
How to get a visa to Mexico? Documents for a visa: instructions for applying for a visa to Mexico yourself

One of the most popular holiday destinations in recent years is Mexico. This country attracts visitors from all over the world with its nature and landscapes. The tourist who visited the Aztec homeland will forever have unforgettable snow-white beaches and a turquoise transparent sea. Spectacular excursions to the pyramids of the ancient people attract history buffs with great power. To get into this original country, Russian citizens will need a visa to Mexico. It's not worth being scared. The country's authorities have greatly simplified the issuance of permits, so you can get it yourself.

What are the visas

Before you begin the receipt procedure, you need to determine why you need permission to enter.

visa to mexico

Depending on the purpose of the trip, a visa to Mexico is divided into four types. This is a tourist, work, guest and business. The most popular, without a doubt, remains a tourist. A work visa is required if working in the country. Permission to receive it must be issued only by the employer at the National Institute for Migration in Mexico.

If relatives or friends live in Mexico, you will need a guest visa. Accordingly, a business visa is needed on a trip to resolve certain issues.

Not only relax, but also work

It is worthwhile to dwell separately on such a document as a work visa. It is no secret that the inhabitants of Russia also work in Mexico. Moreover, they can be found not only during the tourist season. If you managed to get such a visa, then it will open up great opportunities for its owner. At its core, this is a temporary residence permit. You can work with her and get paid officially. In case if informal employment If the Mexican authorities reveal it, then the stay in this country will end forever.

tours to mexico

It is worth preparing for the fact that the registration will take a long time, so when submitting documents, you should be extremely careful. Otherwise, the process of obtaining threatens to drag out.

As mentioned earlier, the one who offers the job, first of all, must obtain from the Mexican authorities official permission to hire and invite a foreign worker. Only after that it is worth collecting documents for a visa. In this case, you will need:

  • The original and a copy of the diploma of education.
  • Summary written in Spanish or English.
  • Original and copy of passport.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Original and copy of marriage certificate, if any.
  • Birth certificates of children, if any.

Ways to get a visa

Since most of them go to enjoy their vacation, it is worth considering ways to get a tourist visa. Mexican law has two options.

Work Visa

An electronic visa to Mexico is a great way for ordinary tourists to get permission to enter the country for free. But it is worth remembering that it is valid only for one tourist trip. At the same time, the period may be what the tourist needs. The longest - 180 days.

There are no difficulties with its receipt, for this it is enough to perform simple actions, which will be discussed below. Such a visa is issued free of charge. But it is worth remembering: after the permission is in the hands, you must enter the country within 30 days, otherwise you will have to draw up a new one. Although there will not be much difficulty, time will be wasted.Therefore, it is better to receive it approximately two days before the planned trip. This type of visa has its own limitations: it can only be traveled by plane. If you decide to get to Mexico by sea or land, a consular visa is required.

Instructions for obtaining permission via the Internet

  1. For registration, you need to go to the website of the National Institute for Migration of Mexico, where you must register without fail.
  2. After that, an access notification will come.
  3. The next step is to fill out the questionnaire. Only Latin letters are used here. The application form contains passport data. It is worth mentioning right away: the passport must be valid for the entire time you are in Mexico. You will also need information about the criminal record / criminal record of the tourist, the purpose and duration of the trip. When specifying data, do not be cunning. When this opens during the inspection, a visa to Mexico may be a pipe dream. If some error occurred while indicating the information, it is better to immediately rewrite the questionnaire, without waiting for its return.
  4. The completed application form must be sent via the Internet and wait for a decision.
  5. If a positive answer is received, permission must be printed. When registering at the airport, a visa will be affixed to the passport only after its mandatory presentation.
  6. If you receive a refusal to obtain a visa permit, do not despair. You need to try to get the right document at the consulate yourself.

Number of electronic permissions

You can issue a permit in this way as much as is convenient for the traveler himself, only for this it is necessary to leave the country. Tourists who need a visa to Mexico practice the following: when the permit expires, they fly to neighboring Cuba and already draw up a new one there.

