the privatization of the land is fast. After applying to the registration authorities with a statement within a month should give a certificate of ownership. To receive this paper, you need to provide a certain package of documents to the registration authorities:

  • Passport identifying a person.
  • A receipt confirming payment of the state fee.
  • Documents on the right to this land. Such may be a certificate of inheritance, an order on the allocation of land, a purchase agreement and other documents.
  • When registering the land you will need a plan of the entire plot.
  • Application for registration of the site as property.

land registration


True, difficulties often arise when land is registered in property. Documents are not always in perfect order, any papers may be missing. Therefore, the procedure is delayed for a long time. The reason is that many sites requiring privatization procedures do not have a cadastral passport or title documents. This is especially true for those places that were registered before 2001. At that time, the land law came into force.

In addition, there are times when all documents are available, but they are very outdated. For this reason, they simply do not have the necessary information. In this case, the registration of land ownership is complicated and delayed for a long time.

 property land

How to get a cadastral plan?

The cadastral plan is drawn up by the territorial cadastral authority. You must bring with you a statement, a receipt for paying the state fee and an identity card. After they turn to them for help. In the event that the boundaries of the site and other information on your question are known, then the registration will take no more than 10 days. Although most often the situation is much more complicated.

Land surveying

How to make land ownership when the cadastre does not have all the information about your land? In this case, a certificate is issued, which indicates the list of necessary documents for the preparation of the cadastral plan. Often the owner has at his own expense to clarify the location of the boundaries of the land, as well as to perform other land management works.

The survey procedure is the most common type of work.Here is a description of your land area and the definition of its borders. The procedure is being done with the help of specialized commercial organizations. Moreover, an important point here is the coordination of borders with neighbors. If you can’t agree with them, then you will have to decide the matter in court.

The procedure for registering land ownership begins with the collection of information about the site itself. Next is the collection and processing of various documentation. This is necessary in order to correctly determine the purpose of the land for its future use.

The result is a plan in which all objects are displayed. Of course, this takes a lot of time and financial costs. Further, after carrying out the necessary work, you must again contact the cadastral authority. To obtain a cadastral passport, you will need the following documents:

  • The plan of the land.
  • A document proving your ownership of the land.
  • For cadastral registration a request is required.

Obtaining a cadastral number

Registration of land ownership includes cadastral registration of land. The procedure itself is performed free of charge for thirty days. Then the cadastral authority issues a passport or statement with a number to your land. However, here it is additionally necessary to take into account such moments as the presence of a lease, purchase or gift.

Obtaining a title document

It is impossible to register a piece of land without a title document. Although such situations are not uncommon today. Documents executed before 2001 have many nuances. After all, until that time, land relations in Russia were not completely regulated by law. For example, buyers of a land plot could reissue only a membership book. Here the privatization of the site is greatly complicated for several reasons.

  • The question arises of how to register the land as a property, if you first need to find a seller in order to draw up a power of attorney or a purchase agreement properly.
  • Further there is a need to go to court. This is necessary to prove the very fact of buying land. Then get the title document. Here you need to provide the court with copies of payment documents, a membership book. Also, documents confirming that the territory is assigned to a particular owner, and testimony.
  • When a site is allocated not for a specific person, but horticultural partnership first you need to privatize the entire territory. Then carry out the land surveying procedure and already draw up your site individually as your property.
  • After title documents and a cadastral plan are received, you should contact the registration organization for registration of ownership.

Additional measures

With the question of where to register the land as property, everything is already clear. It remains to understand how to act if some situations arise that require more time and financial costs.

So, in the case of a horticultural society, it is required to first issue a common property. To do this, a meeting should be held where all members of society should be. After which a collective application is submitted to the territorial administration. In addition, a state act regarding the allocation of land to this company with a border plan will be required. In addition, there should be a scheme for each site in the community. We also need an act on securing each piece of land for a particular owner and a plan for the territory of society. Among other things, it is necessary to submit to the territorial organization the charter documents and papers on the state registration of the company.

In turn, the administration is required one month after filing the application to issue a verdict on the provision of land ownership. Then approve the plan with the boundaries of all sections.Further on the basis of this order there is a survey of the territory of society. Then you can draw up a piece of land in the property on an individual basis.

In fact, the process of surveying and obtaining a cadastral passport takes six months in time. The following is the registration of ownership of a common plot of land. The process is carried out within a month. After that, everyone can individually register the land as their own property.

Leased land design

Very acute today is the question of how to get the land into property allocated for rent for construction. In this case, you need:

  1. Build your own residential building.
  2. Make registration of ownership of the property.
  3. Bring a home registration document to the administration. After which they will transfer the leased land into ownership.

land registration in ownership

Re-registration of the site

Often, citizens holding papers on their own land, re-apply to the registration organization. It turns out that the site is already registered as a property. In fact, only registration evidence is lacking.

By law, all title documents must be registered with a special service. Although this rule applies to documents that appeared after the advent of the law on registration of the right to cottage housing. Therefore, papers received before the introduction of this law may not be registered. True, there is a catch, which is important to know.

Why is such registration necessary?

Making your rights as the owner of a plot of land is very important. After all, a specialized organization stores all data on available real estate objects that have passed this registration. It turns out that there is no information in the cell at your address, it is simply missing.

Therefore, it is completely by chance that a completely stranger can be entered into this place. In this regard, to go through the registration procedure of your site is simply necessary. After that, your land will completely belong to you, and no one else can claim it. Indeed, no one is safe from errors in the state registry. Therefore, it is very important to go through this procedure on time.

where to take ownership of land

As a result, the question of how to register the land as a property implies a large number of nuances that should be taken into account. In addition, it is important to comply with all the rules and regulations provided for by law. If a person does not have certain knowledge in this area, it makes sense to seek the help of a professional lawyer for advice. Most likely, having studied your documents, he will be able to give practical advice on the registration of ownership of a plot of land. In addition, such assistance will significantly save you time and, possibly, money.

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