Migration card

Tours to Mexico require this document. It must be filled either on the plane or at the airport in Mexico. The card contains personal data, the purpose of the trip and its timing, the address of the place of residence, the airline with which the flight took place, flight number and other points. All of them are simple and fill up quickly.

visa documents

An immigration card, along with a passport and an entry permit, is presented when passing the control. After verification, it is divided into two parts, one of which remains with the border guards, and the other is returned to the owner. You can’t lose it in any way, otherwise a fine will be imposed.

Visit to the embassy

As noted earlier, the Aztec country is friendly towards Russia, so at the consulate a visa to Mexico for Russians is usually issued and issued without difficulty. In this case, documents can be submitted through an accredited agency, or independently, which is much preferable. The most important rule in this case: all the required certificates must be in order and always with live seals.

Documents for submission

Before you go to the consulate, you need to collect a package of documents, which includes:

  • A previously completed and printed application form signed by the person applying for a trip.
  • 2 color photographs on 3x4 matte paper. In this case, the person is depicted on a white background.
  • Valid passport (original and photocopy of the first page).
  • If you have open visas to other countries - their photocopy.
  • If a visa to Mexico was obtained earlier, a copy is required.
  • Travel documents. For example, a certificate of employment on company letterhead indicating the position and salary, or a statement of the state of the bank account for the last three months with a live seal of the bank.

Additional documents

If the tourist is a student who does not have earnings, then he needs to present a student ID, a certificate from the place of study, as well as from the place of work of the person who pays his expenses. All of them must be signed and have the seal of the issuing institution.Pensioners need to prepare a copy of the pension certificate.

electronic visa to mexico

When applying for a guest visa, you must attach the original or a photocopy of the invitation, as well as a copy of the passport of the inviting person. An individual entrepreneur will need a photocopy of a private entrepreneurial certificate.

On vacation with children

Tours in Mexico are a popular type of vacation with older children. Kids will be difficult to transport because of the large amount of time spent on the plane. If it is decided to take the child with you, additional documents for a visa will be required. This is a birth certificate and a notarized consent to travel of one of the parents if the family does not travel fully.

need a visa to mexico

In the case of a child traveling to Mexico without parents, and as part of a group, it is necessary to have a notarized permission of the parents with the Apostille of the Mexican Embassy (stamp that establishes the highest degree of authenticity).

Consular Visa Instruction

  1. Initially (again via the Internet) on the official website of Mexico, it is necessary to fill out the necessary application form only in Latin letters. It is worth remembering that it takes 10 minutes. A little tip: to meet the allotted time, it is better to prepare documents in advance.
  2. Send the questionnaire and wait for the response that comes to the specified email in about two days. It indicates the date and time of admission. Moreover, the time is Mexican, its difference with Russian is 8 hours. This should be considered when visiting the consulate.
  3. If the answer is yes, the questionnaire must be printed out and signed with your own hand.
  4. Come to the consulate with all the necessary documents and a questionnaire for removal biometric data (thumbprint).

Visa processing and validity periods

Despite the large list of documents and, accordingly, the expended manpower and resources, it is worth doing all this for at least two reasons. Such a visa, the processing time of which takes from 5 to 10 working days, provides more opportunities than an electronic one. Firstly, it is issued for a period of 6 months to 10 years. Secondly, through it you can enter the country as much as required.

How much does a visa cost?

How much does it cost and how is a visa paid? Its price depends primarily on the purpose of the trip.

  1. Tourist - 36 dollars.
  2. Work visa - 195.
  3. Guest and business - 134 dollars.

The consular fee is paid in Russian rubles and only upon receipt of documents.

And without a visa?

Not everyone can enter this country without a visa. According to the current agreement concluded between the government of Mexico and the government of the Russian Federation, a visa is not required for diplomats and officials.

visa to Mexico for Russians

But not all belong to these categories. But if you have an open American visa on hand, then you can enter Mexico from the United States. Here you can visit in transit. To do this, the traveler must have a visa and tickets to the country that is the final point. The only condition: you can not leave the airport. And how much this will be considered an acquaintance with the country is a moot point.

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